319 Dance Essay Topics & Research Questions on Hip Hop, Ballet, & More

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Dancing is a universal form of expression and movement. It has been an integral part of human culture for centuries. From traditional cultural dances to contemporary urban dance styles, this art form transcends language barriers and brings people together.

But dancing is not just about entertainment. It is significant in various aspects of society, from its role in expressing emotions to its impact on mental health.

In this article, our expert team delves into the diverse world of dance. Below, you’ll find interesting dance topics to write about and explore the cultural, social, emotional, and physical dimensions of dance. Read till the end to find a writing guide with examples.

🔝 Top 10 Dance Essay Topics

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  1. Cultural significance of dance.
  2. Mental health benefits of dancing.
  3. Gender roles in dance.
  4. Dance as nonverbal communication.
  5. Technological innovations in dance.
  6. Social impact of dance activism.
  7. Dance education in schools.
  8. Emotional expression in dance.
  9. Dance and cultural identity.
  10. Politics of dance movements.
The picture provides ideas for dance essay topics.

✏️ Dancing Essays: Writing Prompts

Why I Love Dance: Essay Prompt

Are you passionate about dance and want to write about it? Consider including the following points in your essay:

  • Explain your deep-rooted passion for dance. Reflect on how dance has influenced your life, shaped your identity, and impacted your personal growth.
  • Describe the specific styles or dance genres you are passionate about and explain why they hold a special place in your heart. Share experiences that have strengthened your love for dance, such as memorable performances, challenges, or inspirational moments.
  • Discuss how dance has enriched your life and contributed to your overall well-being. Convey your dedication to dance and the importance of this art form in your life.

What Does Dance Mean to You: Essay Prompt

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This essay is your chance to reflect on the place of dance in your life. Here are some ideas to include in your paper:

  • Express your understanding and connection to dance. Describe what dance means to you on a deeply personal and emotional level. Share your unique perspective on the effects of dance on your life choices and identity.
  • Discuss how dance has impacted your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Write about its contribution to your personal growth and development. Describe the emotions and sensations you experience while dancing and how they enrich your life. Discuss any memorable dance experiences, performances, or interactions with fellow dancers that impressed you.
  • Depict your passion and appreciation for dance. Articulate the role of dancing in your life. Consider how dance has allowed you to express yourself, connect with others, and navigate life.

Hip Hop Essay Prompt

Are you a fan of hip-hop dance? Then you might enjoy writing an essay about it! Consider the points below to cover in your paper:

  • Explore the art and culture of hip-hop. Discuss the origins and evolution of hip-hop dance, including its roots in African, Caribbean, and African-American dance traditions. Study the key elements of hip-hop dance, including its unique style, movement vocabulary, and musicality.
  • Discuss the impact of hip-hop dance on popular culture, including its influence on music videos, films, fashion, and the entertainment industry. Analyze the social and cultural significance of hip-hop dance, including its role as a form of self-expression, community-building, and activism. Discuss the diversity and inclusion within hip-hop dance, including its ability to bring people of different backgrounds together.
  • Describe any personal experiences or connections with hip-hop dance, and discuss how it has influenced your understanding of dance and culture. Convey your appreciation for hip-hop dance’s artistry, creativity, and cultural relevance. Provide insights into this dynamic and influential dance form.

Why Dance Is a Sport: Essay Prompt

There’s been a long-lasting debate about whether dance should be considered an art or a sport. You can present your opinion on this issue in your essay. Here is a prompt to guide you:

  • Study the arguments on both sides of the debate and articulate your stance. Discuss the physical demands of dance, including athleticism, strength, and endurance. Compare them to the criteria used to define sports.
  • Explore the competitive nature of dance, including competitions, rankings, and performance expectations. Discuss the training, dedication, and discipline required for dance and compare them to other recognized sports.
  • Examine the artistic and creative elements of dance and how they may differentiate dance from traditional sports. Discuss any challenges or controversies surrounding the classification of dance as a sport. It might be the lack of standardized rules, funding, and recognition.
  • Consider the cultural, historical, and societal factors influencing perceptions of dance as a sport. Present your argument supported by evidence and examples. Provide a nuanced perspective on this complex and debated topic.

🎓 Dance Essay Titles

Below, you’ll find plenty of ideas for a college essay about dance. Read on to find a suitable topic for your paper!

Modern Dance Essay: Topics

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Modern dance significantly differs from traditional dance forms like ballet. Nowadays, dancers prioritize emotional expression instead of following rigid rules. Here are some interesting dance titles & ideas for your essay on modern styles:

  1. The diversity of contemporary dance styles.
  2. Psychological determinants of choosing a particular dance style.
  3. Creative Movement and Dance in My School.
  4. Sociopolitical concerns through the prism of dance.
  5. Modern dance as a form of protest against classical dance.
  6. Modern Black dance: race in motion.
  7. Significant people who contributed to the modernization of dance.
  8. Features of post-modern dance.
  9. Art Therapy: Creativity as a Critical Part of Art Therapy.
  10. The new American dance forms.
  11. Modern dance in the US vs. Europe: differences and similarities.
  12. Injuries in modern dance: career options for dancers.
  13. The concepts of modernity, race, and nation in the early modern dance forms.
  14. Oxygen uptake during a modern dance class.
  15. Physical Therapy Services for Sports Injuries.
  16. Socio-demographic correlates of modern dance genre preferences.
  17. Indian modern dance and feminism.
  18. Self-expression in modern dance.
  19. National and transnational modern dance.
  20. Principles of modern dance therapy.
  21. Regular engagement in modern dance and depression treatment.
  22. Modern dance pioneers who revolutionized this art: a case of Lester Horton.
  23. Incorporating Physical Activity into Lesson Plans.
  24. Mood changes of people attending dance classes.
  25. Modern dance classes: can one learn to dance online?
  26. Evolving gay stereotypes in modern dance.
  27. Dance as a reflection of culture.
  28. Depression and Physical Exercise.
  29. German modern dance during the Nazi rule.
  30. Body image and modern dance engagement.
  31. Eating disorders in professional modern dancers.
  32. Significant elements of modern dance.
  33. Dance as a hobby and professional activity.
  34. Art Education, Its Role and Benefits.
  35. Examples of popular modern dance styles.
  36. Controversial dance practices.
  37. Is folk dance considered modern dance?
  38. Does modern dance come with serious choreography similar to classical dance?
  39. Class and ethnicity reflected in dance.
  40. Physical Activity and Sports Team Participation.
  41. Modern dance in France.
  42. The transformative power of flamenco dancing.

Dance Critique Essay: Topics

A dance critique essay requires you to evaluate carefully a particular dance performance or a specific aspect of this art form. Check out some dance titles for an essay to inspire your critical response:

  1. Degradation of dance quality in the 21st century.
  2. Passion versus physical characteristics in dance performance.
  3. Racism and gender discrimination at the dance competitions.
  4. Gender inequality in professional dance.
  5. Subway dance – a subculture or simply a weird place for practice?
  6. Dancing and Its Effects on Self-Esteem.
  7. How did industrialization contribute to the departure from classical dance?
  8. The rise of burlesque as a rebellion against ballet.
  9. The Role of Music and Movement in Education.
  10. The ideology and importance of radical dance.
  11. The Wigman technique of dance.
  12. José Limón’s contribution to contemporary dance.
  13. The place and influence of the American Dance Festival in modern American dance traditions.
  14. Art, Music, and Dance in Therapeutic Treatment.
  15. Combination of choreography and multimedia in Alwin Nikolais’s works.
  16. The flaws and loopholes of early modern dance.
  17. Popularization of African American dance across the world.
  18. Ballet elements in contemporary dance.
  19. The Importance of Arts in the School Curriculum.
  20. The contribution of Grete Wiesenthal to modern dance development.
  21. What place does concert dance occupy in the dance typology?
  22. Place of women in dance – now and then.
  23. Differences between modern and contemporary dance styles.
  24. Pole dance’s potential for inclusion in the Olympic Games list.

Dance Reflection Essay: Topic Ideas

Are you looking for thought-provoking dance topics to talk about in a reflection paper? Check out the list below:

  1. What features and character traits should a good dance teacher possess?
  2. What does it mean to be a dance revolutionary?
  3. What did modern dance pioneers do to create new dance types?
  4. Should professional dance be taught in college?
  5. Sports Psychologist: Working With Athletes.
  6. The national dance of my country.
  7. My first experience in a dance class.
  8. My music preferences for dancing.
  9. Dances with Wolves Essay – Movie Analysis.
  10. Dancing as a personal form of relaxation and meditation.
  11. Why do some people prefer dancing alone at home and others need an audience?
  12. My favorite movie about dancing.
  13. Ballet as my passion and my greatest disappointment.
  14. My opinion of dancing as a profession.
  15. Music in the Service of Social Movements.
  16. Importance of dancing in my culture.
  17. What I think makes a good and bad dancer.
  18. My experience of participating in a dance contest.
  19. The role of dance in my family.
  20. My fascination with Indian dance.
  21. My dream is to become a hip-hop dancer.
  22. Benefits I see in regular dancing.
  23. The pros and cons of professional engagement in dance.

💃🏻 Argumentative Essay Topics about Dance

There are some controversial issues related to dance you can explore in your paper. Below, you’ll discover a list of dance topics to express your reasoned opinion about.

  1. Dance can be a tool for social change.
  2. How can culture be reflected through dance?
  3. Should College Athletes Be Paid?
  4. The impact of the environment on dance perception.
  5. The importance of dance styles and types for specific cultures.
  6. Dance as an intangible cultural heritage.
  7. Is dance a kind of sport?
  8. Sports-Related Problems and Conflicts.
  9. Why do people start to dance?
  10. Why is the audience attracted to dance performances?
  11. What is the motivation behind starting to dance at an early age?
  12. Why is contemporary dance more popular than classical dance today?
  13. The Cognitive Performance and Physical Activity Link.
  14. Are modern dance styles, like hip hop, easier than ballet dancing?
  15. Dance training is highly traumatic and shouldn’t be practiced at an early age.
  16. The risk of trauma and permanent injury among professional ballet dancers.
  17. Street dance is not serious dance.
  18. Exercise – The Mind and Body Connection.
  19. The impact of motivation and self-confidence on dance performance.
  20. Dancing positively affects the physical and cognitive health of aging adults.
  21. Dance is a tool against aging.
  22. Different dance styles and genres require different physical endurance and energy expenditure.
  23. Music Incorporation into Classes.
  24. Importance of choosing your dance style according to your BMI and bodily peculiarities.
  25. Partner dancing is healthier for motor control and coordination than solo dancing.
  26. Benefits of ballroom dancing.
  27. The economic effect of dance development.
  28. What is the hardest dance style?
  29. Cultural Appropriation in Music.
  30. Ghost dance as a religious movement.
  31. Electronic dance as a new subculture.
  32. Techniques of dancing to jazz music.
  33. Flamenco dance as a reflection of Spanish passion.
  34. Students’ Motivation and Satisfaction of Music Festival.
  35. Cultural significance of feminist dance films.
  36. The impact of proper nutrition on dance performance.
  37. The art of staging a dance performance.
  38. The social significance of street dance.
  39. Creative Art Therapy for Mental Illness.
  40. What does dance have to do with math?
  41. Belly dance as a recreational activity.
  42. Interpretative dance as a strong therapeutic tool.
  43. The use of dance therapy for individuals with Down syndrome.

🕺🏾 Hip Hop Research Paper Topics

Hip-hop dance is a popular street dance style that emerged in the second half of the 20th century. It encourages freedom of expression and is characterized by freestyle movements, particularly drops to the ground and sharp turns. If you seek to write a paper on hip-hop, here are catchy dance titles to inspire you:

  1. The role of dance in hip-hop culture.
  2. Chinese Hip Hop and Identity.
  3. Hip-hop dance and body power.
  4. Hip-hop as an African diaspora dance style.
  5. Meanings and messages in hip-hop dance.
  6. Genders, Sexuality, and Hip-Hop.
  7. Origins of hip-hop.
  8. Injury incidence in hip-hop training and performance.
  9. Commercialization of hip-hop dance.
  10. Core elements of hip-hop dancing.
  11. The Uprising of Hip-Hop: Music History.
  12. Hip-hop dance in modern ballet choreography.
  13. Low back pain in hip-hop dancers.
  14. B-boying in hip-hop.
  15. Motivations of hip-hop dancers for professional engagement with this dance style.
  16. The “breaks” concept in break dancing.
  17. The Evolution of Hip-Hop Culture.
  18. The roots of hip-hop choreography.
  19. Battling among hip-hop crews.
  20. Hip-hop scandals – sex and violence in hip-hop content.
  21. Theorizing hip-hop dance.
  22. Hip-Hop’s Response to Crime Analysis.
  23. Hip-hop dance consumption: who is the target audience?
  24. Globalization and hip-hop dancing.
  25. Principles of hip-hop dance codification.
  26. Hip-hop as a black social dance.
  27. Metaphors in hip-hop dance moves.
  28. Black feminism in hip-hop dance.
  29. Concepts of Elite Culture and Popular Culture.
  30. US Ebonics as the language of American hip-hop choreography.
  31. Extreme kinematics in hip-hop performances.
  32. What injuries are the most common among hip-hop dancers?
  33. Can hip-hop be a professional career?
  34. Basic rhythmic movements of hip-hop dance.
  35. Hip-hop practice’s impact on the dancer’s mood.
  36. Body poetics in hip-hop performances.
  37. Standards for judging hip-hop contests.
  38. Cultural Movement: Hip-Hop Related Films.
  39. Le hip hop – a French hip-hop subculture.
  40. The hip-hop culture in New York.
  41. Perceptions of race in the hip-hop community: white vs. black dancers.
  42. Hip-hop theater in London: a new level of dance style’s legitimization.

🔎 Dance Research Paper Topics

Do you want to learn more about dance? Then why not write a research paper on that? Below, you’ll discover a list of engaging dance topics to research.

  1. Novel approaches to dance: a blend with architecture at the Barnes Foundation’s exhibition.
  2. Dance from an anthropological perspective.
  3. Politics and poetics in dance.
  4. The biology of dance movements’ language.
  5. Teaching dance: should it be art or sport?
  6. Dance ethnology.
  7. Women in dance since antiquity: the images of sylphs and sirens.
  8. Philosophy of the dance: universal or nationally bound?
  9. What is a dance movement?
  10. Dancing and the brain.
  11. Psychology of dance.
  12. Dance as a mighty psychotherapeutic tool.
  13. Should national dance be included in the school curriculum?
  14. Living through psychological trauma in dance.
  15. The role of dance improvisations.
  16. Reform and revival of old dance styles.
  17. The role of space and subjectivity in dance.
  18. Shakespeare and the dance tradition of England.
  19. The social anthropology of dance performances.
  20. Theories and methodologies in dance research.
  21. A Eurocentric approach to the study of dance.
  22. Dance and the body.
  23. Dance as a method of self-study.
  24. Computer technology and dance.
  25. The evolution of Irish dance.
  26. The contribution of Merce Cunningham to modern dance.
  27. How does dance stimulate social fantasy?
  28. Partner dancing as a way to strengthen relationships in a couple.
  29. Verbal language of dancers and choreographers.
  30. The political side of national dancing.
  31. Dance and physics.
  32. The mind-body concept in dance.
  33. What can be regarded as contemporary dance?
  34. Dance imagery in various dance styles.
  35. What makes people dance? The philosophy of bodily movement.
  36. Dancing out one’s emotions: the dance of anger or happiness.
  37. The neural basis of human dance movements.
  38. Isadora Duncan’s revolutionary dance theory.
  39. The challenges of the interactive dance genre.
  40. Dance from the position of existential phenomenology.
  41. Dualism and body-soul separation: a dance perspective.
  42. Dance and embodiment.
  43. Dance and self: a philosophical perspective.
  44. Body as object vs. subject in dance.
  45. Freedom and intention in body movements during dance.
  46. Staged dance: the concept of created body.
  47. A tension between the personal and the universal in dance.
  48. Health benefits of recreational and professional dance.
  49. Japanese dance as an embodiment of culture.
  50. Turning body and identity into dance choreography.

📜 Dance History Research Paper Topics

The history of dance dates back millennia. So, there is so much to explore! Check out possible dance research project ideas for your history paper:

  1. Approaches to rethinking dance history.
  2. The elements of early European modern dance.
  3. Feminist perspectives on dance history.
  4. Dance at the dawn of history.
  5. History of somatic education and its relationship to dance.
  6. History of classic theatrical dancing.
  7. New media use in dance history reconstructions.
  8. The evolution of dance and sexuality relationship.
  9. Tools for capturing dance from the past.
  10. Dances in prehistory.
  11. Early records of dance performances in historical manuscripts.
  12. Ancient Greek dance traditions and forms.
  13. Dancing in Ancient Rome.
  14. Dance at court: the 16th-17th centuries in Europe.
  15. Evolution of dance from royal court to theater in the 18th century.
  16. The early dancing traditions in the 17th-century US.
  17. Dancing genres in Medieval Europe.
  18. The history of waltz: origin, evolution of dance elements, and traditions.
  19. How did the tango dance emerge?
  20. The emergence of belly dance.
  21. Flamenco dance history: a style born in Andalusia.
  22. Historical perspectives on dance research.
  23. The Ojibwa dance drum: history of the practice.
  24. Yoeme performs as a narrative of Yaqui history.
  25. The evolution of African American dance.
  26. The African roots of Latin American popular dance.
  27. Ethnographic elements of modern dance performances.
  28. The dance halls of Britain, 1918-1960.
  29. A historical overview of social dance.
  30. Global history of dance development.
  31. Dance in the French baroque opera.
  32. The history and meaning of tango dancing in Argentina.
  33. What materials to use when studying dance history?
  34. A cultural history of dance in the troubled areas: a case study of Palestine.
  35. The hidden history of capoeira: intersections of battle craft and dance.

🩰 Ballet Research Topics

Ballet is a highly formalized dance form with rigid rules and predefined positions. If you’re interested in this classical type of choreography, check out the dance research topics below:

  1. Is free dance a subtype of ballet?
  2. The evolution of ballet traditions by Isadora Duncan.
  3. Russo-American ballet at the start of the 20th century.
  4. Emerging American ballet: the 1930s onwards.
  5. Romantic and classical ballet traditions in the 19th century.
  6. Classical ballet in Russia.
  7. Classical ballet vs. modern dance: key similarities.
  8. Injuries in professional ballet.
  9. Static and functional balance in ballet dance.
  10. Ballet as a form of ethnic dance.
  11. The impact of ballet dance attire on female dancers’ self-perception.
  12. Endurance of pain among ballet dancers.
  13. The concept of the ideal ballet body.
  14. Methods of preventing hip and knee injuries in professional ballet.
  15. Physiological eligibility characteristics for classical ballet.
  16. Evolution of ballet dancer identity in the process of training.
  17. Incidence of sprained ankles in ballet dancers.
  18. Physiological responses to active ballet exercise among dancers of different ages.
  19. Importance of artistic performance ability in ballet dancers.
  20. Disordered eating patterns among ballet dancers.
  21. Management of stress fractures in ballet dancers.
  22. Ballet dancer career: an international perspective.
  23. Incidence of scoliosis in young ballet dancers.
  24. Travesty dancing in the 19th-century ballet tradition.
  25. Gender issues in ballet.
  26. The cultural power of ballet.
  27. Degenerative joint disease risks among female ballet trainees.
  28. Hip arthrosis as a long-term consequence of ballet training.
  29. History of the “Apollo’s Angels” ballet.
  30. Sleep quality in professional ballet dancers.
  31. Heteromasculinity images among male ballet dancers.
  32. Postural stability before and after a ballet injury.
  33. Dance classicism as an ideology.
  34. Royal Ballet’s dancers and body perception.
  35. How do professional ballet dancers perceive injury and aging?

❓ Dance Research Questions

Are you looking for research topics about dance in the form of questions? We’ve got you covered! Look through the list below to find good dance topics to research:

  1. How does dance education foster creativity in children?
  2. How do feminists view belly dance?
  3. What is the impact of technology on dance performances?
  4. How to preserve indigenous peoples’ traditional dance forms?
  5. How have traditional gender roles been challenged through dance?
  6. What creative strategies do choreographers employ?
  7. What is the impact of dance on community building?
  8. What factors contribute to the commercialization of dance?
  9. How does dance function as a means of storytelling?
  10. What is the link between dance and spirituality in different religions?
  11. What is the role of costumes and stage design in dance performances?
  12. What are the cognitive benefits of dance for older adults?
  13. How has ballet adapted to modern artistic movements?
  14. How has globalization affected the cross-cultural exchange of dance styles?
  15. What dance styles have been influenced by flamenco?

✍️ Dance Essay: Writing Guide

Do you need help writing an essay on dance? Below, we’ve prepared a short guide with examples. Read on to learn how to write each section of your dance essay.

Dance Essay Introduction

The introduction is the opening paragraph of an essay that should engage the readers. Use a hook to grab the readers’ interest and introduce your topic. It can be a catchy quote, interesting question, or controversial statement.

Hook example: Imagine a world where bodies move in perfect harmony, telling stories without words. That’s the magic of dance, an art form that transcends language and culture, captivating audiences for centuries.

After that, you can provide some background information about the subject. End your introduction with a thesis statement.

Thesis Statement about Dance

The thesis statement outlines the central argument or purpose of the essay. It is the last sentence of your introduction, summarizing the whole paper. Your thesis should include all the main points mentioned in your writing in the same sequence.

Dance thesis example: Dance is not only a form of artistic expression but also a means of communication, a tool for personal growth, and a reflection of cultural identity.

Essay about Dance: Body Paragraphs

The essay’s body contains paragraphs that provide evidence and support for the thesis statement. Each section should begin with a topic sentence that presents a point related to your central argument.

Topic sentence example: One significant aspect of dance is its ability to convey emotions and stories through movement.

Evidence, such as examples, facts, or research, should support the topic sentence. The evidence should be analyzed and explained to show how it supports the thesis statement.

Evidence example: In classical ballet, dancers’ graceful movements and facial expressions can portray a wide range of emotions, from love and joy to sorrow and anger.

Dancing Essay: Conclusion

The conclusion is the final part that summarizes the main points made in the essay’s body. It should also restate the thesis statement in a paraphrased form without introducing new information. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression and a sense of closure.

Conclusion example: In conclusion, dance is a powerful form of expression beyond mere movement. It is a universal language conveying emotions, facilitating personal growth, and reflecting cultural identity.

How to Describe Dancing: Words & Tips

When describing dancing in an essay, use vivid and sensory language to convey the experience. Words such as “graceful,” “rhythmic,” “expressive,” and “dynamic” can capture the movement and style of dancing.

Emotive words like “joy,” “passion,” “energy,” and “freedom” can convey the emotional impact of dancing. Describing the physical sensations of dancing can make the description more immersive. You can write about the feeling of one’s body in motion, the sound of feet tapping, the swish of skirts, or the rush of adrenaline.

Metaphors or similes, such as “floating like a butterfly,” can add depth and creativity. Overall, using vivid language that engages the senses and emotions will benefit your paper.

We hope you found a perfect essay topic in this article. Use our free online title generator to get even more creative topics about dance and writing inspiration.

🔗 References

  1. Dance 260: Introduction to Dance: Dance Topics | BYU Library
  2. Dance: Topics in Dance and Dance History | Utah Tech University Library
  3. Research Areas | UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts
  4. Dance | PBS Learning Media
  5. Dancing Styles | Boston University
  6. Dance 260: Introduction to Dance: Research Help | BYU Library
  7. Writing a Dance Critique | Utah Tech University Library
  8. Glossary for Dance | Connecticut’s Official State Website
  9. Guidelines For Writing a Dance Review | Human Kinetics
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