Dyson Marketing Strategy, Advertising, & Crisis Management Case Study

The picture provides introductory information about Dyson.

Have you noticed how popular Dyson Airwrap is on TikTok? The hair dryer was out of stock in less than two weeks during the Christmas season in 2021. If you search #dysonhairwrap on social media, you’ll find numerous users interested in the tool, its attachments, and low-heat technology.

At the same time, Dyson is the leader in other markets, such as home appliances. This article undercovers all the secrets of Dyson’s technologies and marketing. Consider doing a Dyson case study to learn some valuable business tips.

β˜• 5 Unknown Facts About Dyson

  1. Dyson was founded in 1991 by James Dyson, a British engineer. The company is best known for designing the first bagless vacuum cleaner.
  2. Dyson Airblade is the most common hand dryer in public bathrooms worldwide.
  3. In 2000, Dyson designed a washing machine. However, it wasn’t successful: the technology was too complex, and the price was too low.
  4. In 1998, James Dyson was awarded the CBE medal. It is the second most-prestigious British award in arts and sciences.
  5. Dyson has a powerful lab technology, Dyson Demo VR. It allows customers to test Dyson technology from their own homes online.

πŸ‘‘ Best Dyson Case Study Topics

Various factors contribute to Dyson’s success. When doing a Dyson case study, choose the area you’re most interested in. Here are some ideas, including the company’s history and its marketing strategy:

  • The history of Dyson company.
  • Company’s mission and values.
  • Dyson headquarters in Singapore.
  • James Dyson’s leadership style.
  • James Dyson Foundation.
  • Dyson’s target audience.
  • Key market competitors.
  • Dyson institute of engineering and technology.
  • Dyson’s product line and services.
  • Company’s organizational structure.
  • Marketing strategies.
  • E-marketing and online-presence
  • Dyson’s supply chain.
  • Employment and internships at Dyson.
  • Financial figures over the years.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Sustainability.
  • CSR policy.
  • Crisis management.

πŸ“ˆ Dyson Marketing Strategy Case Study #1

  1. Dyson as a British brand
    Before Dyson, no one could imagine a vacuum cleaner becoming such a desirable product. Yet, with exceptional innovation and marketing strategy, Dyson has become unforgettable. Dyson shares British people’s love for their homes. The company creates the most clever and stylish home gadgets ever.
  2. Dyson’s brand values
    Innovation is Dyson’s primary value. However, the company also looks at aesthetics, creativity, and reliability. Interestingly, the company has never competed with other brands. Dyson promises the most intuitive and luxurious devices for a reasonable price.
  3. Dyson’s marketing principles
    Dyson’s success depends on the loyalty of British customers. Dyson has transformed their products into a status symbol in the UK. Apart from that, the company has a solid online presence. All information about the brand and the latest events is on the Dyson Facebook page. By hosting events, Dyson supports brand loyalty.

πŸ›οΈ Dyson Advertising & Branding Strategy – Case Study #2

  1. Dyson using word of mouth marketing
    Dyson doesn’t invest much in advertising campaigns. Instead, the company relies on digital word-of-mouth marketing. Dyson collaborates with social media influencers like Jen Atkin to promote their gadgets.
  2. Dyson’s #CleanAirDay campaign
    In 2021 six athletes around the world were working with Dyson. This campaign aimed to explore the impact of air quality on wellbeing. Athletes used Dyson’s air quality backpack, completing different activities. This campaign has contributed to science and Dyson Air Purifier’s sales.
  3. Dyson becoming viral on Tiktok
    In 2021, Dyson Airwrap became a viral holiday gift, thanks to TikTok. The trend helped creators to make over 1.1 billion views on #dysonairwrap. The question of whether it was a sponsored PR campaign remains open.
  4. James Dyson award
    Innovation is one of Dyson’s fundamental brand values. That’s why in 2007, James Dyson started his award. It challenges young people to design technologies that solve problems. James Dyson’s charitable trust runs the award. The aim is to get younger people excited about design engineering.
The picture shows the main product lines of Dyson.

🏷️ Dyson Pricing Strategy – Case Study Idea #3

  1. What is Dyson’s product line?
    The main focus of the company is:
    • Vacuum cleaners
    • Hair care gadgets
    • Air treatment
    • Lightning
    For customers who prefer to save money, there’s Dyson Outlet. Refurbished products come with either a six-month or one-year warranty.
  2. Why are Dyson’s products that expensive?
    Over the last decade, Dyson has invested Β£2.5 billion into its products. Each Dyson gadget undergoes serious testing. If one product isn’t working, the entire batch will be scrapped. Understanding that provides customers with confidence in spending more money on Dyson products.
  3. Is Dyson luxurious?
    The brand positions itself as the best of the best. The cheapest Dyson vacuum cleaner would be $300. However, the excellent quality justifies the high price. For example, in 2021, Dyson released a new humidifier. This machine captures 99.97% of particle pollution, pollen, and gases. The best part is that it can be controlled by the Dyson Link app or voice command.

πŸ§β€β™€οΈ Dyson Airwrap Marketing Strategy – Case Study #4

  1. Dyson hair products timeline
    Dyson engineers started researching hair products in 2012. The company invested Β£50 million to create the first hair tool. Then in 2016, Dyson launched the iconic ring-shaped hairdryer. This gadget has an eight-times quicker motor than traditional hairdryers. Finally, in 2018, the Dyson Airwrap was released. The device changed the format of conventional styling tools forever.
  2. The marketing success of Dyson Airwrap
    The target audience of Dyson Airwrap is women with all hair types. Indeed, the gadget is incredibly aesthetic and can curl all hair types. In 2021, Dyson Airwrap became viral on TikTok. It has almost completely sold out during the holiday season.
  3. Dyson profits
    The Dyson Airwrap became the most popular hair tool on TikTok. It even surpassed the Revlon One-Step Hairdryer. At the same time, Dyson Airwrap is one of the most expensive hair products. The entire package now costs $549. Selling Dyson made James Dyson the wealthiest man in Britain.

🏎️ Dyson Electric Car Failure Case Study – Idea #5

  1. Origins of a Dyson electric car
    In 2016, rumors had that Dyson was working on its own electric vehicle. The company acquired a Michigan-based battery startup for $90 million. Then Dyson switched from solid-state batteries to the production of electric cars.
  2. Dyson electric car: features
    Dyson electric car was expected to go on sale in 2021. The first model would have been a seven-seater with a minimalist design. Dyson’s idea was to put all controls on the steering wheel. However, the most distinctive feature was the Dyson-developed electric motor. Dyson’s electric car was meant to be Tesla’s key competitor.
  3. Dyson electric car failure
    In 2019, Dyson dropped the news it was canceling its car project. It isn’t clear why James Dyson and his 500 engineers stopped production. One theory says that the battery tech wasn’t delivering the expected result. Another negative factor was a high competition.

πŸ’ͺ Dyson Case Study – Crisis Management – Idea #6

  1. Dyson surviving the COVID-19 pandemic
    Dyson employs 14,000 people globally. However, during the pandemic, the company had to cut 900 jobs. Most of the staff impacted had retail or customer service roles. Dyson promised to redeploy its employees to different positions.
  2. The conflict between Dyson and BSH Hausgerate
    In 2015, James Dyson accused BSH of cheating on energy consumption tests for its vacuum cleaners. BSH announced to take legal steps against Dyson. In court, BSH proved that its products fully meet the specifications of the EU Energy Label. However, Dyson refused to stand down, saying that the matter was not just a dispute between competitors.
  3. Dyson accused of forced labor and exploitation
    In 2022, more than a dozen Dyson workers announced taking legal action against the company. All of the employees worked at a Dyson supplier in Malaysia. According to the lawyer, the workers lived in unsanitary accommodations. Dyson categorically denies any wrongdoing and is ready to address the allegations. The investigation of this case is still not over.

πŸ” Dyson Case Study – 40 Best Topics

  1. Dyson company’s strategies and challenges.
  2. Overview of corporation background of Dyson.
  3. Dyson’s background, mission, and vision.
  4. SWOT analysis of Dyson company.
  5. The marketing strategies of Dyson company.
  6. The analysis of Dyson’s value chain.
  7. Dyson’s marketing communications mix.
  8. Marketing plan for the Dyson Airwrap.
  9. Dyson company decision-making, strategy, and performance.
  10. Dyson company strategic corporate communication.
  11. Dyson company: globalization effects on performance.
  12. Customer value strategies at Dyson company.
  13. Dyson air purifier: changes in technology and prices.
  14. Dyson’s content marketing and word-of-mouth strategy.
  15. Innovation as a crucial element of Dyson’s branding strategy.
  16. Dyson’s competitive advantages in the hair care market.
  17. Dyson’s social media marketing tools.
  18. Dyson’s financial performance over the years.
  19. Dyson company: the pricing marketing principle.
  20. The analysis of Dyson’s corporate social responsibility.
  21. Operation management for manufacturing Dyson Airwrap.
  22. Dyson company managing innovation & entrepreneurship.
  23. Dyson company and customer dissatisfaction.
  24. Dyson human resource management project.
  25. The impact of customer relationship management on Dyson company.
  26. Dyson’s entry plan into the international market.
  27. Dyson company: pricing strategy and discrimination.
  28. Environmental impact of Dyson company.
  29. Dyson company: products analysis and influence on the economy.
  30. The analysis of Dyson company’s advertisement.
  31. The analysis of lawsuits against Dyson company.
  32. Dyson vs. Siemens: comparative financial analysis.
  33. Dyson’s suit against European Commission.
  34. Sustainable practices concept in Dyson company.
  35. Purchasing and supply chain management of Dyson company.
  36. Positioning and brand management in Dyson.
  37. Dyson company’s external and internal analysis.
  38. Dyson company business ethics challenges.
  39. Social responsibility program of Dyson company.
  40. Dyson’s supply chain & operations management.

πŸ”— References

  1. James Dyson | Britannica Money
  2. Strategy Design for Dyson | ResearchGate
  3. Quintessentially British Brands: The Dyson Brand Cleans Up On Marketing
  4. German Vacuum Cleaner Firm Set to Sue Dyson Over Energy-Test Claims | The Guardian
  5. Dyson: Most Innovative Company | Fast Company
  6. SWOT Analysis – ctb
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