414 Proposal Essay Topics for Projects, Research, & Proposal Arguments

Writing a proposal essay is an essential skill for students navigating academia and beyond. Whether you are advocating for change, proposing a solution to a problem, or presenting a new idea, your writing should be clear, convincing, and creative.

In this article, our expert team has listed proposal essay topics for school and college students. As a bonus, you will find an effective writing guide and a practical example of a proposal essay.

šŸ”¤ What Is a Proposal Essay?

A proposal essay is an academic paper in which you propose something and justify your recommendation. Its goal is to convince the recipients to support your proposal and grant your request. Depending on what you are suggesting, there are three main types of proposal essays: proposal argument, research proposal, and topic proposal.

This image shows proposal essay types.

What Is a Proposal Argument Essay?

A proposal argument is an argumentative essay that offers a solution to a problem. It is often addressed to a particular company, non-profit organization, or government agency. It aims to persuade an organization to do something differently or perform a specific task. A proposal argument first describes a problem, then proposes a feasible solution to it, and explains why this particular solution is worth implementing.

What Is a Research Proposal Essay?

A research proposal essay is an academic paper that proposes a study and describes what, why, and how the author plans to investigate. This document should enable the audience to understand the quality and significance of the research and the authorā€™s competence to perform it.

A research proposal usually includes a purpose statement, background and significance of the research topic, and methodology. It is also helpful to describe potential problems the researcher may encounter and how they will be solved.

What Is a Topic Proposal?

A topic proposal essay is a paper that suggests a topic for a major course assignment, such as a term paper. It usually presents your main argument or research question, explains why it is worth exploring, and outlines how you plan to support it. Also, it identifies a few scholarly sources to be used in the future paper.

ā­ 12 Best Proposal Essay Topics in 2025

  1. The methods of reducing childhood obesity.
  2. Do awareness campaigns increase funding for cancer research?
  3. Why should schools add sex education to their curricula?
  4. The role of government in protecting local businesses.
  5. How to prevent cybercrime.
  6. The impact of rap music on teenagers.
  7. Do high cigarette prices reduce smoking rates?
  8. The efficiency of using AI technology in education.
  9. Why should the use of steroids be banned?
  10. The use of art therapy in combating anxiety.
  11. How can we combat the global warming?
  12. The issue of bullying in high school.

šŸ’” Easy Proposal Writing Topics & Prompts

Coming up with a good idea for your proposal essay can be challenging. Therefore, weā€™ve prepared writing prompts about common problems with possible solutions.

Proposal Essay on Texting and Driving

You can write a proposal suggesting a solution to the problem of driving while using a phone. First, describe the detrimental consequences of such behavior, proving that itā€™s worth paying attention to.

Then, focus on one solution that you consider to be the best. Check out some possible options:

  • Formation of a driver safety culture.
  • Implementation of a driver coaching program.
  • Use of real-time technology.
  • Execution of severe punishment.

Homelessness Proposal Essay

Highlight the issue of homelessness by indicating the root causes of this problem and its social and economic consequences. Then, provide your perspective on how to address it.

Here are some possible solutions to homelessness:

  • Rapid rehousing.
  • Permanent supportive or shared housing.
  • New career opportunities.
  • Volunteer initiatives.

Mental Health Proposal Essay

You can focus on the problem of the mental health crisis, manifesting in increasing rates of suicides and overdoses. Explore the causes and consequences of this issue and choose a solution to advocate for.

Consider the following solutions:

  • Investments in mental health apps.
  • Universal mental health screenings.
  • Raising people’s awareness of the problem.
  • Expanding access to psychological help.

Study Abroad Proposal Essay

You can focus on one of the issues that students face while studying abroad, such as language barriers, cultural differences, social isolation, financial difficulties, etc. Then, describe a solution to your selected problem.

Here are some possible solutions to international studentsā€™ issues:

  • Encouraging access to college resources.
  • The use of host families.
  • Establishing safe spaces on campuses.
  • Offering financial support and scholarships.
  • Conducting campus-wide cultural sensitivity training.

Abortion Proposal Essay

Your proposal can focus on the problem of supporting and expanding abortion rights. Explain how restricted abortion rights harm women, children, the healthcare system, and the economy. Then, explain how policymakers can address this issue.

Check out some solutions listed below:

šŸ“ Proposal Argument Topics

The proposal argument analyzes the problem and offers practical steps for its solution. Below, youā€™ll find interesting topics for your proposal argument!

Proposal Argument Essay Topics with Solutions

  1. The use of replanting in combating climate change.
  2. ABZ Cleaning Services marketing plan proposal.
  3. Negotiation to stop military conflicts in the world.
  4. Water disinfection and its efficiency in solving water pollution issues.
  5. A business proposal for Kohlā€™s: improving product delivery.
  6. Universal basic income to combat poverty.
  7. The use of free education centers in improving people’s knowledge.
  8. Luckin Coffee business problems-solutions proposal.
  9. Ensuring refugeesā€™ access to the labor market to protect their rights.
  10. Decriminalization of homosexuality to protect LGBTQ+ rights.
  11. NestlĆ© Inc.ā€™s total quality challenge and solution.
  12. The use of media in raising awareness of gender inequality.
  13. Ensuring basic healthcare to protect childrenā€™s rights.
  14. Food prices increase: causes and solutions.
  15. The use of renewable energy to stop global temperatures rising.
  16. Well-thought-out strategic plan to combat self-doubt in business.
  17. Operations management: problem and solution.
  18. Education about consumer responsibility to stop overconsumption.
  19. The efficiency of book exchange for the promotion of reading.
  20. Human resource management: problems and solutions.
  21. Reduced cost of education to combat education inequality.
  22. Electronic voting systems to increase citizen participation.
  23. Truancy: causes, effects, and possible solutions.
  24. AI technology and its application to help people with disabilities.
  25. The effectiveness of wetland restoration in combating sanitation insecurity.
  26. American educational systemā€™s drawbacks and solutions.
  27. Surveys of employee satisfaction to manage workflow.
  28. The efficiency of the Arms Trade Treaty in decreasing weapons accessibility.
  29. Sexual assault problem and solution.
  30. Improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture to combat health inequality.

Practical Proposal Argument Ideas

  1. Building buyer personas to find new customers.
  2. Employee absenteeism and business proposal to address it.
  3. Companies should make a shorter workweek to reduce unemployment.
  4. Vertical farming technologies for improved land usage.
  5. Proposal of employee training in Coca-Cola Company.
  6. Plasma reactors as a way to create oxygen on Mars.
  7. Community-based initiatives to encourage social interaction.
  8. Organizational change proposal for healthcare institutions.
  9. Entrepreneurship promotion to solve the wealth inequality issue.
  10. Prioritizing border security to ensure national safety.
  11. Public health legislation funding proposal.
  12. Donating to charities to address third-world poverty.
  13. Nutrition education to reduce obesity rates.
  14. Business communication: proposal for receiving investment.
  15. Implementation of Instagram restrictions to protect the self-esteem of teenagers.
  16. The use of ADAS technologies to reduce the frequency of car accidents.
  17. Vending machine ā€œGreat Coffeeā€: business proposal.
  18. Employers should provide flexible hours to help workers with anxiety.
  19. Expanding the range of services offered by postal providers to save postal service.
  20. Wok to Walk: marketing plan proposal.
  21. Work-life balance practices to prevent burnout at work.
  22. Schools should implement year-round classes to improve student performance.
  23. Cartier marketing analysis and strategy proposal for the post-pandemic era.
  24. Application of sunscreen to reduce the risks of skin cancer.
  25. Installation of sports facilities to encourage the populationā€™s physical activity.
  26. Leverage buyout proposal for CSL Limited.
  27. Education about consumer responsibility to solve gun control issues.
  28. Development of water resource management systems to avoid water scarcity.
  29. Business ethics: business proposal for CEO.
  30. The government should launch mHealth apps to make healthcare accessible.

šŸ“Š Project Proposal Ideas for College Students

Looking for a project proposal topic to write about? Below, youā€™ll find the best ideas for your paper!

Project Proposal Title Ideas in Health

  1. The ban on tobacco to prevent illness and premature death.
  2. Pressure ulcers: research proposal.
  3. Recovery groups and their role in stopping substance abuse.
  4. The efficiency of sex education in solving HIV/AIDS issues.
  5. Community teaching work plan proposal: tuberculosis in Miami.
  6. Accessible treatment centers to help people struggling with suicidal behavior.
  7. Pediatric dentist training to create a positive experience for children.
  8. Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers treatment proposal.
  9. Water and sanitation projects to reduce water-borne disease rates.
  10. The efficiency of regular balance training in preventing injuries.
  11. Interdisciplinary plan proposal of a local hospital: objective and team organization.
  12. Free screening for the early identification of breast cancer.
  13. Workplace wellness initiatives to protect employee mental health.
  14. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: research proposal.
  15. The use of online apps to improve patient-doctor communication.
  16. Geriatric care innovations to meet the health demands of the elderly.
  17. Hypertension prevention plan proposal.
  18. Machine learning and AI technology in the personalization of healthcare.
  19. The effectiveness of parental courses to prevent children obesity.
  20. Patient safety policy proposal.
  21. Yoga promotion programs to improve mental health.
  22. E-health platforms for remote monitoring of chronic conditions.
  23. Capstone project change proposal: new staffing policy.
  24. Women’s medical literature and its role in preventing maternal deaths.
  25. Accessible mental health services to decrease depression rates.
  26. Dementia: health promotion proposal.
  27. The use of a healthy diet in preventing cancers and diabetes.
  28. Vaccine access in poor countries to promote immunization.
  29. A bed alarm budget proposal for healthcare.
  30. Educational programs for parents to promote oral health at home.

Project Proposal Topics for Business

  1. The use of verification links to stop online scamming.
  2. Ocean Beauty Center: business proposal.
  3. Customer experience technology to deliver positive customer experience.
  4. Research into competitors to create a better brand presence.
  5. Service marketing plan proposal.
  6. The use of Amazon and eBay to pitch and brand your product.
  7. Instant online help tools to prevent shopping cart abandonment.
  8. Notes Restore: business plan proposal.
  9. The efficiency of valuable content in maintaining customer loyalty.
  10. Unique products to thrive in a competitive market.
  11. Avlon: market research proposal.
  12. The use of plain English in preventing product returns and refunds.
  13. Increasing sales by offering a product at a reduced price.
  14. Business proposal: a fitness center in Australia.
  15. Employment of cybersecurity services to protect a corporate website from viruses.
  16. The use of a recruitment agency to find qualified IT personnel.
  17. Leisure facility in Sherbury: business proposal.
  18. Regular developer training to save business during a crisis.
  19. Optimization of website speed through efficient coding.
  20. Talent management plan proposal.
  21. The use of the latest updates to solve unreliable internet connectivity issues.
  22. Mobile-friendly apps to improve customer support.
  23. Southwest Airlines human resource recruitment plan proposal.
  24. Authentic customer reviews to solve customer trust issues.
  25. The use of multi-factor authentication to maintain payment security.
  26. Emotional intelligence training proposal.
  27. Chatbots and their role in solving poor customer support issues.
  28. Workplace diversity and inclusion for fast business development.
  29. Utah Symphony and Utah Opera: merger proposal.
  30. The efficiency of social media influencers in business promotion.

Project Proposal Ideas for STEM Students

  1. Floating gardens and rafts to grow food during a flood.
  2. The use of innovative city technologies for solving a cityā€™s design needs.
  3. Navigating the engineering talent crisis.
  4. Accessible infrastructure to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  5. Chemical dispersants to clean up an oil spill.
  6. New technologies in retail supply chains.
  7. The use of heat-absorbing materials to construct solar ovens.
  8. AI healthcare diagnostics to provide patients with accurate results.
  9. Uber case study: online technology development.
  10. The use of monitoring systems to protect endangered species.
  11. Making technologies more inclusive to help people with autism.
  12. How can technology be used in healthcare?
  13. Aerospace engineering strategies to ensure safe flights.
  14. Eco-friendly packaging to stop plastic pollution.
  15. How new heart-scanning technology could save your life.
  16. Building earthquake-resistant structures to ensure urban safety.
  17. The use of biodegradable plastics to reduce environmental impact.
  18. Use of mathematics in a vocational context.
  19. Building seawalls to protect beach erosion.
  20. Solar farms for the production of renewable energy.
  21. Computerized sewerage system in Bedford Town.
  22. Creating artificial organs to save patients waiting for transplantation.
  23. Increasing microbial diversity to create a healthy and balanced soil ecosystem.
  24. Computerized accounting in an enterprise resource planning system.
  25. Early warning systems to save vulnerable areas from flood.
  26. The use of vitamin C bath to stop apple oxidization.
  27. Effective supply chain practices for computer and phone repair shop.
  28. Integration of damping systems to build earthquake-resistant structures.
  29. AI technology to design resistant bridges in urban areas.

Project Proposal Topics for Students in Education

  1. Funding for low-income schools to solve the problem of education access.
  2. Digital citizenship education proposal in Saudi Arabia.
  3. Inclusive teaching as a solution to inequalities in education.
  4. Studentsā€™ portfolios as a better alternative to standardized testing.
  5. Standardized testing: research proposal.
  6. Incentives for teachers to provide highly professional classes.
  7. Increasing federal school funding to improve education in low-income areas.
  8. York College OneCard proposal.
  9. A peer tutoring program to improve studentsā€™ performance.
  10. Parent-teacher conferences to address a lack of parental involvement.
  11. Proposal for the New National Constitution of Libya.
  12. Mentorship programs to cope with ineffective teaching methods.
  13. Anti-bullying policies to maintain a more positive school climate.
  14. Proposal to reduce college textbook cost.
  15. Video chats to address a lack of face-to-face communication in online courses.
  16. Study skills workshops to cope with studentsā€™ poor study habits.
  17. Virtual simulation curriculum technology proposal.
  18. Flexible learning environments to help students with anxiety disorder.
  19. The use of a rewards system to increase school attendance.
  20. How semester exams affect studentsā€™ emotional stability: article proposal.
  21. Monitoring cameras to ensure school safety and security.
  22. Anti-cheating measures to solve the issue of academic dishonesty.
  23. Analysis of student equity plan proposal.
  24. Additional facilities to accommodate the growing number of students.
  25. Global education partnerships to make higher education more accessible.
  26. Education issues: group proposal.
  27. Innovative classrooms to develop the creativity of students with disabilities.
  28. Introducing a financial literacy class to improve studentsā€™ money management skills.
  29. Proposal for the creation of K2 and K3-5 reading interventions.
  30. Launching a community service learning program to promote social responsibility.

Project Proposal Ideas for Students about Environment

  1. Buying e-books to protect the environment.
  2. The issue of environmental pollution by Polipaks Group.
  3. Extensive afforestation campaign to solve the deforestation problem.
  4. Low consumption levels to avoid adverse ecological consequences.
  5. Solar energy as an alternative energy source.
  6. Fines and punishment to reduce illegal dumping.
  7. Reusing things to stop climate change.
  8. Business model of renewable energy.
  9. Reducing single-use plastics on campus.
  10. Collecting sunlight for energy to stop natural resource depletion.
  11. Sustainable gas production in the UAE.
  12. Tree planting programs to protect the environment.
  13. Eco-friendly transportation methods to reduce carbon emissions.
  14. Sustainable practices in the Coca-Cola Company.
  15. Sustainable fashion and its role in reducing clothes consumption.
  16. High taxes for activities that harm our planet to support eco-friendly behavior.
  17. Carbon tax in the Australian industries.
  18. Limiting time on the road to reduce vehicle emissions.
  19. Supporting green businesses to encourage eco-friendly initiatives.
  20. Optimizing food production to improve quality, reduce cost, and prevent waste.
  21. Clean-up programs to remove litter and pollutants from public spaces.
  22. Green roof technologies to mitigate the urban heat island effect.
  23. Business plan: New Age Recyclers.
  24. A carbon offset project to engage businesses in environment protection.
  25. Education courses for people of any age to reduce their ecological footprint.
  26. Recycling batteries: market analysis for a new product.
  27. Replantation of native trees and plants to stop environmental degradation.
  28. Investing in solar panels to solve the energy consumption problem.
  29. Stanford Universityā€™s Habitat Conservation Plan.
  30. Choosing recyclables to decrease waste production.

šŸ”Ž Research Proposal Essay Topics

If youā€™re looking for research proposal essay topics, check out the list below! Weā€™ve collected ideas for a proposal in computer science, agriculture, history, and more.

  1. Career counseling to support high school students.
  2. Project proposal for counseling centers.
  3. The effectiveness of advertisement in increasing brand awareness.
  4. The reliability of criminological analysis in identifying the offenderā€™s personality.
  5. Research proposal on Ipad from Apple Inc.
  6. Remote workplaces to save the small business during pandemics.
  7. New therapeutic approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders.
  8. Research proposal: stress in the UK (England).
  9. The effects of socioeconomic status on access to quality education.
  10. The effectiveness of regular self-analysis in overcoming the psychological trauma of rape.
  11. Mitigation of supply chain risk in disasters: research proposal.
  12. Race to the Top program to improve studentsā€™ outcomes.
  13. Effective business communication practices contributing to business growth.
  14. A research proposal on banks and customer satisfaction.
  15. Psychological tricks of media to exploit impulsive buying.
  16. The advantages of using antipsychotics for preventing delirium.
  17. Congestive heart failure: research proposal.
  18. Therapies for school students to stop substance abuse.
  19. Controlling school attendance to improve childrenā€™s social skills.
  20. Research proposal: background of the problem of handoff communication in nursing.
  21. The impact of urbanization on biodiversity preservation.
  22. Trade globalization to create more job opportunities around the world.
  23. Research proposal: Chlamydia Trachomatis.
  24. Increase the age of smoking to 25 to reduce lung cancer rates.
  25. Potential effects of stricter laws on corruption and transparency.
  26. Primary prevention of HIV & AIDS: community teaching work plan proposal.
  27. The effectiveness of smart home systems in reducing energy consumption.
  28. Testing AI technologies to improve childrenā€™s diagnostics and treatment.
  29. High-performance work system proposal for workers.
  30. Including mental health topics in the school curriculum to protect studentsā€™ mental health.
  31. Paid vacations to support nursesā€™ emotional health.
  32. Non-profit National Kidney Foundationā€™s strategy proposal.
  33. Meditation to treat mental disorders nonchemically during pregnancy.
  34. Workplace diversity and its role in increasing business productivity.
  35. Business proposal report for a child day care.
  36. Face-to-face games to promote healthy child development.
  37. Investigating the relationship between sleep patterns and mental health in youth.

Proposal Essay Ideas in Computer Science

  1. New AI approaches to decrease the energy consumption of 5G networks.
  2. Informatics solution proposal: general solution ā€“ EHR.
  3. Ways to ensure data privacy in machine learning models.
  4. Exploring new applications of quantum computing.
  5. DesignIT Company: network consultation proposal.
  6. AI in art: exploring the boundaries between art and technology.
  7. Cognitive radio networks for improving future wireless systems.
  8. Informatics solution proposal for a supply issue.
  9. Quantum computing to advance medical predictive systems.
  10. Using NLP for code generation to increase software development productivity.
  11. Techfite firmā€™s emerging technology proposal.
  12. Developing methods to make AI algorithms more transparent to users.
  13. Investigating novel biometric authentication methods.
  14. ElekTron Companyā€™s network design proposal.
  15. Methods to detect and mitigate biases in AI systems.
  16. Usability in computer interface to ensure effective human-computer interactions.
  17. Advanced education in computational science.
  18. 3D object modeling to improve the architecture of large cities.
  19. The use of one programming language to cut the costs of programming training.
  20. Computer technologies to be installed at TVU Hotel.
  21. Constant feedback to minimize algorithmic bias in AI technologies.
  22. The use of computers to sequence human genes.
  23. Data science in the energy management field.
  24. Using machine learning for optimizing traffic flow in a smart city.
  25. AI-based approaches to the early detection and mitigation of cyber threats.
  26. The development of an information system to support inventory management.
  27. The use of AI in automatic data analysis.
  28. Web-based monitoring to improve healthcare services.
  29. Scrum methodology to develop Agile software.

Interesting Proposal Essay Topics for Agriculture

  1. The use of social media to improve agricultural marketing.
  2. How Chinaā€™s agricultural reform contributed to its success on economic growth.
  3. Organic farming to minimize pollution from agriculture.
  4. Farmer organizations to implement effective agricultural transformation procedures.
  5. Financial profile of Oman Agriculture Development Company SAOG.
  6. Increased availability of fertile land to prevent the agricultural land shortage.
  7. Modern farming technology to solve the issue of inadequate drainage.
  8. Obstacles and barriers of AIS in agriculture companies.
  9. The use of antibiotics alternatives in animal agriculture for public health.
  10. E-commerce platforms to promote farming on social media.
  11. Al Ain Poultry Farm: management strategy and policy.
  12. The incorporation of ecological practices into agricultural systems to protect the planet.
  13. Maintaining ground cover to restore soil health and biodiversity.
  14. Case study of Holly Farm: problems and solutions.
  15. Farmersā€™ collaborations to maintain knowledge and resource sharing.
  16. New technologies for storage of agricultural products.
  17. Competitive advantage in farming, car, and restaurant industries.
  18. Organic materials to recycle nutrients within the agricultural ecosystem.
  19. Alternative farming methods to provide efficient resource use.
  20. Political argument on farm subsidies.
  21. Anti-discrimination policies to expand the rights of women in the agricultural sector.
  22. Online podcasts to build trustful relationships between farmers and consumers.
  23. Quillstine Farmā€™s start-up business plan.
  24. Conserving genetic variety in crops and livestock for future resilience.
  25. Increasing investment to address a lack of modern farming equipment.
  26. Business plan: integrated farming.
  27. Favoring crop rotation over monoculture farming to save natural habitats.
  28. Waste management to cut down on agricultureā€™s environmental footprint.
  29. State farm: addressing problematic intersections.
  30. The use of mulch and cover crops to protect soil from wind and water erosion.

Proposal Topics for a History Paper

  1. World War II lessons to prevent future conflicts.
  2. The City of Dubai: history, development, and challenges.
  3. Modern technology to restore the chronology of ancient events.
  4. The lasting impact of the Silk Road on global trade.
  5. History of supply chain management.
  6. The evolution of democracy in Ancient Greece.
  7. Anti-nationalism programs to prevent an imbalanced view of the past.
  8. Major historical influences on Karl Marxā€™s materialist conception of history.
  9. The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures.
  10. The evolution of human rights: from declaration to practice.
  11. Corporate social responsibility and its historical background.
  12. The history of urban legends and folklore: transmission and societal impact.
  13. Environmental change and its impact on historical societies.
  14. Management and its historical evolution.
  15. The economic motivations and consequences of colonization.
  16. The history of entertainment and its social influence.
  17. Enron Companyā€™s history of rise and fall.
  18. Disinformation and misinformation campaigns throughout history.
  19. The evolution of humanitarian aid and international relief efforts.
  20. Islamic banking: history and economic crises.
  21. Economic and social impact of pandemics throughout history.
  22. The evolution of warfare ethics: from ancient codes to modern international law.
  23. Justice is one of the key themes in human history.
  24. The history of human-animal relationships and their cultural significance.
  25. The Marshall Plan for European economic recovery post-WWII.
  26. History of inclusion in early childhood education.
  27. The influence of global trade routes on culinary traditions.
  28. New historical approaches to overcome scientific doubt.
  29. The history of Saudi Aramco from 1930 to 1940.
  30. AI technology to indicate fabricated historical documents.

šŸ˜„ Funny Topics for Proposal Essays

Are you looking for funny proposal topics? Then, we have something for you! Read on to find some of the most outstanding ideas!

  1. Mobile apps to prevent people from running into objects while they are texting.
  2. Mindbody app: proposed business plan.
  3. Mental exercises to increase student productivity at school.
  4. Pavlov’s dog experiment to teach pets to use the toilet.
  5. Financial proposal for ā€˜SILKā€™ hair protection gel.
  6. The use of humor to reduce stress and depression.
  7. Surviving Monday mornings: a comprehensive guide to coffee consumption.
  8. Goals and features of a proposed school library.
  9. Online monitoring to stop students’ procrastination.
  10. Mini lie detector to get away with telling a white lie.
  11. Business proposal for the Al-Yamamah College and JavaNet.
  12. New device to ensure your shampoo and conditioner are at the same rate.
  13. Plants and their role in reviving the space where you are working.
  14. Marketing proposal for Bikemate.
  15. The art of organization to protect the house from clutter.
  16. AI kitchen appliances to ensure food safety.
  17. Business plan for the proposed Chinese medicine clinic in Kuwait.
  18. Rap music to make home tasks fun and effective.
  19. Second hand to save budget from unplanned shopping.
  20. Zetech Organizationā€™s proposed change: strengths and weaknesses.
  21. Funny mugs to throw a perfect tea party.
  22. Online books to not die from boredom in the queue.

Proposal Title Ideas about Animals

  1. The use of langur pee smell to protect New Delhi from monkeys.
  2. Animal Foodland organizationā€™s marketing plan.
  3. Conducting a study on dogsā€™ understanding of human emotional cues.
  4. Purchasing cruelty-free cosmetics to protect animals from being killed.
  5. Woolly Mammoth project ā€“ mythical animal.
  6. Animal adoption programs solve the problem of animal homelessness.
  7. Spaying and neutering to solve the pet overpopulation issue.
  8. Traveling by train among animals and plants.
  9. Taking part in Animal Rescue Team training to help animals in crisis.
  10. Veterinary care standards to improve conditions for animals in captivity.
  11. Cosmetic and medical animal testing.
  12. Establishing training programs to provide certificates of pet ownership.
  13. Natural habitat rehabilitation to save endangered species.
  14. Animal-based therapy overview and analysis.
  15. Creating protected areas to safeguard oceanic biodiversity.
  16. Responsible tourism to ensure wildlife safety and security.
  17. Red fluorescent protein transgenic dogs experiment.
  18. Global cooperation to stop illegal cross-border animal trafficking.
  19. Education programs to raise awareness of animal conservation.
  20. Business ethics decision situation in veterinary practice.
  21. Supporting fur-free fashion to protect wildlife.
  22. Encouraging TV talk shows to discuss animal issues.
  23. China Southern Airlines and monkey transportation.

Proposal Paper Ideas about Sports

  1. Developing a community-based sports initiative for physical fitness and health.
  2. How does social media influence sports brands marketing?
  3. Education on sports ethics to create an inclusive environment in a team.
  4. Anti-doping programs to reduce the cases of steroid use.
  5. Sports marketing affected by the internet of things.
  6. Financial rehabilitation services to help athletes with injuries.
  7. Creating fitness programs for children to promote a culture of health.
  8. Leadership in the sports club group.
  9. Equal pay for female athletes in professional sports to stop discrimination.
  10. Increasing access to sporting opportunities for people with disabilities.
  11. Preparing to be an effective follower in sports.
  12. Detailed protocols to prevent and manage dangerous situations in sports.
  13. Equipment-sharing programs to make sports activities more affordable.
  14. Kids and sports: lack of professional sports guides.
  15. Physical education programs in the schools to promote healthy lifestyles.
  16. Recovery strategies to prevent burnout and overtraining of athletes.
  17. Balancing college sports and academic mission.
  18. Supportive team program to assist athletes in coping with eating disorders.
  19. Monitoring systems to ensure safe and sustainable workloads.
  20. Advertising campaign for online sports nutrition store.
  21. Sports psychologists and their role in helping athletes with mental toughness.
  22. Sponsorship programs to reduce individual financial pressure in the sports industry.

šŸ§© Proposal Essay Structure

Creating a well-developed structure is vital for any writing assignment. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve prepared a detailed template with the elements of a good proposal.

  • Title. Give your proposal a clear and unambiguous title. It should let the reader understand the key idea of your project.
  • Introduction. The introduction should outline the purpose of your proposal and present a thesis statement.
  • Background and significance. Describe the problem in detail and outline its history and importance.
  • Details of your proposal. This section should include the proposal itself. Explain how your suggested research or solution would address the problem and how you plan to implement it.
  • Potential problems or objections. Consider problems you may encounter when implementing the proposed project and explain how you plan to solve them. Also, anticipate and respond to the objections that the recipients of your proposal may have.
  • Conclusion. In your conclusion, summarize your proposal’s core ideas and add a call to action for the audience.
  • References. The reference list should include all the sources youā€™ve used in your work. You should format them according to your required citation style, like APA or MLA.

āœļø How to Make a Proposal Essay

Whether you are writing a proposal argument or a research proposal, the writing steps will be the same. Below are the steps you should take to complete this assignment.

This image shows how to write a proposal essay.

1. Choose Your Topic

Choosing a good topic is vital in writing a proposal essay. Select the subject you are interested in. This way, youā€™ll be more willing to invest your time and efforts into this project. In addition, ensure that your topic is narrow, specific, and significant. If your topic is too broad, reading background information can help you limit its scope.

2. Research

Find trustworthy sources with the information you can use to support your proposal. It will help you write the background section and highlight the importance of the problem. In addition, reliable sources will help you provide evidence justifying your chosen solution to the problem.

3. Outline

Developing a detailed outline helps ensure that your paper is logical and cohesive. The outline will let you see how you will link all of the facts to support the thesis statement. Also, it can save you time by identifying any gaps and weaknesses in your argument before you start writing your paper.

4. Draft Your Proposal Essay

When drafting your proposal, remember that it is a type of persuasive writing. It should present a project and encourage the reader to go along with a plan of action outlined in the paper. So, ensure your proposal is convincing, logical, and credible and considers the audience, purpose, and tone.

Start your essay by presenting the purpose and essence of your project. The main body of your proposal essay should contain background information on the problem and persuasive reasons to support your proposal. Finally, the conclusion should underline the significance of the issue and call the audience to action.

5. Revise and Edit

Carefully revise and edit your draft. Consider whether the problem is described concisely, the solution is complete, and your evidence is used appropriately. Also, read your work to find any grammar or spelling mistakes. If you still have doubts about your paper, you can ask your professor or classmate to read it and give their feedback.

šŸ“ƒ Sample of a Proposal Essay

To help you understand how a proposal essay is structured, weā€™ve prepared a topic proposal example. Check it out!

Equipping Schools with Recycling Bins for Environmental Preservation

The purpose of this proposal is to implement a school-wide recycling program by strategically placing recycling bins across the campus. This initiative will promote zero waste culture, ensure the schoolā€™s sustainability, and contribute to environmental preservation.

The school is a perfect place to develop environmental awareness because it has the opportunity to build studentsā€™ knowledge and skills necessary to address environmental issues. One way to do so is to teach students to avoid improper waste disposal through recycling.

The proposal involves procuring and placing recycling bins across the school, including classrooms, common areas, and outdoor spaces. In addition, educational campaigns will be held to raise awareness among students, staff, and parents about the significance of waste segregation and recycling. Regular monitoring and evaluation will ensure the programā€™s effectiveness.

Several problems may arise while implementing this project, including resistance to change and logistical concerns about bin placement. Some may also object to the proposal due to the costs associated with it. However, the resistance to change can be mitigated by educational campaigns. The bin placement problem can be solved by involving staff and students in determining the optimal locations for recycling bins. Finally, financial constraints can be addressed by seeking partnerships with local businesses and community organizations.

Equipping the school with recycling bins is a step toward a sustainable future. By reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices, our school can lead by example and inspire positive changes within the community. This initiative gives a chance to raise environmentally conscious students and contribute to a healthier planet. Let us embrace this program to foster a sustainable school environment.

ā“ Proposal Topics FAQ

How to write a proposal for an essay topic?

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Identify your thesis or research question.
  3. Look for sources that you can use to support your thesis/research question.
  4. Create a detailed outline.
  5. Write the first draft.
  6. Edit the finished paper to fix grammar or spelling mistakes and ensure coherence.

How to write a proposal essay introduction?

Start with an attention-grabbing hook to pique your audienceā€™s curiosity. Then, summarize the details of the problem and outline the purpose of your proposed project. Finally, add a strong thesis statement, summarizing your suggested solution and giving a preview of your supporting arguments.

How to write a proposal argument essay?

  1. Summarize the details of the problem and present the thesis.
  2. Give a detailed history of the problem.
  3. Present your proposal in detail.
  4. Examine the contrasting viewpoints.
  5. Sum up the main points of your essay.

What to write a proposal essay on?

Since you advocate for a change or a solution to a problem in your proposal essay, you should choose a topic you care about. You can write a proposal essay on virtually everything, from presenting a solution to climate change to implementing a community-based reading program or raising awareness about the importance of gut microbiota.

šŸ”— References

  1. Topic Proposals | University of Hawaii
  2. Selecting a Research Topic: Overview | MIT Libraries
  3. Proposals | University of Mary Washington
  4. Research Proposals | University of New Hampshire
  5. 10 Major Social Problems That Could Be Fixed with Innovative Solutions | Listverse
  6. How to Write a Topic Proposal | LUC Writing Center
  7. The Art of Proposal Writing: Proposal as Genre | Graduate College at Illinois
  8. Outline for Research Project Proposal | Portland State University
  9. Tips for Successful Proposal Writing | University of California, Davis
  10. How to Write a Good Postgraduate Research Proposal | The University of Edinburgh
  11. Proposal Argument Topic Ideas | Classroom
  12. What Is a Proposal Argument Essay? | Classroom
  13. Proposal Argument Essay | Madigan Library at Penn College
  14. Practical Proposal Essay Topics for Students | YourDictionary
  15. How to Write a Proposal Essay/Paper | Owlcation
  16. Guidelines for Proposal and Essay | York University
  17. The Academic Proposal | University of Toronto
  18. Writing Process: Creating a Proposal | Openstax
  19. How to Write a Research Proposal | University of Sheffield
  20. How To Write a Project Proposal (With Tips and Example) | Indeed
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