Free Research Question Maker

Looking for a question maker for research papers? We can help! Click here to use our powerful research question maker. Free, quick, and simple!

Here you should add the population or problem under scrutiny.
Here you should add the intervention that affects your problem or population. Use the verb correlating with your population grammatically.
Here you should add the phenomenon or characteristic affected by the intervention.
Here you should add your comparison group and their activity.
Here you should add the time frame of your study. Begin with the proper preposition (between, during, in, over, for, etc.).
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    To use this free research question maker, you need to:

    • Add the necessary information (note that some of the fields are required);
    • Look at the examples if necessary;
    • Click “Generate Questions”;
    • Get your result.

    🤔 Why Use Our Research Question Maker?

    It is hard to find good ideas for research. Our research question maker will help you achieve that goal. This tool has several advantages that will be interesting to you. It's handy to use as it is:

    • Fast. This tool saves time. You can get ready-made question ideas that summarize your research objective in just a few seconds.
    • Easy. This tool is super simple to use, and you don't have to download anything. You can use it right in your browser by following the instructions.
    • Free. Our tool is completely free and has no limitations. You can use it whenever you want without having to subscribe or give your credit card details.

    📈 Research Question Formulations

    To build an impactful question, you'll need to decide what type it should be. If you choose the right type of research, you'll also successfully determine the kind of research question you will need. Here, we'll give you the details.

    Qualitative Research Question

    These kinds of research questions address more specific areas of inquiry while tackling broader fields of study. They focus on discovering, explaining, and examining data. Their adaptability and flexibility contribute to more effective research. Qualitative research questions can be:

    🔮 Predictive 🎭 Interpretive 🔍 Exploratory
    These questions aim to predict future outcomes or intentions related to the research topic. They can also forecast the best answers based on the question’s formulation. For example: Why does the client use one type of service and not pick another? This question type examines groups of people in a natural environment. This way, we can study the essential experiences of society with different products, services, and phenomena. As a result of the study, we get the feedback of the studied group and do not influence it. For example: How do you feel about the use of nanotechnology in modern medicine? The aim is to explore the subject more, research it more deeply, and avoid attributing preconceived notions to the results. It means that we research, but don't influence the findings. For example: How is this chemical element applied?

    Quantitative Research Question

    This type is valuable for selecting a research topic and composing supplementary questions to obtain additional data. Moreover, we can disprove or prove a research hypothesis. For this purpose, questions can be:

    📊 Comparative ✒ Descriptive ↔ Correlation
    Comparative-type questions are handy for studying social groups when dependent variables are present. These kinds of research proceed by comparing multiple phenomena. For example: Is the hormone exchange of men comparable to the hormone exchange of women? This type of research question uses statistics to describe phenomena and events. It is one of the most common ones, as it seeks to provide information about when, why, and how something happened. For example: How many gene mutations occur from generation to generation? A beneficial type of question for experimental research, since it allows us to investigate the effect of different variables on other variables or phenomena. For example: How does frost affect crop yields?

    ✍ How to Create Your Own Research Question?

    As you already know, you can use our question maker for research purposes in any academic field. We've created a great step-by-step guide if you want to practice this skill independently. Check it out to learn how to write powerful research questions.

    Choice of Topic

    The first step to the recipe for success is to choose a topic of interest. Discuss it with your mentor and decide from a list of suggested themes, or pick it yourself.

    So why should you pick an intriguing subject and not just settle on something random? Simply because the more attractive the topic, the more effort and time you spend on it. After all, we don't notice the passage of time when we enjoy our activities, thus revealing the subject in greater depth.

    Study of the Requirements

    Determine the requirements for your research. That will help you select the appropriate topic and formulate the question. You will need to think about the following items:

    • Purpose of the study.
    • Your means of evaluating and testing the data.
    • How you will be testing hypotheses and assumptions.
    • Instructions for the assignment.
    • Guidance from a mentor or professor.

    Preliminary Research

    You should get acquainted with other research papers on the topic, around three or four will be sufficient. It'll be enough to browse through the abstract, introduction, and conclusion of the materials. Your selected papers should be recent, relevant, and peer-reviewed.

    Topic Narrowing

    Preliminary research brings us to the point where we narrow down the subject. This is done to focus on a specific question rather than an extensive study that leaves open-ended possibilities. The effectiveness of studying a narrowly focused topic increases because we’ll have the opportunity to uncover the question fully. After choosing a narrow theme, you should develop subtopics. Focus on specific characteristics such as geographic location, company operations, social group, etc.

    Question Formulation

    That is one of the key steps because the quality of your answer depends on the question’s wording. It should include a clear research goal and outline the problems you want to address. Therefore, the key words will typically be ‘why’ and ‘how’ but not ‘what’. Reasoning, examining, evaluating, and critiquing are also helpful when thinking of a question.

    Thank you for reading our article! If you have questions about our research question maker, check out our FAQ below. You'll find the answers there!

    ❓ Question Maker for Research – FAQ

    ✏️ How do you create a research question?
    You need to choose an interesting topic, think about the target audience, prepare several statements, and do preliminary research. After formulating the initial question, evaluate it. You need to understand its appropriateness, functionality, and relevance. When you have finalized it, begin your research.
    ✏️ What are the 3 types of research questions?
    The first type is causal, which examines the effects of different variables on the consequences we'll get from making adjustments. So, we can identify the causal relationships for our research outcome. The second is the descriptive type used to describe a phenomenon or occurrence. And the third relational type studies the relationship of variables to each other.
    ✏️ What is an example of a research question?
    This could be a qualitative research question: What is the experience of first-year university students who combine study and work? If it’s a statistical research question: Is there a meaningful relationship between group cohesion and attendance at training? Finally, here is a quantitative research question: How will the level of precipitation in the Baltics change over the next 10 years?


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