487 Business Research Topics for College Students

With all the financial instability and technological advancements, there is more and more work to do. So there are lots of gaps in business research topics for college students.

You might write about finances, economics, or accounting. The agriculture business is also an important issue, just like marketing. Another sphere that keeps getting popular is HR (human resources.)

When choosing business research topics, focus on their originality and broadness. But you donโ€™t have to stress out about it much โ€“ our team has done it for you! Below, youโ€™ll find excellent business management research paper topics, accounting research paper topics, & more.

๐Ÿ” Top 10 Business Research Topics for College Students in 2025

  1. The impact of the Metaverse on marketing strategies.
  2. The ethical implications of integrating AI in recruitment.
  3. The use of data analytics to drive business innovation.
  4. The benefits of a hybrid-first environment for company growth.
  5. New e-commerce trends and their role in modern business.
  6. The challenges and prospects of family-owned businesses.
  7. How does remote work influence corporate culture and team effectiveness?
  8. The unique values and purchasing habits of Gen Z and Alpha.
  9. The impact of privacy laws on small businesses.
  10. The influence of personalized marketing on consumer privacy and trust.

๐Ÿ”บ Research Topics on Business Administration and Management

  1. How does stress affect work efficiency in banks during the busiest hours before national holidays in the US?
  2. The connection between the quality of communication devices and the speed of service delivery in small businesses.
  3. What are the factors affecting the organizational culture?
  4. The role of reflection and business failure analysis in developing future aims and goals inside the teams.
  5. What are the most effective strategies for inventory control in businesses related to hospitality?
  6. Discuss the importance of management in the restaurant industry.
  7. How does culture influence the customers buying patterns depending on their age?
  8. A case study: contrast and compare two local companies to show the importance of effective leadership.
  9. Closed vs. open system management model.
  10. What is the role of e-commerce, and how does it manage to reduce the operational cost for a specific business?
  11. What are the global economic effects on organizational change?
  12. What is the importance of performance evaluation, and how often should it be conducted to see the results?
  13. Comparison of the two businesses’ productivities concerning their approaches to conflict management inside the teams.
  14. Project management: solving team issues.
  15. The study of the relationship between the workers’ welfare and their monthly productivity in a small business.

๐Ÿ”บ Business Management Research Paper Topics

  1. How does an organization’s size affect the business management system and its specifics?
  2. Discuss the ways of conflict resolution in project management.
  3. The benefits of the democratic business management style over the autocratic one on the example of a case study.
  4. The examples of the most successful businesses that incorporated a laissez-faire management style for an extended period.
  5. Challenges in managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  6. What innovations can be made in the traditional hierarchy of employees so that business management becomes more effective?
  7. How important is timing in tactical business strategies, and how does it affect the decision-making process?
  8. Look into Toyota Company’s organizational structure.
  9. What is the process of creating business management plans, and what environmental aspects can affect it?
  10. Regard Steve Jobs as a role model in business and management.
  11. The case study of a car production business and a marketing business regarding their management tactics’ effectiveness.
  12. Discuss the importance of human resource management.
  13. How do managers plan to avoid failing the set business goals in the long-term perspective?
  14. How does a business management system find the criteria to evaluate different organizations’ success?
  15. Business management in crisis surroundings.
  16. Business manager’s role in creating an effective plan for a profit-oriented organization in marketing and sales.
  17. When does an organization need a board of directors, and what is their role in the business management system?
  18. Performance management: linking rewards to performance.

๐Ÿ”บ Business Ethics Topics for Research Paper

  1. What laws do organizations usually use to create a guideline of basic business ethics to get social approval?
  2. Does a portfolio manager have a right to treat the portfolios of relatives and individual investors differently?
  3. Business ethics: big-box crisis.
  4. The evolution of the business ethics concept since its first implementation and social issues’ influence.
  5. How do organizations maintain the balance between legal requirements of business ethics and keeping up with a competitive advantage?
  6. What are the ethical issues in the use of social media in the workplace?
  7. The examples of companies that use shady labeling to gain marketing benefits that demonstrate unethical business behavior.
  8. How do food production companies find a balance between utilizing some facts as a selling point and labeling laws?
  9. Discuss how ethics and social responsibility are connected.
  10. Should a business risk losing customers’ trust by delaying the shipment, or should it send unchecked and possibly faulty items?
  11. What is the most common misconduct in the workplace that the staff report in US organizations?
  12. What are the features of philosophical approaches to business ethics?
  13. The reasons why the workers choose not to report unethical behavior such as abuse or hostile environment.
  14. Discuss the relationship between business ethics and an organization’s responsibility.
  15. What rewards should organizations implement to encourage workers to report potential misconduct in the workplace?
  16. How to measure the level of trust between the organization that follows the business ethics protocol and consumers?

๐Ÿ”บ International Business Research Paper Topics

  1. How does bringing an organization into an international market affect the variety of goods and services available?
  2. The role of affordable resources as the advantage while moving the business on the global market.
  3. How do cultural differences impact international business?
  4. How do large organizations prefer to use their resources to keep a competitive advantage in the international market?
  5. International trade and its effect on consumers’ standard of living and exposure to new products and technologies.
  6. Internationalizing retail: IKEA Companies.
  7. What is the relationship between the advancement of international business in Europe and the introduction of the euro?
  8. Is it possible for even small companies to stay away from global competition and trade with other countries?
  9. Discuss the effect of unfair competition laws on global trade.
  10. What are the main aspects that organizations should take into consideration while entering the international market?
  11. Analysis of Coca-Cola international enterprise company.
  12. Cultural and linguistic diversity is one of the unique concerns and a challenge for global business.
  13. Discuss Sunvisionnair’s international business strategy.
  14. Case study on the example of two countries: how do government-controlled economies such as centrally planned markets affect international business strategy?
  15. A historical analysis of the effects of political issues in countries with unstable governments on international business.
  16. Discuss the international organization’s marketing strategies in different cultures.
  17. Why is it so important for international trade to consider the current competitive environment in a specific country?
  18. Corporate responsibility in the globalized business environment.

๐Ÿ”บ Business Law Topics

  1. What is the importance of a business termination letter, and how is it created?
  2. Discuss corporations and business law.
  3. How were the rules related to the bankruptcy of a business developed, and what can be improved?
  4. International business laws and marketing relationships.
  5. In what cases the equal distribution of available property among the creditors comes into force regarding bankruptcy?
  6. Compare corporate governance models in the US and the UK.
  7. What is the importance of genuine consent for the binding power of a written or oral contract?
  8. Case study of two businesses in different countries: what is the relationship between a company and a commercial law?
  9. Business and corporate law: directors’ duty of care.
  10. Overview of the US’s hotel business laws: how do anti-smoking laws differ depending on the state?
  11. Why is it important to read the terms and conditions for the consumers before proceeding with any online transaction?
  12. Discuss the main aspects of employment law.
  13. Medication dispensing laws in the US: challenges regarding the abuse of the over-the-counter substances and medicine.
  14. Regulations of responsibilities in the employer-employee relationship.
  15. Contrast and compare the specifics of labeling and food ingredient laws in different countries.
  16. What are the most common misconceptions regarding digital privacy when it comes to international business laws?
  17. What is the law for small business partnerships in Australia?

๐Ÿ”บ Entrepreneurship Research Topics

  1. Why is entrepreneurship important, and what social changes does it promote in the US?
  2. The new markets that have been developed in the last five years in your city thanks to entrepreneurs.
  3. Discuss some of the unique aspects of entrepreneurship in Germany.
  4. What businesses in the related areas faced growth after the first IT companies started appearing in India in the 1960s?
  5. Discuss the role of entrepreneurship in better national income that is related to increasing employment rates.
  6. The business Planning process and entrepreneurial management.
  7. The benefits for the government of investing the revenue into training new workers and helping small struggling businesses.
  8. What is the relationship between the quality of life and the unique goods and services brought by entrepreneurs?
  9. How to choose the right business organization type?
  10. How does introducing new technology that helps provide water for people in Kenya affect economic growth?
  11. Analysis of the relationship between the development of community projects and the investments they gained from the entrepreneurs.
  12. Entrepreneurship and development of Green Businesses.
  13. How can high levels of self-employment negatively affect the country’s economic stability? Use Italy as an example.
  14. Business start-ups in the United Arab Emirates.
  15. What are the ways to prevent such unwanted social outcomes as unfair market practices caused by unregulated entrepreneurship?
  16. Urban Outfitters: challenges of start-up companies.
  17. Why can entrepreneurship improve material welfare and the economy but fail to promote non-material welfare, such as happiness?
  18. Case study of communities that have faced income inequality due to high competition between the increased number of entrepreneurs.

๐Ÿ”ถ Financial Accounting Research Topics

Accounting is one of the essential aspects while managing a business. All financial operations fall under the control of this area.

Financial accounting involves dealing with investors and business transactions, while management accounting is focused on reaching objectives. Auditing and tax accounting are other significant parts of this field. Processing vast amounts of data would not be possible without information systems created for accounting purposes.

  1. How is the financial standing of the organization judged with the use of financial statements?
  2. In which ways does accounting help run finances by controlling such assets as cash (liquid assets)?
  3. Finance: Running an XYZ Company.
  4. Why Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are not enough in the US, and IFRS should also be considered.
  5. International financial reporting standards convergence.
  6. What do financial statements include, and how can they be used to analyze the organization’s most recent economic activities?
  7. In what cases a Cash Flow Statement as one of the primary forms of financial statements may be requested?
  8. Export financing and financial institutions: exporting in the world.
  9. The historical analysis of the creation of the first book on accounting and its effects on modern accounting systems.
  10. The case study of the four different opinions given by the auditor regarding the fairness of money handling.
  11. The attitude of customers towards sales promotion methods on the example of Apple.
  12. What would be the most beneficial strategy for the organization to apply if the auditor provides a disclaimer of opinion?
  13. Accounting theory in international financial reporting standards.
  14. In what circumstances can Deceptive Financial Reporting by mistake cause severe problems for the organization?
  15. What are the most common accounting errors that can be prevented by the newest computer tools?

๐Ÿ”ถ Management Accounting Research Topics

  1. How are target audiences different from the accounting field’s two most significant areas โ€“ management and financial accounting?
  2. Can managerial accounting be used to help users outside the organization make the best thought-through business decisions?
  3. Discuss the management accounting system: origin, role, and principles.
  4. How does executive accounting use collected data from the past to create the most accurate business forecasts?
  5. Activity-based costing and its advantage for companies.
  6. Is it a good idea to create a centralized system that would regulate reports formed through managerial accounting?
  7. Case study: the main reasons why the organization’s administrative accounting reports are more specific than accounting ones.
  8. Discuss accounting technology and future fraud issues.
  9. How do detailed and experimental organizational accounting reports help the organization with a competitive advantage?
  10. Contrast and compare the strategic management accounting practices in already developed economies and still emerging ones.
  11. What are the benefits of an educational institution applying managerial accounting practices based on contingency?
  12. Westfarmers company financial performance.
  13. What are decision support systems, and how do they affect the effectiveness of managerial accounting in the US food industry?
  14. The analysis of organizational sustainability issues and the predictions of how managerial accounting can resolve them.
  15. What is the difference between not-for-profit and for-profit accounting?
  16. Case study of a local organization: the effects of managerial accounting techniques as veritable tools on the decision-making process.

๐Ÿ”ถ Auditing Research Paper Topics

  1. What should an organization do if the auditor finds that the financial statements do not follow generally accepted accounting principles?
  2. What are the main differences between auditors hired to work inside the organizations and those who work for auditor firms?
  3. Discuss the audit quality control regime in Hong Kong.
  4. Can private reports given by the auditors to the organization’s management help with the business strategies?
  5. In what cases can the auditor issue a qualified opinion, and what are the main aspects that affect such an outcome?
  6. Discuss Simons Inc.’s accounting and auditing standards.
  7. The benefits of asking for the auditor’s opinion before making any business-related decisions regarding the organization’s worth.
  8. What are the main differences between the approaches of external and government auditors?
  9. What is the responsibility of auditors when it comes to detecting fraud in the UK?
  10. Discuss some of the main reasons why internal auditors are not required to receive so many various certifications to begin practicing, unlike external auditors.
  11. Why is the management team responsible for detecting financial misrepresentation in the organization and not the auditor?
  12. Apple Company: audit risk analysis project.
  13. Compliance risk and the ways how an internal audit can help prevent and manage it.
  14. What are the levels of credibility of internal auditors in the US from the perspective of external auditors?
  15. The analysis of the organization’s social image is affected by the critical auditor issues on financial statements.

๐Ÿ”ถ Accounting Information Systems Research Topics

  1. What are the main benefits of using an accounting information system for the efficient work of different departments within the organization?
  2. The primary internal and external means of an account information system control for protecting the organization’s sensitive data.
  3. New Accounting Information Systems failure.
  4. The main categories of users can retrieve and report financial data through accounting information system.
  5. What procedures and instructions should be followed all the time for an accounting information system to be effective and efficient?
  6. Talk about the accounting information systems’ security threats.
  7. What is a structured query language, and how is it used with the accounting information systems’ databases?
  8. Case study: discuss the differences between the software small local businesses and large corporations use for the accounting information databases.
  9. Accounting information systems: data requirements.
  10. How does the output information quality related to the accounting information systems’ software affect decision-making?
  11. Sarbanes-Oxley regulations and their importance regarding the software chosen for accounting information systems in publicly-traded organizations.
  12. What is the accounting information system, and what purpose does it serve?
  13. What are the benefits of getting a turnkey system for the business to ensure the compatibility of the software and hardware of the AIS?
  14. What are the primary means of AIS internal controls that can protect against unauthorized computer access?
  15. How have accounting information systems changed and developed throughout the last decade in the US?
  16. Discuss McDonald’s accounting information system.
  17. The relationship between the accounting information system infrastructure and business risks and the ways to prevent failures.
  18. Is it useful for the organization to use accounting information systems for identifying business aims and goals?

๐Ÿ”ถ Business Research Topics on Tax Accounting

  1. Identify and discuss the main differences between the aim of tax accounting for an individual and a business.
  2. Contrast and compare tax accounting principles and generally accepted accounting principles in the US.
  3. Discuss the quality control of accounting, finance, and taxation.
  4. What are the primary laws that tax accounting professionals need to follow according to the Internal Revenue Service?
  5. The benefits of hiring a professional tax accountant for an individual from the point of view of yearly savings.
  6. How important are tax law and accounting?
  7. Why would an individual need to do general accounting instead of merely doing the more necessary tax accounting?
  8. Tax accounting process: the differences between approaches in tracking business expenses and funds directed towards stakeholders.
  9. Case study of tax accounting processes for legally tax-exempt organizations in two different countries.
  10. How to report deferred tax in different standards?
  11. What are the new laws regarding transportation fringe benefits and their relationship with tax accounting?
  12. Managing tax accounting: some of the most effective ways to help the organization’s employees to get through the tax filing season.
  13. Discuss business credit and taxation.
  14. How is adequately timed appraisal supposed to help avoid tax traps regarding the new basis consistency requirement?
  15. How can tax shelter cause problems for small businesses from the perspective of the new simplified accounting rules?
  16. When should taxpayers include the advance payments in incomes according to the most recent set of rules?

๐Ÿ”˜ Market Research Topics

Market research is the first step any organization needs to do to find out if their product can survive. Additional areas of market research are search engine marketing and social media marketing. Professionals also classify event marketing and product marketing. Letโ€™s see what each type of marketing involves.

  1. Why is it important to communicate directly with potential customers to conduct market research?
  2. What tools are the most effective for getting real-time feedback from customers while doing market research?
  3. What is Sony Corporation’s stance in the market?
  4. ‘Apple’ company’s marketing research.
  5. The main differences in the approach while performing market research in-house and with an outside company.
  6. Discuss the travel consumer behavior of the mature market in the US.
  7. How is market segmentation used to determine which features of products consumers see as the priority?
  8. The relationship between the primary and secondary information gathered for market research and the effectiveness of their combination.
  9. Entering the Japanese market of packaged medicaments.
  10. What is the primary purpose of an exploratory and specific study, and how do their methods differ depending on the country?
  11. Nike company’s marketing research.
  12. The ways to determine which source of secondary information for market research fits a particular business the most.
  13. A case study: what product adjustments need to be done before creating a business plan if market research results are unsatisfying?
  14. Discuss the new health care bill and the insurance market.
  15. Historical analysis of the effects that the radio’s development in the US had on understanding demographics.
  16. Business research methods.
  17. How have the data collection methods for market research purposes changed over the past decade, and which one is the most effective now?

๐Ÿ”˜ Search Engine Marketing Research

  1. Is there a relationship between mobile page load speed and the ranking of search engine results?
  2. How can a business stay updated with local search practices to improve its ranking in local search results?
  3. A case study: Why do companies with great content still be behind those who have worked on search engine marketing?
  4. Discuss the impact of search engines on corporate advertising strategy.
  5. Is search engine marketing as effective as social media marketing, and why does it make sense to combine them?
  6. The importance of selecting the right keywords and their effect on the business’ high search ranking.
  7. Customers looking for specific ideas and shopping lists: how can this be used to the organization’s benefit via search engine marketing?
  8. Social networking sites: evolution of internet ads.
  9. How do professionals use the right holiday search ad campaigns, and why is timing so crucial for this type?
  10. How is the recent trend of voice search different, and what do the businesses need to know about it?
  11. Discuss Bupa Insurance Company’s internet strategy.
  12. What are the top social media marketing mistakes companies make while relaunching their website, and what are the ways to avoid them?
  13. Historical analysis of how the Internet has made a difference in offline retailing and what is needed to keep up?
  14. Contrast and compare paid and organic traffic and analyze which one attracts more qualified leads.

๐Ÿ”˜ Social Media Marketing Research Topics

  1. Luxury products and social media marketing effects.
  2. Social media marketing on Instagram: Why do small influencers tend to bring more business opportunities than big celebrities?
  3. What are the most popular choices for brands regarding social networks, and why other paid social platforms are less popular?
  4. Discuss the internet marketing strategy for a company.
  5. Allowing customers to share their experiences and opinions is one of the ways to boost e-commerce brands.
  6. Social media marketing strategies.
  7. A case study: how do specific days of the week and timing affect the post’s success on different social platforms?
  8. Social media data for marketing: Does AI’s use to sort the data improves efficiency, and can it be trusted?
  9. Discuss Netflix Company’s digital and social media marketing strategy.
  10. The lack of qualified employees and financial resources as the main challenge businesses face in social media marketing.
  11. In what ways do the six main generations of users in the US consume social media content differently?
  12. ‘Spotify’s’ online branding: consumer perception.
  13. What changes in Facebook caused a decrease in the number of times content gets shared?
  14. Is retaining the gained audience on social media more cost-effective than acquiring new consumers, and why?
  15. How does social media marketing affect economic success?
  16. Why are most social media users wired to consume visual content, and how do social media marketers use it?
  17. Historical analysis of the creation of storytelling format on social platforms and how it has affected brand promotion?
  18. Influencer marketing impact on consumer behavior.
  19. What are fashion brand colors appearing on Instagram that gain more engagement, and what affects it?
  20. Social Media building blocks in marketing.

๐Ÿ”˜ Business Research Topics on Event Marketing

  1. The main reasons why event marketing proves to be one of the most effective ways of achieving business goals.
  2. Is there a correlation between business success and the amount of marketing budget they spend on the live event?
  3. Discuss the role of marketing events in consumer behavior.
  4. How is the approach of defining SMART goals used to measure the company’s event marketing success?
  5. What data should be collected about the previous events to be used while choosing the next event venue?
  6. What is the importance of planning fundraising events like “Humanity Is Key?”
  7. How does the simplicity of the event website design affect the level of search engine optimization ranking?
  8. Using social media marketing tools to promote a business event: the benefits of using event hashtags.
  9. Why is it essential not only to attract potential sponsors for the event but also to focus on finding the right ones?
  10. Current financial market events and their implications.
  11. Contrast and compare the differences in the marketing success between partnered events and regular events.
  12. How is lifetime customer value different for account-based event marketing strategy and lead generation one?
  13. A case study of the positive effects of integrating event data across platforms on the event marketing strategy.
  14. How to choose the right event data integration tool that does not require extensive technical knowledge?
  15. The role of data security while utilizing event management software and its effects on the event planning process.

๐Ÿ”˜ Business Research Topics on Product Marketing

  1. What is a product-market fit, and how using it can boost local business growth?
  2. The best strategy to design food logos elements that can be easily remembered and recognized.
  3. Discuss Coca-Cola Company’s new product marketing plan.
  4. How does the product recommendation system work, and why should every marketer use it to encourage purchase behavior?
  5. ‘Apple Ihealth’ product marketing plan.
  6. Analyzing the cost-effectiveness of the exclusivity approach on the examples of the most popular brands that use it for marketing.
  7. Historical analysis of the development of eco-friendly image and why so many brands choose to adopt an environmentally friendly approach.
  8. Virtual Fitting Room: Product Marketing.
  9. Selecting the right product packaging as one of the most effective ways to connect with customers.
  10. Why does the product packaging matter, and what things to avoid putting on the outside of the packaging?
  11. Nikon D800E Digital SLR Camera: Product Marketing.
  12. What is white-labeling, and what are the main advantages and disadvantages of trying it for the brand?
  13. Starbucks brand and marketing strategy.
  14. Discuss some of the best strategies to promote a product, using customer involvement.
  15. Product portfolio management: what are the most effective tools to use for planning the product launch date?
  16. Discuss Apple iPhone 5S Product Marketing Plan.
  17. What are the differences between declared and revealed preferences, and how are they related to the customer’s voice?
  18. Product marketing: how to prepare sales channels to relate to the customers, and what are the benefits?
  19. Product marketing throughout three time zones.
  20. The main reasons why the execution part is more challenging during the launch of a new product than a strategy.

โ‡๏ธ Research in Macroeconomics

  1. What should be done to prevent failures related to the problem of limited commodity availability?
  2. The philippines’ fiscal policy and macroeconomics.
  3. The most effective tool for predicting the GDP growth rate in the future in the US.
  4. Contrast and compare: after analyzing the US stock market, what are the main tips on picking potentially profitable stocks?
  5. Inflation and deflation in the market: what is the correlation between those aspects and the stock market?
  6. The great recession of 2007-2010.
  7. A case study: what are the main reasons that led to the failure of the cryptocurrency market?
  8. Historical analysis of the impact of the 2008-2009 crisis on a local business of your choice that still functions.
  9. The economy of the United States: micro and macroeconomics.
  10. The risks of recession and the effect of the virus outbreak in 2021 on the global economy.
  11. Does the active economic stabilization policy have any adverse effects, and how can they be prevented?
  12. World macroeconomics: positive and negative aspects.
  13. What might be the new approaches to dealing with money laundering as one of the most significant financial crimes?
  14. International economics: the US and Singapore.
  15. Is there a relationship between the economic determinants and the form of currency regime, and what is it?
  16. How can immigration be used to improve the national economy, and what are the best strategies for it?
  17. Macroeconomic indicators of recession.

โ‡๏ธ Microeconomics Research Topics

  1. Study how the labor force participation rate is linked to the economic situation in your area.
  2. What are the long-run average cost curve applications, and how do businesses benefit from using them?
  3. Apple, Inc.: an overview of the company’s socioeconomic, macroeconomic, and other aspects.
  4. Discuss the most effective medical cost containment strategies from the point of view of microeconomics.
  5. The economic situation in developed and developing countries and how the presence of obligatory insurance affects it.
  6. What are the economic benefits for businesses to switch to green energy and start using renewable resources?
  7. The electricity industry in the United Kingdom.
  8. A case study: how to define monopolistic competition, and what are the best examples of different markets?
  9. A case study: how much does economic planning directed by the government affect the market structure?
  10. Organic food awareness and consumption behavior.
  11. In case when business decision-making appears to be insufficient, would involving a microeconomics specialist be helpful?
  12. What is the influence of political stability in your country on business growth from the microeconomics perspective?
  13. Microeconomics principles: global oil consumption.
  14. Historical analysis of how the invention of money affected microeconomics as a form of commodity relations.
  15. Frozen food production industry market.
  16. A review of social inequality from a microeconomics perspective: what are the main differences between income and wealth?
  17. What is the tax burden, and what are the main strategies for sharing it between the buyers and sellers?
  18. The influence of consumer experience on their buying behavior.

โ‡๏ธ Business Economics Research Topics

  1. Business and economics: service transformation.
  2. Analysis of the local family business of your choice: how receptive is it to the current changes?
  3. Developing economies and the influence of civil unrest on the growth and performance of small companies.
  4. A case study: how do small businesses and entrepreneurship contribute to the efficiency of economies?
  5. Mitsubishi Motors corporation: globalization impacts.
  6. Managerial economics: the main microeconomic factors that affect the business’s decision-making process and optimization methods.
  7. Statistical methods in business and economics.
  8. The differences between the approaches private and non-profit organizations use to analyze the economic climate to stay solvent.
  9. What strategies do non-profit organizations have to increase the usefulness of their available resources and help their viability?
  10. Economics for business.
  11. Analysis of the National Association for Business Economics’ primary functions in the US and its influence on small businesses.
  12. Is it possible to predict the impact of fast-growing companies on the national economy, and what tools can be used?
  13. EasyJet Airline company change management.
  14. A case study: how do small start-up businesses look for financial support sources, and what are the success rates?
  15. What is the correlation between a particular industry’s age and responsiveness to the nation’s economic changes?
  16. Managerial economics and business analysis.
  17. How do international companies manage to follow the local tax requirements without a flaw, and what are the strategies?
  18. What economic factors do family businesses take into consideration while planning to implement some innovations?
  19. The illegal drug trade and its impact on the chosen local business from the national economic point of view.

โ™ฆ๏ธ Agricultural Marketing Business Research Topics

Agribusiness includes all the business and commercial activities related to farming. It does not matter what type of food is involved; even fish farming needs good business management to thrive.

One of the most critical stages of planning a successful agribusiness is agricultural marketing. For large-scale productions, there is industrial agriculture. And no development would be possible without agricultural value chains and services.

  1. Tips on choosing the right type of organic agricultural product certification for low-income businesses with small productions.
  2. What are the positive outcomes of the virus outbreak on the supply and demand of agricultural products?
  3. Consumer attitude towards buying organic food in Hong Kong.
  4. Analysis of the essential wholesale markets and how it affects small-scale production of agricultural goods.
  5. Can marketing only raw production be one of the reasons why there are multiple intermediaries between the producer and consumer?
  6. Obstacles and barriers of AIS in agriculture companies.
  7. Agricultural marketing: what are the main characteristics of the market that economists consider during market classification?
  8. Are primary markets a necessary part of product distribution processes, and how are they managed?
  9. Business plan: integrated farming.
  10. Analysis of fairs and their organizational strategy as an essential part of agricultural produce marketing in India.
  11. A case study: how to determine the most cost-effective way for the chosen farmers to dispose of the farm produce surplus?
  12. Illegal immigration’s impact on agricultural history.
  13. How is the promotion of agricultural exports promoted to establish the right conditions for remunerative prices?
  14. Discuss some of the strategies farmers use to analyze the market, predict the demand, and plan accordingly.

โ™ฆ๏ธ Industrial Agriculture Research Topics

  1. Historical analysis of the development of industrial agriculture in the chosen country from the governmental promotion perspective.
  2. How much does the eradication of weeds affect crop biodiversity loss, and how can it be prevented?
  3. Genetically modified organisms in farming.
  4. The impacts of converting natural habitats into monocultures for industrial agriculture purposes in Asia.
  5. What is the dependency between industrial agriculture systems and the consumption of fossil fuels in the US?
  6. Effects of intercropping oat and lentil on the overall yield on the harvest.
  7. What are the most effective genetic engineering techniques applied to create the appropriate cultivars for industrial agriculture?
  8. An overview of the land management practices used for minimizing the risks of crop losses in industrial agriculture.
  9. Growing blueberries in California.
  10. Industrial agriculture managers need to invest in the development of the most effective insecticides.
  11. A case study: integrated pest management strategies as the new trend in industrial agriculture in the US.
  12. Genetically modified food: safety and regulations.
  13. What are the main differences between industrial and sustainable agriculture from the point of view of ecology?
  14. Free market and industrial agriculture: what is the most sustainable and economically beneficial approach to food production and distribution?
  15. How can industrial agriculture offer healthier, more ethical, and more sustainable food for consumers without losing its scale?

โ™ฆ๏ธ Agriculture Value Chain Business Research Topics

  1. Historical analysis of how the agriculture value chain concept was created and developed in your country.
  2. Why has the question of sustainability in the agriculture value chain area become so urgent in recent years?
  3. Competitive advantage in farming, car, and restaurant industries.
  4. How do extreme weather volatility and food demand change affect India’s current agriculture value chain approaches?
  5. What are the most common challenges in the agriculture value chain farmers regularly face in the US?
  6. Coffee production in Brazil from 2004 to 2016.
  7. The effects of the decline in agricultural jobs on the Indian market in the last decade from the agriculture value chain perspective.
  8. Discuss the policy of transparency as one of the changes farmers need to make to improve the agriculture value chain.
  9. Factors influencing food supply and demand.
  10. What are the causes of tremendous amounts of food being lost and wasted in the agriculture value chain?
  11. Opportunities to increase the farmers’ income through digitization across the agriculture value chain in developing countries.
  12. Agriculture value chain: can investing in cold storage help improve the situation with the rising food demands?
  13. How does the agriculture value chain benefit from the increase in agricultural technology start-ups and development?
  14. Total quality management: value chain management definition.
  15. What are the main crops that farmers in India should invest in from the agriculture value chain’s perspective?
  16. Introduce better financial systems of loan-taking in developing countries to help with agriculture value chain issues.

โ™ฆ๏ธ Agricultural Services Research Topics

  1. What are the typical recommendations from the experts in agricultural services for the farmers before planting?
  2. A case study: does involving agricultural services help farmers to reduce the losses due to pests?
  3. Food safety and food standards in Australia.
  4. Discuss the most recent techniques that agrarian services encourage the farmers to educate themselves on.
  5. Discuss the effectiveness of the agricultural services aid for post-harvesting management to maximize profits.
  6. Unilever’s management of the foods & refreshment division.
  7. Why is equipment share in the cooperative organized by agricultural services an excellent and cost-efficient idea?
  8. Explore the influence of engaging veterinary services as a part of farming services on the quality of production.
  9. How do international markets take advantage of such agricultural services as seed testing and clearance while expanding?
  10. Technological change and global food security.
  11. Why is the quality grading done by the United States Department of Agriculture a required procedure?
  12. After the organic accreditation, what penalties can the entity receive for violating the regulations?
  13. What services provided by the Agricultural Marketing Service should farmers who wish to try a new market consider?
  14. Impacts of the biofuel industry on the food systems.
  15. Is it cost-effective for a large producer to involve shipping and distributing agricultural services?
  16. Agricultural services: how do market research and analysis help new farmers to identify trends and opportunities?
  17. Who can access the Agricultural Marketing Service’s database of exported and imported goods, and how is it used?

๐Ÿ”ต HR Research Topics on Staffing

  1. Present a case study of the most critical staffing issue in fast-food businesses related to decreased employee retention.
  2. Group development: understanding team dynamics.
  3. What is the relationship between the staffing status and the level of income non-permanent employees receive?
  4. What are the benefits of organizational staffing in schools when teachers take on both academic and administrative tasks?
  5. Workforce planning and recruitment.
  6. Analyzing staffing in international companies: how is the process of hiring an expatriate employee different from hiring a local?
  7. Why is identifying the talents and needs of a new employee considered one of the most critical aspects of staffing?
  8. Improving employees’ performance with non-monetary rewards.
  9. What are the most efficient recruitment tools that staffing managers use to increase applicants’ numbers?
  10. A case study: contrast and compare the guidelines for terminating contracts in two businesses of your choice.
  11. Singapore Airlines: managing HR for cost-effective service excellence.
  12. How do the unrealistically high compensation expectations of potential employees play a role in staffing?
  13. Contemporary developments in human resources development.
  14. What are the most common and standard ethical hiring practices that staffing managers need to maintain?
  15. What aspects should the staffing managers consider while writing the contracts for different employees?
  16. Employees’ emotions, attitudes, and behavior.

๐Ÿ”ต HR Research Topics on Development & Compensation

  1. Why is providing opportunities for the development of new employees seen as one of the best investments?
  2. Is social engagement or teamwork management for new employees an essential part of the training provided by human resources?
  3. Compensation effectiveness evaluation.
  4. The strategies that human resources use to look for and choose suitable training opportunities for the employees.
  5. Training and development programs in the US.
  6. Tips for human resources on establishing a trusting and robust connection between the staff and employers in multinational businesses.
  7. What legal requirements usually play the most crucial role in human resources while selecting the appropriate compensation?
  8. Employees’ compensation benefits.
  9. The most common mistakes while referring to industry standards for setting compensation levels and how to avoid them.
  10. What are the most common retirement plans that HR team manages to negotiate with third-party providers in your country?
  11. Strategies for balancing employees’ interests with increasing compensation levels and keeping the business’ budget stable.
  12. Practice and learning organizations communities.
  13. What cultural expectations do employees have regarding compensation levels, and how do human resources ensure them?
  14. Historical analysis of the establishment and development of specific rules that regulate minimum wage levels in the US.
  15. Management control system: reward and compensation.
  16. A case study of the influence of relational compensation on average employee retention in the business of your choice.

๐Ÿ”ต HR Research Topics on Employeesโ€™ Safety & Health

  1. What are the main challenges in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace during a worldwide pandemic?
  2. PetSmart Firm’s health & safety procedures analysis.
  3. Analysis of the disability ratings related to industrial cancer and the benefit payments employees receive in your country.
  4. Workplace safety and the Semco method.
  5. Is it a good thing that retired employees would be willing to come back to the workplace under the right conditions?
  6. The effectiveness of the special de-escalation training for health workers on the violence levels at the workplace.
  7. Occupational health and safety โ€“ human resource management.
  8. Analysis of the regulations that ensure the safety of Air Force recruits during the demanding physical tests.
  9. What is the correlation between medical care spending and the level of post-injury earnings in the US?
  10. Contributors of work-related stress and work burnout.
  11. How much time should HR spend on ensuring that legal requirements on job safety measures are met?
  12. What are the new safety measures that human resources need to implement in the US hospitality industry?
  13. The relevant unions and government departments that human resources need to contact regarding safety and compliance.
  14. Employees’ satisfaction and ways of improvement.
  15. How do the changes in the US economy affect the issues that American employees face at their workplaces?
  16. Why do younger workers with no college education face abuse and harassment at work more often than others?
  17. Lean safety and health management principles.
  18. What is the Individual Placement and Support approach, and how does it help potential employees with mental health problems?

๐Ÿ”ต HR Research Topics on Employee and Labor Relations

  1. What are the most effective conflict resolution practices that any human resources manager should know?
  2. Managing people and organizations: remedies and solutions.
  3. What is the human resources manager’s role in establishing good relationships between the workers within the teams?
  4. The main aspects of employee management.
  5. Analysis of the human resources manager’s ethical behavior while dealing with the claims of harassment in the workplace.
  6. Leadership and group behavior relationship.
  7. What unions and other management are also involved in employee and labor relations, except for human resources?
  8. The organizational issues during which the human resources managers need to represent employees’ interests.
  9. Impact of employee engagement programs.
  10. What is the correlation between job satisfaction and the human resources approach to maintaining good labor relations?
  11. The primary conflict management skills that all human resources managers need to learn and apply.
  12. Impact of culture and language on employee productivity.
  13. What should be the appropriate human resources manager’s approach to dealing with the workplace romance situation?
  14. Responsibilities in the employer-employee relationship.
  15. A case study: does such social behavior as spreading gossip at the workplace affect work production?
  16. How do personal relationships of an employee with an employer affect the overall team mood: human recourses perspective?
  17. Employer and employee relationships according to the Labor Law.
  18. Should performance reviews be considered a piece of private information and not disclosed to unrelated employees?
  19. The most efficient managerial communications.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ ABM Research Topics

  1. The pros and cons of outsourcing for a business.
  2. The impact of COVID-19 on global accountancy companies.
  3. The influence of labor strikes on the US economy.
  4. How does business management affect organizational performance?
  5. The differences between career and talent management.
  6. How effective is construction management in reaching business goals?
  7. The significance of tax management for small and big corporations.
  8. The influence of business management on worker loyalty.
  9. What is the role of blockchain in improving the future of accounting?
  10. The impact of staff motivation on employee productivity and retention.
  11. Risk management and its key benefits and drawbacks.
  12. Should big companies adopt the digital currency trend?

๏ธ#๏ธโƒฃ Quantitative Research Title about Business: Ideas

  1. The effect of demographics of the target audience on their purchasing behavior.
  2. How does social media impact business growth?
  3. The link between employee turnover and leadership effectiveness.
  4. E-commerceโ€™s effect on brick-and-mortar retail firms.
  5. The influence of digitalization on the financial results of business.
  6. How often do customers use social media to make purchasing decisions?
  7. The influence of geopolitical events on global business.
  8. How does changing the ad’s design affect the click-through rate?
  9. Corporate social responsibility and its impact on international business reputation.
  10. What is the link between market segmentation and product development success?
  11. How does the storeโ€™s location impact product sales and turnover?
  12. The link between corporate branding and customer trust in the digital age.


That was intense! 400+ Examples of business research topics for every taste.

Did you pick anything? Go for a break and start over if not.

If you decided what to write about, here’s an excellent guide for writing a business research paper. Go through it carefully and let us know if you have any questions or concerns below in the comments section.

Good luck!

๐Ÿ”— References

  1. Business Law; Britannica Encyclopedia
  2. Production Management; Britannica Encyclopedia
  3. What Is Business Ethics? Definition, Principles, and Importance; Investopedia
  4. Accounting Research: A Critical View Of The Present Situation And Prospects
  5. 6 Components of an Accounting Information System (AIS); Investopedia
  6. Market Research: Definition, Methods, & How to Do It
  7. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): What It Is & How to Do It Right
  8. What Is Social Media Marketing?
  9. What Is Event Marketing?
  10. Macroeconomics
  11. Microeconomics Definition, Uses, and Concepts; Investopedia
  12. Business Economics: Definitions and Types; Investopedia
  13. Agricultural and Food Marketing
  14. Agricultural Value Chain: Concepts, Definitions, and Analysis Tool
  15. 10 Things You Should Know about Industrial Farming
  16. Human Resources Management; University of Minnesota
  17. Important Issues in Human Resource Management
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