Student Autobiography: How to Start & End โ€“ Examples Included

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Writing about yourself is not as simple as it might seem. An autobiography is a piece of nonfictional writing that tells readers about the life of its author. It can exist in many forms: such pieces as memoirs, letters, journals, or reminiscences are also autobiographies. Autobiography is also a popular assignment for middle, high school, and college students. In this case, the format of your paper depends on your instructor’s requirements.
  1. โœ๏ธ How to Write an Autobiography?
  2. โ–ถ๏ธ Best Ways to Start Your Autobiography
  3. โน๏ธ How to End an Autobiography
  4. ๐Ÿ“œ 3 Student Autobiography Examples

Below our experts explain how to write a perfect student autobiography. You will find some tricks, structure guidance, and autobiography topics. Don’t forget to check our biography samples at the end.

โœ๏ธ Writing an Autobiography [Student Edition]

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Let’s start with the basics. We will discuss the structure you can use to write a student autobiography here. Also, pay attention to some tricks weโ€™ve prepared.

Student Autobiography Tricks

Here is what you should do in the beginning:

  • Create an outline. It can be a list or a plan: note down the key events and develop your narrative based on them.
  • Take research seriously. Ask your friends or family members to share their memories. You will recall the events better and see them from different angles.
  • Write several drafts. It might be longer than the final version of your paper. Just exclude all the unnecessary details and leave only the best parts.
  • Don’t include any irrelevant information. Leave out everything that doesn’t play any role.
  • Mind your writing style. To make it easier for your audience to follow, maintain logical structure. Each paragraph should revolve around one idea.

Autobiography Structure

If you are still stuck and wondering how to write an autobiography, don’t worry. We will take a closer look at the structure you need to follow.

  • Introduction. State the idea and the main points of the autobiography. Include your thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph. It is also where you set the tone of your narrative and include background details about your life.
  • Body. Here, you need to support your introduction and provide more information about yourself. Every paragraph should focus on a single thought. You need to include at least three sections in this part of your autobiography.
  • Conclusion. Rephrase your thesis and summarize the ideas you have introduced. Also, you can finish your writing with a question or with an interesting statement to make a final impression.

Autobiography Topics for Students

Now it’s time to define your writing focus. There are many ways to tell about your unique experiences. You can choose one or several aspects in your paper.


  • What is your best childhood memory?
  • What is your worst childhood memory?
  • What is your earliest childhood memory?
  • What were your childhood dreams and motivation?


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  • What are the things you prefer doing in your leisure time?
  • How do your hobbies help you in life?
  • Why have you chosen your hobbies?

Historical context

  • What historical events have you witnessed?
  • What are the prominent features of the time you live in?
  • What historical figure is your role model and why?
  • What is the influence of historical events on your life?

Personal development

A pivotal moment


Philosophy of life

  • How do you cope with difficulties?
  • How do you form your opinion about people?
  • What is the purpose of your life?
  • What life events made you think and behave the way you do?

โ–ถ๏ธ How to Start an Autobiography

Mostly, events described in an autobiography appear in chronological order. So, it is logical to start your paper with the earliest events of the story.

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There are also several tricks you can use for writing an autobiography to make it more engaging:

  1. Begin with your childhood. If your childhood experience plays a role in your narrative, this is a perfect beginning. As your early years shape you as a person, there is always a story to start with.
  2. Tell about a pivotal moment. This is also a great way to hook your readers. Mention the key events and then elaborate on them in the following paragraphs.
  3. Start with a quote or a question. It should have a logical connection with what you will write about. Try to find something not overused to make your paper stand out.
  4. Introduce your role model/person you admire. By presenting the person you admire in your autobiography, you can showcase your values and beliefs. Also, refer to that individual to discuss what inspires you to pursue your goals.
  5. Describe your unique quality. Highlighting a quality that makes you stand out is always a good idea. It can help you pique the reader’s interest in your personality and reveal your true character.
  6. Share something you are not proud of. Do not be afraid to show your mistakes or imperfections in your autobiography. Being honest with your readers can make your writing more human, open, and deep. Besides, it is important to demonstrate how you fixed your mistake or handled your flaw.

Autobiography Introduction Example

Being a calm child with an endless love of books is always challenging, especially if you grow up surrounded by a frenetic social environment or uncomprehending classmates. I was a knowledge-loving, shy, and curious girl who would rather spend her time in the library or a bookshop. At that time, I did not realize how many benefits it would bring to my future career development in content writing. So, here I am, a successful writer whose works are appreciated by readers worldwide and a traveler still seeking to visit every place on Earth.

โน๏ธ How to End an Autobiography

You can take different approaches to write a conclusion in your student autobiography. Besides paraphrasing your statement, you can make a lasting impression by using one of the techniques below.

Let’s choose the perfect ending for you:

  1. Reflect on your experience. Share your understanding of the events you described. Include a short final thought on the lesson you have learned.
  2. Highlight the importance of your narrative. Explain why your life events are unique and what your readers can take from them.
  3. Motivate your readers. Encourage them to take action using your experience as inspiration.
  4. Describe events that have changed you. You may give readers a better insight into who you are and how you have grown as a person by sharing your life-changing experiences.
  5. Dwell on attitudes that have formed as a result of the described event. Revealing your personal experiences and the lessons you have learned can create a stronger connection with your readers, allowing them to better understand why you made certain decisions.
  6. Identify what you would like to change in yourself. Discussing your wish to make changes shows that you can objectively assess your shortcomings and your desire to become a better version of yourself.

Autobiography Conclusion Example

In conclusion, my journey has been one of enduring passion for learning and sharing my knowledge with others. Despite the challenges I faced as a calm, book-loving child, I never stopped following my dreams and achieving my goals. Today, I am still searching for ways to become a better version of myself every single day. I firmly believe that my love for literature and my desire to connect with others will continue to direct me to personal growth and fulfillment.

๐Ÿ“œ Autobiography Examples for Students

Before you start writing, take a look at our writing templates. You can use them for inspiration.

1. Student Autobiography โ€“ My Childhood

I can say that an excellent memory is my talent. I remember so many childhood events as if they were yesterday. My childhood was a period of learning what kind of person I am by trying as many things as possible.

I attended drawing classes because I always wanted to draw pretty pictures. I participated in some local contests and even won some medals as my work improved. I knew I liked arts at the moment. I just couldn't find out which direction to choose.

When I was in middle school, I loved to go to the cinema and watch movies at home. It has always been a magical experience for me. I realized that I wanted to try myself in this sphere. I still remember most of the films I have seen, and I never regret watching those I didn't like.

There also were attempts to do some things that didn't fit me. I believe it is better to do something like this as early as possible to know yourself better. After several months, I tried to play the guitar, but I found out that it wasn't my thing. I still enjoy listening to music but prefer to be a spectator rather than a creator.

Now I am studying animation. Drawing skills helped me pass my entry exams easily. All the films I have seen help me visualize my future works way better. Music inspires me when I draw for long hours. I believe that all of these childhood hobbies made me who I am today.

2. Student Autobiography โ€“ A Pivotal Moment

If something strikes you like lightning, you always have a choice: either deal with it or give up. You never know what can happen to you in the next moment. But you can always try to embrace it. It happened to me once. I was diagnosed with a dangerous disease and had to give up sports.

It was a typical long rainy day. Due to the weather, we decided to finish our football training earlier. I was walking past a coffee shop. I stopped to look at it and suddenly felt a terrible pain in my chest. I passed out and woke up in a hospital a few moments later.

My mother told me that I had an epileptic seizure. One of the reasons why it might have happened is football traumas, but there was no clear answer. My dreams about a sports scholarship were broken. I thought I would never recover my body and soul.

I had to change my lifestyle from the very moment I fell unconscious. I had to become as consistent with my medication as I used to be with sports. I still did prescribed exercises, but they were so boring to me. Of course, I gave up football and had to find a new hobby.

Now I am a successful student. I had no problem getting into the university of my dream. Since this episode, I have taken my health seriously, and the work pays off. It was a single seizure in my life, and I hope it will never happen again. The main lesson Iโ€™ve learned was that when you lose something, you acquire something instead.

3. Student Autobiography โ€“ Philosophy of Life

My life is all about balance and enjoying the small things that make me happy. I do not like the cult of overachieving that has become so popular these days. I was there once. It is not a safe path in the long run. I believe that being consistent in what you do is productive and healthy.

I had excellent grades, was a cheerleader, and did my volunteering simultaneously. I also took extra classes and projects on everything I could. It seemed to me I was happy with it, but I was not sleeping and eating enough all the time.

That is why I had such a weak immunity and spent so much of my precious time at home being sick. Maybe it was my body's response to this tension. It just found a way to recover before the next race. I thought I had to change the situation before it got too late.

That is how I decided that not all of my hobbies were something I like to do. Some of them just maintained my image in the eyes of society. So I decided to quit some of my activities and spend my new free time relaxing.

This approach made me healthier and happier than ever. I am still a good student, and I do sports and other things that I enjoy regularly. I just don't try to be everything at once and enjoy my life because I have enough time. Isn't it nice to keep a balance?

Thank you for being so attentive while reading our article. We think you are ready to write your autobiography now. Don’t hesitate to write your first draft using our advice on autobiography structure and the topics above.

Good luck!

๐Ÿ”— References

  1. What Is an Autobiography? (And How to Write Yours)
  2. What Are the Differences Between an Autobiographical Narrative & a Biography? | Education – Seattle PI
  3. What Is a Conclusion Sentence for an Autobiography?
  4. The Best Way to Write an Autobiographical Essay – wikiHow
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