Research Title Generator

Looking for a research title generator? Try this tool! It can make a research topic or question for your proposal, essay, or any other project. 100% free, no registration required.

  1. Type a word or a phrase on which you want to focus your research.
  2. Click the button ā€œGenerate.ā€
  3. Pick the research topic from the list or generate more by clicking the same button.
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    Have you ever asked yourself why you need to spend hours looking for a perfect research topic? You could have just picked a random idea and go with it. But we know that your inner voice is telling you to work on it harder, and it is right!

    Here is why:

    First of all, the wrong topic can lead to struggles with gathering and analyzing information. If you are not knowledgeable in the chosen field, you might end up spending most of the precious time studying it! Whatā€™s more, beginners can find themselves trapped if the topic appears to be overcomplicated. Again, it might be too late when you realize it.

    Moreover, a research topic that doesn't fire you up and seems boring can be considered a failure. After spending days on it, you just end up burned out because the issue you are researching doesnā€™t motivate you any longerā€¦

    Therefore, try to make this lengthy process as pleasant and fun as possible. Put some effort into coming up with a decent research topic.

    How can you do so?

    To avoid all these horrible things described above, you should just check out our research paper topic generator! Our team created it because we care about students and researchers like you. We can't let your precious work fail.

    The whole process of writing an academic paper would benefit from a correctly selected topic. But picking up a quality research topic is not an easy thing to do. So getting some help with it might be a good idea. And our generating tool is a real catch. No more struggles, no more worries! You donā€™t have to believe us, just try it!

    What Is a Good Research Topic?

    Good research topics donā€™t just lie around; you have to look for them. You may use some lists of ideas according to the area. Since there is an excellent research topic generator on our website, you donā€™t have to be concerned about it.

    But the question is: What is a good topic?

    Letā€™s suppose you have already used our generator and found the research topic. Sometimes it might not meet your requirements and needs some adjustments.

    There are a few moments you need to keep in mind while improving your topic.

    Any research topic can be good when youā€™re passionate about it.

    Qualities of a Good Research Topic

    Let's consider the main attributes a good research topic should:

    1. Have a clear and proper goal to obtain.

      Do you know how people become successful by setting distinct goals? It works the same with research. A good topic should be able to set up goals and objectives for you.

    2. Be relevant to your study field.

      Once again, working on the issue that you are just slightly familiar with is just a waste of time. Instead of actually writing your paper, you would waste time trying to educate yourself on the topic.

    3. Meet the expectations of your readers.

      There are specific criteria you should have received. For example, your tutor expects you to highlight some issues or discuss a case. So try to make these requirements when picking a topic. If you need help, you can always use our topic idea generator.

    4. Be broad enough to have space to operate.

      It gives you a chance to switch from one subcategory to another, while still sticking to the main idea. Moreover, it provides you an abundance of sources and information. However, there is a downside.

    5. Be narrow enough to understand what to research clearly.

      If you feel overwhelmed and lost in the flow in information, narrowing down your topic might help. Our narrow topic generator can become your loyal helper with this! Once you have a specific area of research, it can help you keep on track and see the aim clearly. But be careful; if the topic is too narrow, finding reliable sources might become problematic.

    6. Have material and trustworthy resources for proper examination and analysis.

      Do a quick check up on every potential topic before you start writing your paper! It needs to have plenty of credible sources, such as books, articles, and journals, to work with.

    7. Engage you so that you don't suffer through writing and researching it.

      As we already discussed, burnouts are a real thing. If you are not interested in a topic, your whole research process can turn into a dreadful duty.

    From a Research Topic to a Research Question

    The next important step after narrowing down your research topic is turning it into a question. Why? Having a question can guide you towards the aim of your studies.

    Think about it:

    When you have a question, you already have a clear picture of how a conclusion looks like. Moreover, it is a neat way to check the relevance of your topic. If you pick a good and narrow subject, Google struggles to give a simple answer. Then you know that your research topic is debatable. It shows that the idea relies on thorough analysis, reflection, and examination. And we are going through all these processes below.

    To generate a research question from a topic, start asking yourself "why" and "how" concerning your research topic. After that, double-check the relevance of the question. Analyze why it matters.

    Try to come up with several research questions.

    Without evaluation, you don't know whether your question is good enough. Therefore, try to determine whether it is clear, specific, and complex. The last one is especially important.


    If you ask a general question, there is nothing else to do than just answer "yes" or "no." Open-ended questions, on the other side, require much more research and effort, which makes your work more valuable.

    Just to guide yourself a little bit more, you can imagine a debate on the issue you chose. How will you answer this question? What counterarguments might your opponent have? Does your support evidence look persuasive enough?

    However, if your brain needs a break after all these steps, you can use some help from our tool. This generator can inspire you to ask the right questions!

    Try to evaluate your parentsā€™ understanding of the research question.

    Make a Research Title: 6 Tips

    There are a few characteristics of a good research topic that we have discussed in the previous sections. However, we know you don't just want a "good" title; you want a perfect one!

    To create something practical and impressive, you should take into account a few more aspects:

    1. Make sure your title shows the following:
      1. your topic
      2. the method that you implement in your study
      3. the sample
      4. the findings

      For example:

      ā€œQuantitative research of the positive effects of everyday meditation on the emotional well-being among Yale students.ā€

      Here you can see the topic (everyday meditation), the research method (quantitative), sample (Yale students), and the outcome (positive effects).

      It is pretty much the ultimate formula for a great title. And guess what? With the help of our generator, a research paper title can be created in a few minutes!

    2. Cut down all the redundant words and phrases.

      Your title should be from 5 to 15 words, so try not to exceed the limit. Save all the details you want to include for the thesis statement. The title should be catchy but informative. Then your readers can get a glimpse of your research paper and get interested.

    3. Polish your style.

      Replace a few words for more precise terms, make it sound more official. Keep in mind that the tone of your title should reflect the tone of your paper.

      For instance, see the title, "Many people get better sleep after using blue light filter glasses." Here, too vague terms like "many people" and "better" should be replaced

    4. Include keywords,

      which will ensure that your paper can be found during a keywords search. Such a simple thing can significantly boost the popularity and relevance of your research paper.

    5. Check that your title fits the requirements

      of your educational institution. If you're editing your research paper for an academic journal or a particular project, consider their criteria as well. Do it before you start writing. It is easier than trying to tailor your finished work to a specific outline or word limit.

    6. Evaluate whether it sounds engaging

      for a reader and predicts the core message accurately. If the title is boring, the value of your paper automatically drops because readers are not involved.

    Use words that create a positive impression in your research title.

    Even after you have used our research topic generator, you should go through these tips to double-check your title!

    How to Come up with a Research Idea?

    Remember the moment you found out about your assignment? The first thing you did (we hope at least) was to read the requirement carefully. However, we bet you had a crisis when it was time to find a topic for your writing... We feel you. It is not so easy to come up with argumentative research paper topics.

    In the following section, you can find four methods on how to gather ideas for research. These techniques allow you to estimate how much you already know about the subject. And if it seems too little, you can still switch to a different area on this stage of writing.


    You shouldnā€™t miss the main points of using generating methods! The ideas you come up with can be handy for your study in the following ways:

    • The insights should help you to understand which way to move. The ideas you get allow you to pick the right research question. As you already know, it serves as a roadmap during the whole writing process.
    • You get more arguments. Among the abundance of topics, you can use many of them as supportive pieces of evidence. Maybe a few might be used as counterarguments.
    • These ideas can help you understand how you can improve the existing topic. Just use our research idea-generating tool and then adjust the topic! Simple as that! And it is much easier than going through gazillion ideas you brainstormed with the single purpose to filter all the weak ones.
    There is no need to follow all the requirements for your arguments or research topic on this stage.


    Cubing method got its name thanks to six different perspectives you use to generate some research paper ideas. It may not be the best technique to create an entirely new topic, but it helps to review the existing one from a fresh perspective.

    Basically, what you do is answering six questions about the idea you've got:

    1. First of all, you need to describe the idea, just generally what it is about.
    2. Then, you contrast and compare it to some random issue.
    3. Come up with some associations ā€” for instance, note down the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the idea.
    4. The next step is analyzing the idea. You need to think of the parts it includes.
    5. How can it be applied? Think about its relevance.
    6. Write down arguments and counterarguments. Try to be as objective as possible.

    You can do all the steps at once, or you may put it away for a little bit. Sleeping with these questions helps to have a fresh look the next morning.

    There is a very similar method to cubing.


    If you think having a lot of ideas to choose from is better than having a few weird ones, then this method is for you.

    Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways to create a list of topics for research papers. It literally makes your brain work so hard it may seem like there is a storm inside of your head. Moreover, it leaves you not only with a bunch of ideas but makes you feel satisfied with your intellectual productivity.

    Just as with other methods, there are some recommendations so that you get the maximum benefit from it:

    • Your actions are straightforward: write down any idea related to a chosen area that comes up to your mind.
    • You can find it helpful to set a time limit. Usually, it depends on how many topics you intend to generate but try not to cross the 30-minute limit. You may get not as effective as you want after the first 20 minutes.
    • Don't try too hard to write down full sentences. The point is to squeeze out of your brain as many keywords and phrases as you can.
    • There are no "bad" ideas in this method! Even if it seems crazy, write it down. During the process, you should remain unbiased. Only during the process of the filtration, you judge the topics and select the ones that you think meet your requirements.
    You can type ideas instead of writing them during the brainstorming sessions.


    Freewriting is a bit different from brainstorming. However, it is a bit more intense and has its benefits. For example, it lowers the chance that you might skip a worthy idea. If you wonder how it works, just read the description.

    Just like brainstorming, freewriting is all about the flow of thoughts and setting the time limit. Moreover, there is also a set of rules that are meant to increase productivity:

    • Note down everything that comes to your mind, without judging. Instead of phrases, write in paragraphs and full sentences.
    • Donā€™t come back to correct grammar and spelling mistakes. You can even try to close your eyes to resist the temptation.
    • Even if you are stuck on with one idea, just keep writing. Eventually, you will move from the seemingly dead end.
    • If your first language is not English, try to use some of the words in your native language to express your thoughts more precisely.
    • Set a timer for around 15-20 minutes. When you finish, choose the best idea from your paper and repeat the process but focusing on the concept you picked.
    Take a break if the freewriting is too unfocused to use.

    So you can see that freewriting allows you to track the flow of your thoughts to catch anything you might find worthy. It is a kind of descriptive writing, but when you describe your own mind.


    Mapping is an excellent method when you already have topic ideas but don't know where to move next. It is also great for people that prefer visuals over simple lists.

    There are two ways of mapping. Choose whatever seems more comfortable for you:

    • The first way starts with briefly writing down any words and phrases related to your topic. It should be done on a large piece of paper because those phrases should be noted in random places. Your next task would be connecting ideas that are associated. Clustering the themes can help you with creating arguments to support your topic. Or it can assist in finding a perfect thesis question.
    • The second one is all about coming up with ideas while creating the web. You would start by putting your topic in the circle in the center and then drawing a few lines from it. Then, each line needs to have a related idea. It's almost like you would narrow the subject down. After that, repeat the same with every new circle you create.
    Mapping can help you to come up with new ideas, persuasive arguments, and ways to improve your topic.

    Research Title Maker FAQ

    āœļø How do you pick a good research paper topic?
    First thing first, you need to check with the requirements, if you have any. After that, just let your creativity do its job. Your last step in the process of picking a good research paper topic is to double-check with the list of persuasive topic qualities.
    āœļø What are some easy research paper topics?
    You can find some easy research paper topics in the articles on our website. However, it might be exhausting looking through all the materials to find the one that interests you. Try out our research topic generator to create an engaging and relevant topic!
    āœļø How to title a paper?
    After choosing a topic of your paper, you should take care of creating a strong title. Since it is the first thing your reader sees, it should sound strong and legit. Otherwise, they might lose interest quickly. You can check the qualities of a good title here!
    āœļø What is the best topic for research paper?
    The best topic for a research paper is the one that is relevant, engaging, and the most important, interests you! If you find it tedious and exhausting to do, it might be just a waste of time. You are the only real judge of your paper!
    āœļø What are someĀ controversial research topics?
    The most controversial research topics would be the ones that generate the most disputes around them. Just check the most recent news. Most of the titles would be on political issues like legalizing something and protecting the rights. Also, ethical questions are always relevant controversial topics.
    For a controversial research paper, consider global climate change, pandemic, and gun control.

    Thank you for reading the article! We hope it was useful for you. Make sure to send our research topic generator to those who are struggling with their research paper.


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