Free Paraphrase Generator

Need to generate an indirect quote for an essay or research paper? Try this paraphrase generator! Our paraphrasing tool is the best way to change any sentence or paragraph in a click.

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Want to know how to paraphrase a quote? Wondering what a paraphrase generator is and how you can use it? Keep reading! The generator of this type is a mechanism that changes the phrase you type in. Long story short, it changes the wording without altering the meaning.

The tool can be especially helpful for college and school students who are working on their paper conclusions. The latter should include a summary of the main ideas and a thesis statement’s repetition. This paraphrase generator can help you make a nice conclusion so that you wouldn’t repeat yourself.

In addition:

This generator works automatically, meaning that you don’t have to interact with anyone. Just type in your text in a highlighted space and paraphrase online instantly. However, if you have any questions on your mind or doubts, you are welcome to ask our experts for help!

🆚 Paraphrase & Quote: What's the Difference?

In short, you do both. Here is the thing: these two processes are connected. To find out the general rules about when to use them, we need to look at their purposes. Usually, when you are working on an essay or any other academic writing type, you have some literature for reference. Here, the issue of plagiarism rises.

In case you decide not to put direct citation in a sentence you take from a source, it can cause you some copyright problems. Therefore, you should treat the sources wisely and use an academic paraphrase tool. However, it’s fair to note that changing the words is also related to citing, but it’s called an indirect citation.

There are several cases when you don’t have to cite.

First of all, the literature you study gives you an understanding of the topic, and naturally, your personal opinion is forming. There is no need to reference the source since you aim to express your point of view. Besides, sometimes, there is more than one source, and all the ideas seem suitable for your project. So citing each of them would seem weird.


You might notice that one idea is prevailing and is repeated in multiple sources. If you decide to interpret it and apply in your writing, put it in your own words. However, using the whole sentences or even paragraphs is not prohibited as long as you cite it.

So whenever you feel like someone’s thought is formulated perfectly and you can’t change, only use quotation marks. And remember that generally, there is a limit of five to fifteen percent on borrowed sentences.

The aim of citing is to support your opinion and acknowledge the creator of the idea you’re using. If you don’t highlight where you get the views from, it might as well be considered stealing. You don’t want to deal with plagiarism that can ruin your education dreams and career.

💬 Making Direct & Indirect Quotes

Since we are talking about quoting, let’s have a closer look at how to do it. The writer can use either direct or indirect citations. There is a difference between them since indirect one is connected to altering the wording of the chosen phrase.

If you want your argument to seem more convincing or you’re worried, the precise meaning can be lost if you change the phrase, use citations. In other cases, it’s better to paraphrase things to present the idea you read about. Don’t overuse citing as it makes your work less original!


We have gathered the guidelines for the most popular citation styles. Every one of them has its own specific rules regarding direct and indirect citation. However, you should note that the following examples refer to articles and books only!

©️ MLA Citation

MLA citation is one of the most popular proper referencing styles. The direct quotation is quite simple, though. The only thing you need to do is take the phrase you want to use and put it into your writing.

The indirect citation would take a bit more time and effort. It would be best if you changed the wording of the chosen phrase so that it doesn’t look similar and then put it into your work. You can do that either by yourself or with the help of a paraphrase machine.

Another thing is:

Pay attention to where you place your citation. If it’s academic writing, aim to put it in the middle of the paragraph so that it’s not the first sentence nor the last one. In the end, in the brackets, you should mention the author’s surname and the page number of the source you are referring to.

In the bibliography, you need to include the information about EVERY source you used. It doesn’t matter whether you cite it directly or only use the general idea. The reference should include the author’s name, title, version, numbers, publisher, and publication date.

  • Book – Welsh, Michael. How to Cite Properly. 3rd ed, Circus Publisher, 2010.
  • Article – Welsh, Michael. “Why is Proper Citation Important?” Literature Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, July 2009, pp.42-44.

©️ APA Citation

APA style is not much different when it comes to direct and indirect quoting. Just like with the MLA citation style, you only need to put the phrase you want to use in quotation marks. If you prefer indirect citation, make sure there is no resembling between your writing and the document you refer to. The good idea is to use a paraphrase tool – the best one can be found right on this page.

However, while using someone else’s findings, you should include their name and the publication date in the sentence. Also, as mentioned, place this type of argument between the first and the last sentences of the main body paragraph. And don’t forget that every source you implement in your work needs to have an entry in your bibliography. The reference style for APA is very similar to the other ones; only the location of the elements is altered:

  • Book – Terrence, A. (2018). Giving an excellent presentation: An introduction. Runic Press.
  • Article – Terrence, A. (2019, August). Top three tips for giving a successful presentation. Management Magazine, 24, 5.

You should always check with the full style guides since every resource is different. For instance, if a book has more than one author, or you need to refer to a scholarly journal article, the format would be different. Don’t be afraid to ask for professional help if you are unsure how to paraphrase APA or have any other questions!

©️ Harvard Citation

Let’s work through the last one of the most commonly used styles – Harvard citation style. First things first, when you decide to insert the direct quote in your writing, put some information about the source at the end. There should be the author’s last name, publication date, and page number in the brackets.

Nonetheless, if you use the book’s main idea and change it by an online paraphrase tool, you don’t have to add the page number. You only need the name and the publication date.

For the reference list information, you would need to use the same information about the source as with two other styles. There need to be the author’s last name and initials, publication date, title, city, and publisher:

  • Book – Glass, L. (2005). Reduce stress easily. Hamburg: Bookworms.
  • Article – Glass, L. (2001) ‘Coping with stress at work with the help of breathing exercises,’ Corporate Health Journal, 4(2), pp. 20-22.

Every document type is unique, so make sure you prepare the reference accordingly. You need to make some changes if the author of the article is missing. If there are different editions of the book, add this information as well. Checking with the full citation guide can be helpful!

If you still have any doubts, try using our article paraphrase generator and make sure it’s the most useful helper for any writer! Your friends got warned about a suspiciously high plagiarism rate in their paper? Send them the link to our generator, and the problem will be solved in no time!

🕵 How to Find a Quote’s Meaning & Conduct Quote Analysis?

  1. Any quote has three components: the subject, the context, and the underlying message. Start by finding them.
  2. Consider the historical context: this will help you and your readers grasp the quote's meaning.
  3. Highlight the broader philosophical and cultural concepts if the author uses them.
  4. Formulate the meaning of the quote in simple language.
  5. Use this paraphrase generator to simplify any text quickly and for free.

❓ Paraphrase Generator FAQ

What is a paraphrasing tool?
A paraphrase generator is an online tool that automatically changes sentences, paragraphs, and academic articles. It might be handy for those who need to restate a thesis statement or generate an indirect quote quickly.
How is a paraphrase similar to a summary?
A paraphrase is a restatement of a piece of text in one's own words. It might be made in a simplified manner. However, you should aim to keep as much of the original meaning as possible when you paraphrase.
How to paraphrase without plagiarizing?
Improper paraphrasing might be considered plagiarism. When you paraphrase, changing just a few words is not enough. You should transform the sentence structure as well. Another essential thing to do is refer to the source in your in-text citation and a reference list.
How to paraphrase a quote?
When you take a quote as it is, just adding double quotation marks, this is called direct quoting. A direct quotation shouldn't exceed 40 words. If you need to quote a larger piece of text, you'll need to paraphrase it. Use your own words to convey the idea or a fact, and don't forget to refer to its author.


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