Each year, about 73 million induced abortions are performed worldwide. The higher the abortion rates, the greater the health risks women face due to the inability to obtain timely, respectful, cost-effective, and safe abortion care. For this reason, the topic of abortion is crucial nowadays, although it remains controversial.
In this article, our expert team has compiled a list of abortion essay topics and research title ideas that are worth investigating.
🔝 Top 12 Abortion Essay Topics
- The issue of abortion criminalization.
- Why should abortions be legal?
- Abortion risks and consequences.
- The connection between abortion and women’s rights.
- The impact of religion on the prohibition of abortions.
- Why is abortion a controversial topic?
- Abortion: the moral aspect.
- Abortion in modern medicine.
- Arguments for and against abortion.
- Teenage pregnancies and abortions.
- Complications from unsafe abortion.
- Do restrictions on abortion reduce abortion rates?
❓ Abortion Research Questions
Below, you’ll find a list of abortion questions for a research paper, essay, or debate:
- Why does society have a bad attitude toward abortion?
- What methods of abortion exist, and what are their consequences for women’s health?
- How do abortions affect women’s education and professional development?
- Should Law Dictate a Woman’s Decision on Abortion?
- How often do abortions occur among teenagers in the US?
- What social factors may influence a woman’s decision to have an abortion?
- What is the impact of abortion on the mental health of both partners?
- Should Abortion Be Legal or Illegal?
- Which is safer for a woman’s body: aspiration or medication abortion?
- What medical methods and technologies minimize the complications of abortion?
- How does abortion affect the health of a woman’s future children?
- What factors cause an increase or reduction in the number of abortions?
- What Is the Moral Status of Abortion?
- What are the consequences of abortion legalization?
- Do abortions affect women’s long-term psychological well-being?
- Why are abortions unsafe for a woman’s body?
- Does abortion increase the risk of infertility?
- Fertility-Reduction Program in Bangladesh.
- How has the abortion rate changed over the last 10 years?
- Why are self-managed abortions so popular among teenagers?
- Why can an abortion service cost a huge bill?
- Abortion among Teenagers: Pregnancy and Decision-Making.
- What psychological factors could impact teenagers’ decisions to end a pregnancy?
- Do economic circumstances influence women’s decision to have an abortion?
- What are the psychological consequences of abortion, and how can they be prevented?
- How can abortion affect a couple or family relationships?
- Risk Factors of Contraceptive Failures Resulting in Pregnancies.
- What role do healthcare providers play in supporting women seeking abortions?
- How do abortions affect demographics and population structure?
- What are the legal aspects of abortion in different countries?
- How does knowledge of abortion risks affect women’s decisions?
🔎 Abortion Topics for Research Paper
Here are some more abortion research topics for you to consider:
- What alternatives to abortion are available for women facing unwanted pregnancies?
- What are the leading causes of missed abortion?
- The Future of Abortions in the United States.
- How do abortions affect the partner’s level of future childcare participation?
- How can a mandatory waiting period change a woman’s decision on abortion?
- How do religious and cultural beliefs influence women’s decision to have an abortion?
- Do abortions affect maternal and child mortality rates in the country?
- Abortion Policies in the US, Sweden, Dominican Republic, and Israel.
- How does historical context influence public perceptions and attitudes toward abortion?
- What is the role of medical professionals in providing effective abortion services?
- Why is it vital for a woman seeking an abortion to receive all the information about the procedure?
- How do cultural attitudes towards abortion differ around the world?
- Abortion Law: For and against the Law.
- What support programs are provided for women who decide to have an abortion?
- Does the availability of contraception affect the level of abortion rates?
- How can abortion affect a woman’s social status in society?
- What are the peculiarities of abortion laws in different countries?
- Pregnant Women Study and Nursing Practice.
- What measures should international organizations take to make abortion safer?
- Why are gestational limits critical in the abortion process?
- How are individuals involved in illegal abortions punished?
- Abortion From Cultural and Ethical Perspectives.
- What influence does the media have on how people perceive abortions?
- Why ban on abortion can be considered a violation of women’s rights?
- What role does the sex education play in reducing abortion rates?
- Why can late-term abortions be dangerous for women’s health?
- Reproductive Health and Improving Interventions.
- Do abortions cause problems with aggression and violence in women?
- What are the most widespread reasons why women get abortions?
- How does abortion affect the reproductive health of women?
- How does limiting access to abortion affect the economy?
⚖️ Abortion Argumentative Essay Topics
Are you looking for argumentative topics about abortion? Below, you’ll find ideas for essays presenting both pro-choice and pro-life points of view.

Abortion Essay Titles Pro-Choice
- Women should have the right to decide what can(not) be done with their bodies.
- Legalized abortion plays a crucial role in gender equality.
- Abortion Controversy: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life.
- How does allowing abortion contribute to the provision of safe health services?
- A fetus is a group of cells no different from any other part of the human body.
- Abortion reduces social and economic burdens on society and families.
- Abortion Dilemma of Mentally Challenged Mother.
- How does terminating a pregnancy due to a child’s disability protect the fetus from poor quality of life?
- Legalizing abortion allows women to pursue their careers and personal goals.
- Abortion bans endanger healthcare for people not seeking abortions.
- Women and the Right to Abortion.
- How can abortion restrictions lead to social inequality and economic discrimination?
- Abortion is a key solution to overpopulation.
- Women should have an opportunity to protect their mental health from unwanted pregnancy.
- The legalization of abortions provides women with access to education and information.
- The Issue of Teenage Pregnancies in the United States.
- Why may medical circumstances require termination of pregnancy?
- Medical progress and modern technology make abortion procedures in the 21st century safe.
- Termination of pregnancy after rape gives the right to freedom from violence.
Topics for Argumentative Essays Against Abortion
- Legal abortion promotes a culture where life is disposable.
- Abortion causes long-term physical and mental damage to women.
- Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Illegal.
- Reducing access to abortion decreases the demand for abortion.
- Termination of pregnancy serves as a trigger for excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.
- Abortion undermines the relationship between humans and God.
- How can abortions negatively impact the structure of families and social relations?
- Abortion Should Not Be Legal.
- Abortions contribute to personal irresponsibility for one’s actions and choices.
- Legal abortion is a leading cause of irresponsible sexual behavior.
- Legal abortions lead to a reduced level of fertility.
- Why does abortion force women to conform to society’s norms and values?
- Abortion and Moral Status.
- Abortion should be banned due to its risk to the woman’s reproductive system.
- Why does the abortion of a baby with a disability violate human rights?
- Abortion is a key reason for depression and anxiety.
- Abortion by Choice Should Not Be Allowed.
- How can termination of pregnancy lead to suicide?
- Abortion increases the risks of breast cancer.
☝️ Abortion Persuasive Essay Topics
Do you want to persuade your audience of a particular point of view on pregnancy termination? Check out our list of abortion topics for argumentative essays and persuasive papers:
- Abortion should be discussed with teenagers in middle and high school.
- Broad access to safe abortions is integral to women’s health care.
- Men should avoid pressuring women into abortion decisions.
- Abortion: Unethical and Immoral Issues.
- Abortion violates the moral need to protect and preserve innocent life.
- The government should guarantee confidential counseling for women facing unplanned pregnancies.
- Abortion is an excuse for men not to take responsibility for sexually exploiting women.
- Reproductive justice demands equitable abortion access for all women.
- Restricted access to abortion leads children into poverty.
- Discussion of Abortion’s Morals.
- Women should have the right to bodily autonomy.
- The fetus is a human deserving legal protection from abortion.
- The abortion ban reduces abortion rates.
- Abortion should be legalized at the federal level.
- Public Policy: Abortions – Analysis of the Issue, Supporting and Opposing Arguments.
- Termination of pregnancy has severe consequences for a woman’s health.
- Guaranteeing women’s reproductive rights promotes equality and social justice.
- State abortion bans harm economic security across the US.
- Increased Pregnancy in Teenagers.
- Abortions are essential for effective birth control and family planning.
- Legal abortion positively impacts public health.
- The abortion ban violates women’s fundamental rights and dignity.
- The lack of equipment in abortion clinics provokes fetal pain.
- The Importance of Educational Interventions in Adolescent Pregnancy.
- Legal abortion gives women the ability to make personal decisions.
- Legal abortions reduce the risk of maternal mortality from unwanted pregnancy.
- Women should prioritize their health and safety by accessing legal abortion services.
- Nutrition Education for Pregnant Women and Mothers.
- The government should make the abortion procedure free for all women in need.
- Medical staff should offer empathetic support to women seeking abortion.
- The ban on abortion leads to a rise in criminal rates among medical personnel.
- Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth.
- Fathers should have equal rights to decide on the abortion of their unborn children.
- Education on contraception methods helps prevent future unwanted pregnancies.
- Legalizing abortion may lead to the normalization of such practices as euthanasia.
- Abortions can prevent child marriages and protect girls from early births.
- Unwanted pregnancy creates stress for the family and contributes to child neglect.
➡️ Abortion Cause and Effect Essay: Topic Ideas
- What is the impact of abortion legislation on cultural norms and views?
- The risk of subsequent preterm birth as a severe issue for women after abortion.
- The economic effects of being denied an abortion.
- Legalization of Abortion: Discussion.
- The connection between abortion procedure and low self-esteem and self-worth.
- Poverty and socioeconomic inequality as effects of the abortion ban.
- Giving birth against one’s wishes can lead to mental and emotional distress.
- How does the abortion ban contribute to the postponed personal goals?
- The Problem of Teen Pregnancy and Abortions.
- The influence of abortion on a society’s population dynamics.
- How does abortion contribute to creating social stigma?
- What is the influence of abortion on breast cancer risks?
- The ripple effects of abortion access on women and their families.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder as one of the major consequences of abortion.
- The severe issues a woman faces after the abortion procedure.
- Women’s Reproductive Rights and Accomplished Changes.
- The consequences of teenagers’ restricted access to safe abortion.
- The induced abortions and their adverse perinatal outcomes.
- Societal judgment as a possible consequence of abortion.
- Women and Work after Child Birth.
- The impact of abortion access on future economic outcomes.
- The role of discrimination and bias in the post-abortion period.
- Damage to the womb or cervix as a possible complication of unsafe abortions.
- Why is sepsis the most widespread consequence of abortion?
- The women’s sexual function and intimate relationships after the termination of pregnancy.
- Iron Deficiency Anemia in Reproductive-Age Women.
- How can raising an unwanted child lead to financial strain?
- The effects of mandatory waiting periods on abortions and births.
- Feelings of guilt or regret after an abortion as critical side-effects.
- How does abortion provoke obsessive thoughts about life ending?
- Maternal Healthcare Nursing Theories.
- The impact of forced motherhood on overall life satisfaction and well-being.
- Abortion’s influence on public policies and legal frameworks.
- The consequences of unsafe abortions to healthcare systems and resources.
- Access to Maternal Health Resources in Florida.
- Unwanted pregnancies severely restrict women’s educational and job prospects.
- Why is abortion a leading cause of suicide?
📝 Other Abortion Essay Titles
Do you want some more abortion topics to write about? Check out the list below to find essay titles about abortion laws, rights, and ethical issues.
Abortion Law Essay: Topic Ideas
- The impact of government funding on access to safe abortion services.
- What are the legal grounds for abortion in different countries?
- Texas Political Events: Abortion Ban.
- The peculiarities of abortion laws in the United Kingdom.
- Why must pre-abortion consultations be mandatory at the federal level?
- When is private insurance for abortion coverage useless?
- The United States as a stark outlier to the global trend toward liberalization of abortions.
- The impact of medical concerns on abortion policy.
- Abortions: Legality, Moral, and Ethics.
- The role of abortion laws in the efficiency of political campaigns.
- Mandatory waiting periods and their importance.
- What is the difference between public and private financing of abortion?
- How Has Legal Abortion in Texas Changed Women’s Lives?
- The rationale for the gestational limit in the US abortion law.
- How can abortion laws differ depending on why a woman seeks it?
- Free abortion services in pregnancy laws in Mexico.
- Egypt as the country with the most restrictive abortion laws in the world.
- The Abortion Debate – Understanding the Issues.
- How do abortion laws contribute to socioeconomic disparities?
- Pre-abortion consultations and their legal side.
- The efficiency of charitable foundations in making abortion services affordable.
- Abortion, Its Pros and Cons.
- The impact of restrictive laws on increased death rates from unsafe abortion.
- The analysis of abortion laws in countries with low income.
- How does religion influence the adoption of abortion laws?
- Roe v. Wade: Overturning Abortion Rights.
- The influence of social norms on the creation and reform of abortion laws.
- Parental involvement laws and why they are crucial.
- The implications of abortion legislation in places affected by armed conflict.
- What are some challenges to changing abortion laws around the world?
- Texas Anti-Abortion Law.
- The impact of public opinions on abortion policy decisions.
- Why are abortion laws in Eastern Europe more restrictive than in Western?
- The peculiarities of public funding in different states of the US.
- Abortion from Political Perspective: Pros and Cons.
- The role of pre-abortion consultations in clarifying relevant laws and regulations.
- Government programs should provide financial assistance to persons seeking abortion services.
- How does the one-child policy influence reproductive policies on abortion in China?
Topics for Abortion Rights Essay
- The challenges immigrants may face when they want to have an abortion.
- The role of democrats in protecting and expanding abortion rights.
- Abortion in the United States of America.
- Why are teenagers limited in their rights to abortion?
- The Equal Rights Amendment as the first step toward protecting abortion rights.
- The Catholic Church’s views on women’s abortion rights.
- Texas New Abortion Law and Women’s Rights Over Their Bodies.
- The peculiarities of abortion rights for people from LGBTQ+ communities.
- How do cultural norms stigmatize discussions about sex-selective abortion rights?
- The backlash against women’s rights on abortion after the Civil War.
- Public awareness campaigns as a strategy to combat the stigma around abortion rights.
- Abortion Ethics: Child’s vs. Woman’s Rights.
- The efficiency of the #MyBodyMyChoice movement in protecting women’s rights to abortion.
- What is the relationship between immigration policy and reproductive rights?
- The dependence of teenagers’ abortion rights on parental involvement.
- The peculiarities of abortion rights for women in Muslim countries.
- The Morality or Immorality of Abortion.
- How does the debate over fetal personhood influence abortion rights?
- The role of the NARAL organization in ensuring abortion rights and access in the US.
- The issue of funding of activist groups advocating for abortion rights.
- The impact of cultural differences on abortion rights.
- Spontaneous Abortion and Related Ethical Issues.
- Do healthcare providers’ personal beliefs regarding abortion impact patients’ rights?
- The influence of economic factors on abortion rights in Europe.
- What are some challenges faced by abortion rights activists?
Ideas for Ethical Issues on Abortion Essays
- The role of sensitive language in communication between doctor and patient after abortion.
- What are the ethical considerations of access to safe and legal abortion?
- Abortion from the Moral Point of View.
- The value of informed consent in protecting doctors in abortion clinics.
- The moral side of confidentiality violation by doctors who performed abortions.
- Adoption as the alternative option to abortion in the 21st century.
- Why does rape not justify abortion?
- Fetal Abnormality and Morality of Abortion.
- The issue of abuse or neglect of minor or incomplete abortion patients.
- Nutritional Care for Pregnant Women in Californian Prison.
- The nurses’ conscientious objection regarding induced abortion in South Korea.
- The value of bodily autonomy in abortion questions.
- The Pros and Cons of Abortion.
- Why should abortion be the choice of both parents?
- The ethical responsibilities of healthcare providers of abortions.
- Why should abortion in cases of rape or incest be legal in every country?
- Ethical Theories on Abortion – The Moral Dilemma Approaches.
- The moral consequences of fetal viability and its impact on abortion rights.
- Why can doctors not refuse to perform abortions based on sex-based stereotypes?
- The role of informed consent in the abortion procedure.
- Abortion – Ethical Issues in Nursing & Healthcare.
- Is it ethical to choose abortion based on fetal health conditions?
- Why should medical professionals have a voice in providing abortion access?
- The moral effects of abortions performed later in pregnancy.
- Abortion and Partial Birth Abortion.
- Communities’ ethical obligations to assist those seeking an abortion.
- How do financial limitations impact the decision to seek an abortion?
- The discrimination and bias the women face from the clinic providing abortion.
- Abortion Regarding Nursing Code of Ethics.
- Confidentiality as a paramount concern to abortion patients.
- The moral distinction between choosing adoption and abortion.
- What are the ethical obligations of medical professionals regarding abortion?
- Ethical Theories on Abortion.
- The ethics of choosing abortion based on factors like the gender of the unborn child.
- The role of parents in supporting the child’s decision to have an abortion.
- How do cultural and individual beliefs impact the ethics of abortion?
- Don Marquis and Judith Thomson’s Views on Abortion.
- Is it feasible to strike a balance between a mother’s and a fetus’s rights?
- The key reasons why abortion can be considered a murder.
- The role of professional integrity and ethical standards in abortion clinics.
- How can doctors address cultural sensitivities during abortion procedures?
- Abortion as more a political than a medical issue.
- Abortion: Nursing and Its Ethical Issues.
- Under what conditions is it ethical to end the life of a fetus?
- The role of the Bible in the criminalization of abortions around the world.
- The philosophical side of the abortion debate.
- The abortions in black communities as a part of a political conspiracy.
- Nursing Ethical Issues: Abortion in the Nursing Context.
- Why must doctors inform patients about possible complications of an abortion?
- The role of media in creating and strengthening abortion stigma.
- The feminist perspective on abortion and its controversy.
- How can teenagers protect their rights to save the baby if parents insist on abortion?
✍️ Abortion Essay Outline
We’ve prepared a mini guide on structuring your essay about abortion. Practical examples are also waiting for you below!
Abortion Essay Introduction
The reader will start reading your essay from the introduction, so you should ensure it is interesting and well-written. Follow these steps to write an effective introductory paragraph for your research paper:
- Start with an intriguing hook.
- Provide some background information.
- Write the thesis statement.
Here’s an example of how your hook and background might look:
Hook: Induced abortions occur in 6 out of every 10 unwanted pregnancies.
Background information: Abortion is a common medical procedure. It is secure if performed by a qualified individual using a technique appropriate for the pregnancy stage and authorized by the WHO.
Abortion Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is a central idea expressed in a research paper or other piece of writing. It should be brief and easy to comprehend. The following steps will help you create a perfect thesis statement:
- Identify your field of study.
- Outline the main idea.
- Provide a reason to back up your main idea.
- Include an opposing point of view.
Here’s an example of a good thesis statement about abortion:
Restricting abortion access does not lower the number of abortions; nevertheless, it affects whether the abortions obtained by women and girls are safe and dignified.
Abortion Essay Body Paragraphs
Body paragraphs are text units that provide supporting evidence. A good paragraph has a basic structure that consists of 3 key elements:
- Topic sentence that prepares your audience for the information that lies ahead.
- Supporting evidence that helps you back up your claims.
- Concluding sentence that summarizes the paragraph’s idea or line of thought.
Topic sentence: In nations with highly stringent abortion regulations, the proportion of unsafe abortions is much higher than in countries with less restrictive laws.
Supporting evidence: That happens because women cannot access safe abortion due to high expenses, stigma against both people seeking abortions and healthcare providers, and medical professionals who refuse to perform abortions out of personal conviction.
Abortion Essay Conclusion
The conclusion is the last part of your essay, where you can tie together all the points you have made. There are 3 main components of an essay’s conclusion:
- Paraphrased thesis.
- Summary of core points.
- The significance and ramifications of the research result.
Rephrased thesis: Restrictive rules and regulations that make abortion illegal or necessitate lengthy waiting periods are the main barriers to access to safe abortions.
We hope our abortion essay topics and research title ideas will be beneficial when you need inspiration. If you liked our topic list, leave a comment or share this article with your classmates!
🔗 References
- Key Facts on Abortion in the United States | KFF
- Abortion | The Christian Post
- Abortion Risks | Louisiana Department of Health
- Abortion | Social Problems
- Abortion Law: Global Comparisons | Council on Foreign Relations
- Abortion | Pew Research Center
- Public Opinion on Abortion | Pew Research Center
- Answers to Common Questions About Abortion Access | The New York Times
- Arguments in Favour of Abortion | BBC