371 Fun Argumentative Essay Topics for 2025

Writing an argumentative essay is not the funniest thing to do. Even so, there are ways to ease this process and make it less strained – choose a catchy topic! Dive into the article and find some funny argumentative essay topics for your assignment.

Our team worked very hard to develop more than 300 funny essay topics for you. We hope you’ll enjoy these humor essay topics, but keep in mind that writing an essay is not all fun and games. It requires concentration and some analysis.

⚠️ BONUS: tips on the most efficient argumentative essay outlines ⚠️

🔝 Top 12 Fun Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling?
  2. Are video games a good way to relieve stress and anxiety?
  3. Is it better to study alone or in a group?
  4. Is it important for everyone to learn a second language?
  5. Should celebrities be role models?
  6. Is fashion important in expressing individuality?
  7. Should people embrace the trend of minimalist living?
  8. Do virtual influencers benefit the marketing industry?
  9. Is it better to have a small family than a large one?
  10. Should parents be friends with their children on social media?
  11. Is it better to pursue multiple careers throughout one’s life?
  12. Is it better to be an early bird or a night owl?

🔖 Argumentative Essay Topics 2025

  1. Does vegetarianism help climate change?
  2. Are our lives better with the Internet?
  3. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  4. Should we pay taxes to governments?
  5. Is providing free medical insurance a government’s responsibility?
  6. Euthanasia should be illegal because of its harm.
  7. Should political activism be compulsory?
  8. Are we on the edge of WW3?
  9. Why should public surveillance cameras be banned?
  10. Do we need more gender inclusivity?
  11. How far should we go with exploring space?
  12. Should people have a right to own a gun?
  13. Should marijuana be allowed in all countries?
  14. Is using a smartphone for hours dangerous for health?
  15. Should police officers have a college degree?

🗂️ Argumentative Essay Outline. Effective Organization


we will show you three main methods to organize an argumentative essay. Classical type, Rogerian type, and Toulmin type. You can pick one or just get ideas on how to build up your argumentation.

🟡 ClassicalAlso known as Aristotelian, this method is the most popular and easy to use. First, you state your argument and then step-by-step tell why it is the right one.Introduction. State a problem and why it is essential.
Background. Provide context for a better understanding of the topic.
Proposition. Present your crucial statement (-s).
Proof. Back up your position with evidence and additional points.
Refutation. Give counter-arguments and try to beat them.
Conclusion. Repeat your points, contrast them with counter-arguments.
🟢 RogerianIf your topic is controversial, the Rogerian method is the best strategy! Such essay organization inspects other perspectives thoroughly, as well as promotes your stance. It’s all about compromise…Introduction. Tell about the issue, stay impersonal.
Opposing View. Discuss the other side with respect.
Understanding. In which conditions the opposite side is valid?
Your Position. Provide your point of view.
Contexts. Hit with contexts where your arguments win.
Benefits. List the advantageous features of your position.
🔵 ToulminThis essay structuring method provides the best opportunities to present your statement—no need to equally introduce the opposing side. Instead, you can concentrate on your arguments and make them unbeatable.Claim. Put your main argument.
Data. Use data to back up your statement.
Bridge. Link the data with the claim -> it acquires proper ground.
Backing. Any extra reasoning supporting the bridge.
Counterclaim. Demonstrate your awareness of the opposing view.
Rebuttal. Evidence opposing counterclaim and referring to a bridge.

These were the three most prominent methods to organize your argumentative essay effectively. Here you can familiarize yourself with them in detail and find examples. However, it is still possible to use other strategies for building argumentation.

⚔️ Funny Argumentative Essay Topics to Debate on

The best questions for argumentative essays have no obvious answers and always produce conflicting options.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Does smoking help people make acquaintances?
  2. Dating apps made romance disappear.
  3. Freedom of expression should be guaranteed to everyone.
  4. Does DNA or upbringing define us?
  5. Can democracy work in the Middle East?
  6. Fast food companies should not advertise to children.
  7. Is global warming overrated?
  8. Would the world be better without religion?
  9. Distracted driving: should talking & texting be banned?
  10. Is organic food anyhow better, or is it just a marketing trick?
  11. Are conflicts necessary for healthy relationships?
  12. Should lecture attendance be optional?
  13. Should same-sex couples receive constitutional protection?
  14. Should sex education be a compulsory subject at school?
  15. Should the rich be taxed more?
  16. Why should we pay for music?
  17. Is the first impression of a person always right?
  18. Should students add their teachers as friends on Facebook?
  19. Should companies try to copy their competitors?
  20. Should governments censor material on the internet?
  21. Can businesses learn from their customers’ complaints?
  22. Should all energy drinks be banned?
  23. Should we limit our use of social media?
  24. Is China a new superpower?
  25. Is policing in the US racially biased?
  26. Should the right to die be considered a right?
  27. Should terrorists be treated like criminals or like enemy combatants?
  28. Is the body or the mind primary?
  29. Juveniles should not be tried as adults.
  30. Will the redistribution of wealth eradicate poverty?

🍂 Easy and Fun Essay Topics

Forget that an argumentative essay topic requires discussing classic issues like abortion or euthanasia. A good debate subject can also be a funny topic to write about.

  1. Should employees be allowed to use social media at work?
  2. Should companies send “happy birthday” messages to clients?
  3. Do stay-at-home mothers exhibit more indicators of happiness than full-time working mothers?
  4. Would Shakespeare’s plays be more interesting if shortened?
  5. Should internet slang like “LOL” and “IMHO” be included in dictionaries?
  6. Full-day vs. half-day kindergarten: which is better?
  7. Does the English language need to be more straightforward?
  8. Should kids be allowed to draw on walls?
  9. Art, music, and dance in treatment.
  10. Do modern schools depend too much on technology?
  11. Are online classes valued less?
  12. Medical practices in Ancient Greece, Igbo Culture and Kikuyu Pre Colonial.
  13. Is the character of an individual prescribed or acquired?
  14. Should hospitals use placebo treatments?
  15. Do innovations make us lazier?

🪂 Chill and Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

The easiest way to write an A+ persuasive essay is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you:

  1. Can college athletes be intelligent?
  2. Arguments for and against the fast food industry in the USA.
  3. Should students have profiles on all major social networks?
  4. Should people abandon cash and use plastic cards only?
  5. Drug legalization: for and against.
  6. Should countries have “one-car-per-family” policies?
  7. Why is obesity not considered a disease?
  8. Should we preserve old buildings as historical monuments?
  9. Are some TV ads objects of art?
  10. How does the environment affect health, and why is this an essential global health policy concern?
  11. Is music in shopping malls harmful to employees’ well-being?
  12. Can listening to your favorite music heal?
  13. Argue for or against mandatory vaccination for all students of public schools.
  14. Should journalists who distort the truth to make the news more sensational be punished?
  15. Are hybrid cars friendly to the environment?
  16. Should all TV channels have censorship?

🔥 Hot Argumentative Essay Topics

If you’re still here, then you’re probably looking for something special, like these argumentative essay topics:

  1. Is using animals for experiments justified?
  2. Do SOPA and PIPA make pirates more skilled?
  3. Is negative PR the secret behind Justin Bieber’s success?
  4. Smoking in public places: arguments for banning.
  5. Should Wikipedia give diplomas to its most faithful readers?
  6. Can diamonds be girls’ best friends?
  7. Dangers of spreading human immunodeficiency virus.
  8. Should couples live together before marriage?
  9. Should parents tell their kids about the birds and the bees?
  10. Physician-assisted suicide is a basic right.
  11. Can virtual reality be dangerous for kids?
  12. Should condoms be distributed in high schools?
  13. Is too much political correctness making communication more confusing?
  14. Is it possible to get 100% clear and unbiased results from psychological research?

🤔 Thought-Provoking Argumentative Essay Topics

Consider choosing one of these interesting argumentative essay topics for college:

  1. Can any behavior be predicted?
  2. Does a tattoo on a face spoil the first impression about a person?
  3. Should the modern voting system abolish the electoral college?
  4. How many Facebook friends is it healthy to have?
  5. Should we get rid of all euphemisms and say things as they are?
  6. Should we consider Trump a populist?
  7. What is the best use for duct tape other than taping things?
  8. Should the US government provide more public goods?
  9. What’s the real meaning of children’s fairy tales and nursery rhymes?
  10. Privacy and security of online networks.
  11. Should people be able to patent their ideas?
  12. Is there a lack of African American women in federal government positions?
  13. Is panda hugger a serious job?
  14. Is Esperanto a failed language?
  15. The problem of authorities’ corruption.
  16. Are millennials unhealthily addicted to social media?
  17. Problems of overcrowding in prisons.
  18. Is it possible to live your entire life without leaving a trace online?

🗣️ Funny Argumentative Speech Topics

Are you looking for good persuasive speech topics? Here are some creative speech ideas:

  1. Should soccer players be allowed to fight on the field?
  2. Family values and needs conflict in nursing ethics.
  3. Should society have child-free restaurants?
  4. Is Coke better than Pepsi?
  5. Should the lottery be illegal?
  6. Should everyone climb Mount Everest at least once in their lives?
  7. Should the law prohibit taking selfies while driving?
  8. Are moist cookies better than dry cookies?
  9. Should the drinking age be lowered?
  10. Should students be allowed to wear dreadlocks at school?
  11. Should you refuse to sign a prenuptial agreement?
  12. Health effects of high fructose-containing sugars.
  13. Should you create your own subculture?
  14. Should students be graded on their computer literacy?
  15. Should marijuana be legalized around the world?
  16. Should meat lovers be more mindful of vegetarians?
  17. World Trade Organization membership impact.
  18. Should everyone abandon cars and ride bikes instead?
  19. Should airlines have a two-seat policy for heavier people?
  20. What role does China play in shaping the contemporary politics of the world?
  21. Should you add your parents as friends on Facebook?
  22. Is the sharing economy essentially the same thing as communism?

🔃 Essay Topics on Argumentation

What about some quibble?
You may try to speak about argumentation itself since there is a lot of dispute about its nature, structure, and models. For instance:

  1. Should students choose research and essay themes themselves?
  2. Can argumentative writing help in different life situations?
  3. Do good arguments resolve conflicts, or do they push you to contradict?
  4. Would famous persuasive speeches produce the same impact on the audience of today?
  5. Is an argumentative essay for college students an easier task than for school students?
  6. Persuasion techniques of politicians.
  7. Do some argumentative issues lack real problems to be discussed?
  8. Can a good discursive essay be composed without proper argumentation?
  9. Does an argumentative paper format impact its message and value?
  10. Can argumentative essay exercises in school contribute to writing skills demonstrated in college and university?
  11. Mass media and propagation of political rhetoric.
  12. Can essay subjects be too simple to develop good argumentation?
  13. Are some controversial topics missing controversy?
  14. Do argumentative essays with sources have higher persuasive power?
  15. Do short argumentative essays lack depth?
  16. Argumentative essay on global warming.
  17. Is an accepted college essay format assistance or limitation?
  18. Should students prepare debate arguments in advance or develop them during debates?
  19. Individual’s strengths and problem-solving skills.
  20. Does a formal argumentative essay lack personalization?
  21. Is writing a persuasive essay a skill or a talent?
  22. I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King.
  23. Should an argumentative style of writing be formalized?
  24. Do all persuasive speeches require personal charisma?
  25. Personal skills application in project management.
  26. Can an argumentative paper fail because of its neutral tone?
  27. Is there a difference between an argumentative and a persuasive essay?
  28. Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN speech.
  29. Is there a universal argumentative essay model?

🙈 Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Are early marriages more likely to end in divorce?
  2. Do older people receive better care in retirement homes than with family members?
  3. Should hyperactive kids receive treatment?
  4. Social media: positive aspects for teenagers.
  5. Should mind reading during poker games be banned?
  6. Should parents pass tests before homeschooling their kids?
  7. Are humans addicted to technology?
  8. Should parents lie to their kids about Santa Claus?
  9. Standing on the feminist side in same-sex marriage.
  10. Is it fair to use the results of standardized tests to define schools’ budgets?
  11. Are optimism and success infectious?
  12. Impact of video games on students.
  13. Is the Bermuda triangle a creation of our imagination?

📏 Discipline-Specific Argumentative Essay Topics

If your task was to write an argumentative essay on a particular subject, try to find something in the lists below.

🌐 Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media and the Internet

  1. Modern technologies make people lonelier and more depressive.
  2. Impact of globalization and technology on cross-cultural negotiations.
  3. The use of filthy language on the internet negatively affects the quality of vocabulary in daily life.
  4. The use of the Internet in police technology.
  5. Modern teenagers lack survival skills due to their reliance on technology.
  6. Live communication will soon minimize due to smartphones.
  7. The educational system gains more than it loses with the development of technologies.
  8. Technology and healthcare: a shortage of healthcare providers and the aging demographics.
  9. Facebook and other social networks pose a threat to your privacy.
  10. The internet violates intellectual property rights.
  11. The role of technology in the work of nurses and its analysis.
  12. Did school shootings increase due to the popularity of video games?
  13. Politics and social movements: race, ethnicity, and the use of social media.
  14. Do gadgets limit children’s imagination?
  15. Will rapid technological development lead to a global crisis?
  16. Social media for law enforcement.
  17. The dependence of the world on the internet is excessive.
  18. Internet users need online censorship.
  19. Sites that promote aggressive or inadequate behaviors, violence, etc., must be banned.
  20. Computers and technology in law enforcement and investigations.
  21. Kids should be denied access to the internet.
  22. Virtual relationships cannot exist for a long time.

👩‍🎨 Argumentative Essay Topics on Culture

  1. Does conceptualism make art lose its value?
  2. Do the lyrics in today’s songs make any sense?
  3. How do logos change the perception of a brand?
  4. Does modern art require talent, or can one rely on ambition only?
  5. Is poetry relevant anymore?
  6. How do gangsta rap and rock music address violence, racism, and social issues?
  7. Is there a superior kind of art, or do they all have equal value?
  8. Does mainstream culture make people dull and limited?
  9. Impact of computer technology on architecture.
  10. Does free access to unlimited information on the Internet make us more knowledgeable?
  11. Violent music and its impacts on children.
  12. Should one be wealthy to be able to build a career in art?
  13. Is the art of professional criticism lost for good?
  14. Is American cinematography worse than European, or is it prejudice?
  15. Gender role in the music videos.

‍🤝 ‍Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Issues

  1. Freedom of speech is more important than the prevention of extremism.
  2. Combating drug abuse: public policy issue.
  3. Small talks are a very effective way to maintain lots of social connections.
  4. Immigrants should be treated and perceived the same way as other members of society.
  5. Public policies in the healthcare sector.
  6. Universities consider the individual characteristics of their students for a more efficient studying process.
  7. Compliance with COVID-19 measures is a personal choice of each individual.
  8. Major healthcare reforms in the US.
  9. Is it socially acceptable to remark to a stranger who is being very ill-mannered?
  10. Global health promotion and wellness.
  11. Is gender-specific etiquette a relic of society, or should it still be followed?
  12. Is social inequality a result of the market economy?
  13. Government response on growing inflation and unemployment rates.
  14. If each millionaire in the world donated $1 per day to needy people, there would not be poverty.
  15. US gun control policies should be stricter.

🦹 Argumentative Essay Topics on Gender In/Equality

  1. Does gender discrimination still exist?
  2. Gender differences in military negotiations.
  3. Male discrimination is not less relevant and important than female.
  4. Gender studies should be taught at school.
  5. Ethnic and gender diversity issues in policing.
  6. Gender oppression resulted in almost no female explorers, politicians, and other outstanding figures in different fields.
  7. Gender bias in child care and child health: global patterns.
  8. The level of gender equality positively correlates with the GDP of a state.
  9. Straight white men are to blame for female oppression.
  10. Gender issues faced by psychiatric-mental health nurses.
  11. Would a women-dominated society be much more sufficient?
  12. Objectification of women through female genital mutilation.
  13. Female persons are in greater danger of sexual exploitation.
  14. Highly religious communities could never achieve gender equality.
  15. Positive gender discrimination is as wrong as negative one.

💸 Argumentative Essay Topics on Business

  1. Testing products on animals is unacceptable in the modern world.
  2. Environmental economics issues and policies.
  3. How much do economic and political conditions determine the well-being of a business?
  4. Businesses’ obligations with respect to the environment.
  5. Focus on the market doesn’t result in much prosperity.
  6. International business and supply chain management.
  7. Studying business will not make you a successful businessman.
  8. Monetary benefits for employers are more effective than moral encouragement.
  9. Joe Biden’s Pressure to lift US-China supply chain tariffs.
  10. Corporate training is crucial for employees.
  11. Can a company succeed without a proper marketing strategy?
  12. Unemployment in the Gulf States.
  13. With the continually growing competitiveness, it is harder to enter the market than it used to be in earlier days.
  14. Motivating factors for women entrepreneurs.
  15. Do local businesses need more support than big companies?

📖 Argumentative Essay Topics on History

  1. History has no subjunctive mood.
  2. Elizabeth I’s leadership. English history.
  3. Should denying the Holocaust be criminalized?
  4. Should there be an opportunity to sue governments for historical crimes?
  5. Equal opportunities throughout American history.
  6. Is there any possibility of fair solutions for land conflicts?
  7. Russia and the US getting involved in the Middle East conflict worsened the situation.
  8. US military involvement in Mexico’s drug wars.
  9. Particular persons started the worst wars in history.
  10. Witch-hunt in Europe during the Middle Ages.
  11. Karl Marx might have had the biggest ever impact on society.

🕹️ Argumentative Essay Topics on Technologies

  1. Can artificial intelligence be dangerous for human civilization?
  2. Impact of information technology business outsourcing and off-shoring.
  3. Should developed countries invest more in space exploration than in social problems?
  4. Homeland security intelligence gaps in the US.
  5. Will driverless cars cause more problems, or is it a better choice?
  6. Automation of manufacturing not only jeopardizes related jobs but also organically creates new working places.
  7. How can information technology be used to gain a competitive advantage?
  8. Has Silicon Valley failed to solve the world’s technological revolution problems?
  9. Information technology in Saudi Arabia’ education.
  10. Will the rise of machines undermine democracy?
  11. Can cryptocurrency actually replace banks?
  12. Videogaming can make people smarter.
  13. Li-Fi technology: goals and significance.
  14. Individuals should have a right to erase all their personal information online.
  15. Cyberwars are overrated.
  16. Vehicle tracking technology project management.
  17. Smart gadgets make people lose their decision-making and practical thinking skills.

🤝 Argumentative Essay Topics on Politics

  1. Political presence in non-political events (Olympic Games, Eurovision Song Contest, the Oscars, etc.) should be eliminated.
  2. Major healthcare reforms in the US.
  3. National security VS people’s privacy. What should be dominant?
  4. The American government’s ban on Tik-Tok.
  5. Should all the countries that have nuclear weapons destroy them?
  6. North Korea’s nuclear problem: impact and solutions.
  7. Do illegal migrants have to be deported provided help?
  8. African conflicts and critical problems.
  9. Should there be a universal basic income on a state level for everyone?
  10. The places in the parliament (or any other highest governing institution) should have equal gender division.
  11. Should patriotism be part of decision-making when it is about international relations?
  12. Felony disenfranchisement: serious problems.
  13. Would it be more efficient to make one government for all countries globally?
  14. Issue priorities in Biden’s budget.
  15. Voting has to be compulsory for everyone.
  16. Politics and economy in healthcare system.
  17. Robots should substitute presidents.

🤓 Argumentative Essay Topics on Education

  1. Should both the author and the person who copied be accused?
  2. How does government legislation impacts educational institutions?
  3. Should students hand over their gadgets before the class?
  4. Educational policies on internal and local populations.
  5. Does it improve the studying process if a teacher spends time with students outside of the classroom?
  6. Educational policies on internal and local populations.
  7. Should a student be allowed to express their creativity if it deviates from the studying process?
  8. Professional goals for public health education.
  9. Bullying at school depends on how good the education is given in a school.
  10. Public education budget shortage analysis.
  11. A student’s success is influenced by their classmates more than by their parents.
  12. Nursing education systems in Kenya and Ireland.
  13. Boys and girls should attend different schools.
  14. Women’s rights movement impact on education.
  15. Students should be allowed to choose the courses they want to study.

🌟 Unique Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18?
  2. What is the role of art in society, and how should it be supported?
  3. Should animals have the same rights as humans?
  4. Should parents have the right to make all decisions for their children, or should children have more autonomy?
  5. Should the use of plastic straws be banned globally?
  6. Is it ethical to use virtual influencers (AI-generated personas) for marketing purposes?
  7. Is it acceptable to use psychedelic drugs for spiritual or religious purposes?
  8. Should all countries switch to a four-day workweek?
  9. Is it ethical to use virtual reality technology for empathy training?
  10. Should the study of philosophy be a mandatory part of school curriculums?
  11. Should parents have the right to choose the gender of their child?
  12. Is technology making us more connected or more isolated?
  13. Should schools focus more on teaching practical life skills rather than academic subjects?
  14. Are mental health issues being taken seriously enough in society?
  15. Are professional athletes overpaid, or do they deserve their high salaries?

🤪 Silly Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Is it ethical to use mind-reading technology to prevent crime?
  2. Would it be justified to use time travel to change historical events?
  3. Is it reasonable to have a national holiday dedicated to celebrating socks?
  4. Should people be allowed to have pet dinosaurs?
  5. Is it practical to have a mandatory “silly walk” zone in every city?
  6. Is it reasonable to have a mandatory silly hat day every week?
  7. Is it acceptable to eat breakfast foods for every meal?
  8. Should the official language of the world be emoji-based?
  9. Is it practical to have a mandatory daily nap time for adults?
  10. Should all transportation be replaced with giant hamster balls?
  11. Should we have a mandatory “dance like nobody’s watching” hour every day?
  12. Should people be required to wear sunglasses at all times, even indoors?
  13. Should people be allowed to communicate exclusively through interpretive mime?
  14. Should all work meetings be conducted in the form of a talent show?
  15. Is it reasonable to have a mandatory “bring your pet to work” day every week?

🌞 Light-Hearted Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Is it better to have a dog or a cat as a pet?
  2. Everyone should read the book before watching the movie adaptation.
  3. Is it better to play board games or video games for family bonding?
  4. Listening to music on vinyl records vs. digital streaming platforms.
  5. Should hobbies be included as part of a school curriculum?
  6. Is it better to watch movies in the theater or at home?
  7. Should siblings share a bedroom or have their own rooms?
  8. Is it better to have a single favorite hobby or multiple hobbies?
  9. Is it better to listen to music while working or study in silence?
  10. Should pets be allowed in restaurants and cafes?
  11. Should pets have their own birthday parties?
  12. Should families eat dinner together at the table every night?
  13. Is it better to play classic board games or modern board games?
  14. Is it better to watch movies in 2D or 3D format?
  15. Should schools have a “Pajama Day” or “Crazy Hair Day”?

What’s next?

Of course!

Having selected a good topic to argue about, you now need to create an argumentative essay outline. Read and analyze some persuasive essay examples to learn more about the structure and vocabulary used in this type of essay.

If you liked our good and easy argumentative essay topics, then take a look at our other helpful essay topic articles.

For more amazing essay ideas, check out:

Happy writing, dear friends! See you again!

🔎 References

  1. How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide
  2. Argumentative Essays, Purdue University
  3. 50 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics
  4. 401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing
  5. All Debates | IQ2US Debates
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