472 Nursing Research Topics for Students

Nursing is an important profession that has been around for many decades. Nurses form the healthcare backbone because they tirelessly care for admitted patients. Nurses are patients’ advocates since they spend more time with them than other medical experts. No wonder a recent study of patients in the intensive care unit indicated they spent around 86% of their time with nurses and only 13% with doctors.

Additionally, in the US News and World Reports lists of the top 40 jobs of 2021, three were nursing positions. We have around 4.42 million nurses in the US, of whom about 20% are licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and 80% are licensed registered nurses (RNs).

Do you want current and hot nursing research topics for your thesis? This post shares some of the best examples of nursing topics for quantitative and qualitative research.

🔝 Top-15 Hot Topics in Nursing for 2025

Here are hot topics in nursing to inspire you:

  1. Analyze the nursing caseload and care quality for minorities.
  2. Explore childbirth experiences of mothers living with autism.
  3. Discuss common breastfeeding challenges facing mothers in rural areas.
  4. Analyze mother-child bonding during postnatal care.
  5. Compare postpartum depression medications.
  6. Second-hand smoke inhalation effects.
  7. Discuss the nursing ethics in pediatrics.
  8. Genetic factors of type 1 diabetes.
  9. Analyze adolescent oral health.
  10. Explore the challenges of balancing healthcare cost and quality.
  11. The benefits of collaborative nursing.
  12. Causes of teenage depression.
  13. Explore the effects of aging on immunity.
  14. Symptoms of malnutrition in older adults.
  15. How do nurses promote advanced care planning?

️⚕️ 30 Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Topics

Check out the top evidence-based practice nursing topics:

  1. Why is evidence-based practice critical?
  2. Evidence-based interventions for anxiety disorders.
  3. How does evidence-based practice promote applied nursing research?
  4. Evidence-based practice: What is its role in enhancing overall healthcare efficiency?
  5. Managing anxiety in evidence-based practice.
  6. Evidence-based nursing practice in diabetes care.
  7. How does evidence-based practice reduce hospital readmission rates?
  8. Evidence-based screening for depression in acute care.
  9. Evidence-based practice in chronic illness care.
  10. EBP implementation: The top obstacles nurses face in the developing world.
  11. Application of analytic methods: using the Johns Hopkins nursing EBP individual evidence summary tool.
  12. Fall prevention in older patients: Evidence-based practice.
  13. What role can nurses play in improving overall patient experience?
  14. Clinical point of care and evidence-based practice.
  15. Evidence-based practice in suicide screening.
  16. Best hand-washing practices to reduce hospital-acquired infection rates.
  17. Evidence-based practice in nursing.
  18. Ethical issues facing evidence-based practice.
  19. Nurses’ attitudes toward evidence-based practice.
  20. Evidence-based nursing practice in the United States.
  21. Nursing leadership and evidence-based practice.
  22. How can healthcare facilities create conducive environments to promote EBP among nurses in the ICU?
  23. Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice.
  24. The role of qualitative research studies in evidence-based practice.
  25. How to promote evidence-based practice in the workplace?
  26. Breastfeeding: evidence-based project results.
  27. Evidence-based practice in post-traumatic stress disorder.
  28. Evidence-based practice in patient socialization.
  29. Evidence-based practice adoption and barriers.
  30. Healthcare ICT as a source of evidence-based practice.

🫀 42 Anatomy Research Topics for Nursing Students

Anatomy is a branch of biology that studies the body’s structure. It investigates the composition of organs, various body parts, and cells — everything that comprises the body of an animal or a person.

Human anatomy is critical in promoting health science and medication development. So, all nurses need to study this subject before transitioning to practice. Here are interesting anatomy research topics for your consideration:

  1. The effects of ethanol on the human nervous system. Explore the chemical processes that ethanol causes in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices. Examine research findings from clinical research on rats to show how ethanol can harm humans.
  2. Dental anatomy. Discuss types of dental tissues and the teeth structure and types. Suggest the implications of this knowledge for nurses working in dental radiography.
  3. Renal stone patients and people with normal kidneys. Conduct a comparative evaluation of the lower pole collecting system in patients with and without kidney stones.
  4. Human anatomy studies and ethics. Explore the differences between invasive and non-invasive methods of studying human anatomy. Talk about the ethical issues each approach involves.
  5. Pulmonary hypertension. Explain the causes and mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension development. Describe the consequences of this health condition and at-risk populations. Offer possible treatment options.

Here are some more nursing research topics you can explore when writing an anatomy assignment:

  1. Explain lower back pain challenges in biomechanics.
  2. Neuroanatomy and neural processes.
  3. What causes malocclusion?
  4. Explain digastric processes.
  5. The brain, the nervous system, and their functions.
  6. Differentiate between autonomic and somatic nervous systems.
  7. Explain the difference between congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease.
  8. Three main components of the brain.
  9. How does the body perform and maintain homeostasis?
  10. How does using a classroom skeleton improve students’ understanding of human anatomy?
  11. Left and right parts of the brain.
  12. Analyze sectional anatomy in infants.
  13. Make a retrospective analysis of Doppler findings.
  14. Endocrine and digestive system.
  15. Investigate the human liver anatomy.
  16. Make a critical review of the changes in the lumbar facet.
  17. Urinary and kidney systems’ functions and health.
  18. Discuss the connection between the sensory organs and reception.
  19. What happens in the human body during aging?
  20. Structure and function diversity of glutamate receptors.
  21. How does stress affect body muscles and cells?
  22. Analyze the functioning of the human digestive tract.
  23. Formula feeding in infancy: toddlers’ digestive system.
  24. Discuss the role of muscle fibers in the human muscular system’s performance.
  25. How are muscles adapted to their principal function?
  26. Human immune system: its levels and disorders.
  27. Evaluate blood vessel functioning.
  28. How do human muscles cause movement?
  29. Principal cells of the immune system.
  30. Discuss the structure of amoeboid cells.
  31. What is the role of zinc in a living organism?
  32. Major joints of the human body.
  33. Does the human hand’s ability to perform various tasks explain people’s dominance over other creatures?
  34. The femur structure and its surgical implications.
  35. Cell division: mitosis and meiosis mechanisms.
  36. What are the health advantages of maintaining the human body at 37 degrees?
  37. Immunologically important structures in the skin.

🤯 43 Psychology Research Topics for Nursing Students

Psychology is a science dealing with the human mind and behavior. It studies people’s conscious and unconscious experiences, such as feelings and thoughts. This academic field crosses the thin line demarcating social and natural sciences. As social scientists, psychologists seek to understand human behavior among individuals and groups. As natural scientists, they look at the biological underpinnings of cognition and behavior.

Here are some hot psychology research topics:

  1. The impact of cultural norms on nursing practice. Discuss how patients’ cultural beliefs and traditions affect nursing care and treatment outcomes.
  2. Poverty and socioeconomic disadvantage. Critically examine how poverty influences individuals’ perceptions of healthcare.
  3. Juvenile delinquency among teenagers. Analyze the challenges facing nurses working with incarcerated adolescents.
  4. Diminishing attention span. Examine the leading causes of reducing attention span among nursing students and strategies to mitigate its effects.
  5. Gender roles in the 21st century. Analyze gender stereotypes pertaining to nursing and examine whether they have changed over time.

Below are additional topics for your exploration:

  1. How do nurses’ media portrayals shape societal expectations?
  2. Substance abuse and mental illness among nurses.
  3. Evaluate the impact of various cultural values on teenage identity development.
  4. Analyze the importance of emotional support in cancer patients.
  5. Erikson’s theory of development in psychiatric nursing.
  6. The role of empathy and compassion in mental health nursing.
  7. How does childhood trauma contribute to teenagers’ mental health?
  8. Maternal mood symptoms in pregnancy and postpartum depression.
  9. The significance of coping strategies in nursing well-being and practice.
  10. Emotion regulation strategies in geriatric nurses.
  11. Postpartum depression among low-income US mothers.
  12. Assess the effectiveness of drug abuse treatment.
  13. How is mental illness related to criminal behavior among patients?
  14. The role of family in depression treatment.
  15. How do social interactions impact mental illness development?
  16. Sleep deprivation and how it affects cognitive functioning.
  17. Postpartum depression (PPD) and its identification.
  18. Hormone-induced changes and their impact on brain activity.
  19. What are the effects of attention deficit on child development?
  20. Mental health risks of abortion.
  21. Discuss the impact of autism on brain development.
  22. How does color psychology affect cognitive development studies?
  23. Sexual violence and mental health effects.
  24. What causes memory loss, and how can you recover it?
  25. Video game addiction among teenagers.
  26. Geriatric mental health: dementia & schizophrenia.
  27. How does cyber harassment influence a victim’s mental health?
  28. The negative impact of television violence on child behavior.
  29. Management of suicidal patients in mental health departments: quality improvement.
  30. What causes increasing anorexia rates in children?
  31. Causes of anorexia in adults.
  32. Gender issues faced by psychiatric-mental health nurses.
  33. Anxiety disorder: Its causes and cures.
  34. Why are eating disorder rates rising among the youth?
  35. The delivery of health care services to people with mental health disabilities.
  36. Which factors promote eating disorders among children?
  37. Is lying connected to a liar’s psychology?
  38. Mental health examination in advanced nurses’ practice.

🧬 42 Controversial Biology Topics for Nursing Students

Biology is a natural science studying life on Earth. It has a broad scope with different themes that unify it as a coherent discipline. It examines plant, animal, and human life from the simplest to the most complex forms. It also investigates how living organisms survive, move, and feed.

Below are some hot controversial biology topics we’ve hand-picked and formulated for you:

  1. COVID-19 conspiracy theory. Was it a conspiratorial ploy created and leaked from a lab to promote a sinister political agenda to dominate gullible masses?
  2. The COVID-19 pandemic. The biggest political myth of the 21st century disguised as a pandemic only to enrich international pharma cartels.
  3. Human or animal use in medical trials. Make an in-depth analysis of the controversies surrounding this practice and discuss the ethics behind using animals to test human medications.
  4. Life on Earth continues after death. Examine humanity’s deepest and oldest search for immortality and hope beyond the grave as captured in different cultures.
  5. Bearing responsibility for medical errors. Discuss whether doctors and other medical practitioners should take full criminal responsibility for their practice errors.

Find more controversial topics for your argumentative papers:

  1. Governments should substitute herbs for antibiotics.
  2. Sexual dysfunction: psychosocial and biological treatments.
  3. GMO foods are dangerous.
  4. All conscientious governments must ban GMOs.
  5. Biological basis of behavior – divisions of the brain.
  6. Governments should revoke chemical herbicides.
  7. Hair loss in the 21st century is a lifestyle consequence.
  8. Biological explanation of personality.
  9. Hospitals must provide equal quality healthcare to all patients, regardless of their insurance coverage.
  10. Senior citizens are better off at home than in nursing homes.
  11. Biological theories relating to human behavior and criminality.
  12. Should the government regulate ‘junk food’ consumption to avert a looming health crisis?
  13. A vegetarian diet is a healthier alternative to meat-including diets.
  14. Understanding death as a natural biological process.
  15. Age restrictions for drinking need to be increased to curb rising teenage alcoholism.
  16. Euthanasia is licensed murder.
  17. Biological and neurobiological perspectives on motivation and emotion.
  18. Surrogate motherhood should not be a lifestyle choice.
  19. Parents should reserve the right to vaccinate their children.
  20. The biological approach to understanding human emotion.
  21. Forced child vaccination is modern slavery.
  22. Doctors shouldn’t demand overtime payment.
  23. Advantages of the biologic drugs use.
  24. Hospitals should share their employees’ medical errors and cover patient expenses.
  25. Euthanasia is immoral.
  26. Biology in gender and sexual identity formation.
  27. Researchers shouldn’t use animals in medical research.
  28. Eating animal proteins is cruelty.
  29. Terrorism: using chemical and biological agents.
  30. Breeding animals for consumption goes against the search for a “green” Earth.
  31. Doctors should consider a baby’s right to live before prescribing an abortion to save a mother’s life.
  32. Biological theory of aging and health promotion.
  33. Healthcare practitioners should provide sufficient education to mothers considering an abortion.
  34. Processed sugar is death in the cup.
  35. Alzheimer’s disease and its biological foundation.
  36. Sugar addiction: Is it the new sweet poison in the 21st century?
  37. Speech isn’t an evolutionary by-product of creation.

🧫 43 Easy Microbiology Essay Topics

Microbiology comes from two Greek words, micros (small) and bios (life). This scientific discipline studies “small” lives or microorganisms with unicellular (single-celled), multicellular (cell colony), and acellular (without cells) organisms. It covers parasitology, immunology, mycology, and bacteriology. Experts in this field depend on molecular biology tools like DNA sequences.

Below are easy and exciting topics to jumpstart your assignments:

  1. Sustainable nitrogen removal from contaminated wastewater. Produce a thorough assessment of the nitrogen removal technology and the potential risks involved in its implementation.
  2. Antibacterial solutions. Discuss the latest discoveries examining the potential adverse effects of antibacterial medications on our immune system.
  3. Food preservation methods in the developing world. Thoroughly assess how modern technology can promote safe food preservation, consumption, and overall health among citizens.
  4. Classification of non-sporing anaerobes. Analyze the infections they induce and the strategies healthcare professionals can adopt to cultivate them safely.
  5. Autoimmunity. Describe the pathogenesis of different autoimmune disorders. Examine the available spectrum of diagnostic tests used to detect them.

Get more microbiology essay topics below:

  1. The microbiology of soft tissue infections.
  2. Medical doctor career in microbiology.
  3. The role of microbial ecology in achieving global sustainable development goals.
  4. Treatment options for wounds associated with antimicrobial-resistant infections.
  5. Dental caries: the microbiology of tooth decay.
  6. Viral cross-contamination during fresh produce preservation.
  7. Bacterial zoonotic diseases: a thorough description of anthrax treatment.
  8. Tinea corporis is a fungi infection.
  9. Enterobacteriaceae classification: assessing the causes of Escherichia coli infections.
  10. An analysis of acute cystitis: laboratory diagnosis and treatment.
  11. Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis treatment.
  12. Describe the bacteria causing gastroenteritis.
  13. Explain the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment of cholera.
  14. Dysmenorrhea and bacterial vaginosis diagnostics.
  15. Describe the infections induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  16. Analyze the life cycle, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment of malaria.
  17. Bacterial conjunctivitis: risk factors and treatment.
  18. How can soil contaminants harm the ecosystem?
  19. What are the effects of smoking on COVID-19 test results?
  20. Gut bacteria and metabolic disorders.
  21. How do oral bacteria contribute to chronic periodontitis?
  22. How does horizontal genetic exchange contribute to bacterial mutation?
  23. Acute bacterial prostatitis in nursing practice.
  24. Explain genetic engineering applications in the food supply.
  25. The principles and applications of genetically engineered antibodies.
  26. Antibiotics, patient BMI, and infections during total joint replacement surgery.
  27. Using microbes as bio-fertilizers.
  28. Food poisoning and its prevention.
  29. HIV infection: lab testing and patient education.
  30. Gastrointestinal helminthiasis prevalence among primary school children in Asia.
  31. How do bacteriocins affect food safety?
  32. Human papilloma virus infection: education in teens.
  33. Fungi: isolating, identifying, and classifying them.
  34. How does the environment contribute to parasitic infection distribution?
  35. Acute bacterial prostatitis: case study analysis.
  36. What is nitric oxide’s role in the immune system?
  37. Pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis.
  38. Does hand disinfection among healthcare workers reduce HAIS?

😷 43 Epidemiology Research Topics for Nursing Students

Epidemiology is a medical discipline that studies the distribution trends and determinants of health conditions within a population. This field is the backbone of public health because it informs policy decisions. It also establishes evidence-based practice by detecting disease risk factors and goals for preventive healthcare. Below is our list of epidemiology research topics:

  1. Pneumonia mortality rates. Compare the factors affecting death rates from pneumonia among patients in developing and developed nations.
  2. Bipolar disorder among women in Africa. Discuss how this mental illness affects patients’ psychological well-being.
  3. Emerging and re-emerging infectious illnesses. Explore the various policy frameworks African governments should implement to tame this new threat to the continent’s population.
  4. Rare genetic diseases. Analyze their causes and the role of epidemiology research in promoting effective treatment solutions in the developed world.
  5. A sudden increase in obesity. Examine how unhealthy eating habits fuel this condition among young women in developed countries.

Get additional topics for your assignment below:

  1. Neurodevelopmental disorders in children: Protective factors and positive outcomes.
  2. Research methods for social epidemiology.
  3. Economic consequences of epidemics and pandemics.
  4. How does physical activity affect one’s cognitive health?
  5. Epidemiology and health plans for Miami.
  6. What are the allergic reactions to anesthesia during surgery?
  7. The epidemic of obesity among teenagers.
  8. Prescription opioid epidemic and feeding issues.
  9. Maternal death rates in developed and developing countries.
  10. How does irregular data distribution influence patient management?
  11. Epidemiology: hepatitis B, influenza, and syphilis in Miami.
  12. How does aging change one’s mental and physical health?
  13. How essential is social epidemiology to public health?
  14. Health Care Worker Protection Act during coronavirus epidemics.
  15. Measles vaccination rates in developing countries.
  16. Asthma outbreak in Asia and its prevention.
  17. Cholera: an epidemiological disease.
  18. What environmental factors fuel chronic respiratory diseases?
  19. Viral infections: Their causes and treatment.
  20. Gay men and HIV drugs: reversing the epidemic.
  21. How does socioeconomic development influence a community’s health?
  22. What are the economic factors determining health in African cities?
  23. Epidemiology: Healthy People in the United States.
  24. How can developing nations improve their epidemiology field methods?
  25. Does ignoring one’s mental health cause mental illnesses?
  26. Handwashing during the Covid-19 epidemic.
  27. Viral pneumonia: Who is the most vulnerable?
  28. Explore the differences between viral and walking pneumonia.
  29. Epidemiology of lung and bronchus cancer in the US.
  30. How do weather conditions affect pneumonia prevalence?
  31. Explain why eliminating stigmatization among AIDS patients is challenging.
  32. Epidemiology: Zika virus.
  33. Explain how people’s living conditions affect their overall health.
  34. Do poor housing conditions promote diseases?
  35. Pressure ulcers: pathophysiology, epidemiology, and risk factors.
  36. Are public health standards in the United States falling or rising?
  37. How is the healthcare system in the UK similar to that in the US?
  38. Containing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Australia.

🦠 43 Nursing Pathophysiology Topics to Write About

Pathophysiology, or physiopathology, studies the disordered physiological processes associated with diseases or injuries. Physiology describes processes running inside organisms, while pathology focuses on observed conditions during an illness. Thus, pathophysiology explains the functional changes in individuals caused by diseases or pathologic states.

Here are the top nursing pathophysiology topics to inspire you:

  1. Blood pressure among older people. Investigate the causes of increased blood pressure in senior citizens in your country and suggest preventive measures.
  2. Respiratory rates among senior citizens. Examine the causes and effects of increasing respiratory challenges facing older citizens in the developing world.
  3. The pathophysiology of migraine. Analyze its implications in promoting proper clinical management among patients in the developing world.
  4. The challenges of teaching pathophysiology in Africa. Examine their causes, effects on healthcare, and practical solutions African nations can adopt.
  5. Hypertension in women. Explain the causes of hypertension among young women in the US.

Check out some more topics on pathophysiology for your nursing case studies:

  1. Explore clinical implications of fluid management in elective surgical procedures.
  2. Profiles of childhood trauma and psychopathology.
  3. Discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of heart failure.
  4. Thyroid hormone and its role in heart failure pathophysiology.
  5. Sexually transmitted diseases and pathogens.
  6. The pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes.
  7. Discuss the history of clinical and pathophysiological theory and practice.
  8. Hypertension and type II diabetes mellitus pathophysiology.
  9. The pathophysiology of coronary artery diseases.
  10. How does excessive vitamin C consumption affect our bodies?
  11. Acute appendicitis and its pathophysiology.
  12. Yeast infection in women: What causes it?
  13. An in-depth analysis of the adverse effects of consuming excess vitamin C and E among teenagers.
  14. Edema: the pathophysiologic changes.
  15. How does the weather disrupt physiological processes?
  16. Vitamins: Are they a miracle cure for diseases?
  17. Atherosclerosis: pathophysiology and treatment.
  18. How does delayed puberty affect the body’s reproductive system?
  19. The pathophysiological role of estrogen in women.
  20. Heart failure pathophysiology.
  21. Pathophysiology of hypothalamus disorders.
  22. Explain how the pituitary gland controls reproduction.
  23. Pathophysiology: diabetes type 1 and 2.
  24. The role of the pineal gland in sleep disorders.
  25. Lactose intolerance among senior citizens: What are its causes and remedies?
  26. Deep venous thrombosis: pathophysiology and treatment.
  27. Why is physical exercise crucial for children’s psychological development?
  28. Explore the pathophysiology of pain in cancer patients.
  29. Breast cancer: its etiology and pathophysiology.
  30. Why is it important to understand the immune system?
  31. Epileptic seizures: A pathophysiological approach.
  32. Pathophysiology discussion: atherosclerosis.
  33. The effects of drug abuse on the body.
  34. The negative consequences of excessive painkiller consumption.
  35. Breast cancer: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment.
  36. Why is regular exercise vital to the human body?
  37. Discuss how swimming affects weight loss.
  38. Pathophysiology of amenorrhea case.

👴 43 Gerontology Research Topics for Nursing Students

Gerontology studies the social, cultural, psychological, cognitive, and biological effects associated with aging. This term comes from two Greek words, geron (an older person) and logia (study). Gerontologists are researchers and practitioners in various fields, including social work, medicine, nursing, psychology, and sociology, among many others.

Find the best gerontology research topics below:

  1. Fall accidents among older people. Examine their causes, effects, and the best strategies to prevent them in different settings.
  2. Aging and the healthcare system. What are the economic effects of aging on the healthcare system in the developing and developed world? Examine possible ways and policies to address global aging.
  3. Oral health in aging patients. What strategies can the healthcare sector implement to improve the aging population’s oral health? How do oral health issues contribute to older people’s overall health?
  4. Chair-based exercises. How do they affect exercise perception and the risk of falling among inactive older citizens living in American nursing homes? Review the existing evidence of such exercises’ efficiency and health benefits.
  5. Aging and healthcare economy. Discuss why aging is fast becoming a heavy burden to the healthcare system in the developed world.

Here are some additional topics for you:

  1. The role of education in preventing falls in older people.
  2. Adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner.
  3. Examine nurses’ pivotal role in promoting healthy aging.
  4. The leading chronic conditions associated with aging.
  5. Gerontological (geriatric) nursing.
  6. The curse of discrimination affecting the aging workforce.
  7. Is “agism” the new face of discrimination in the nursing workplace?
  8. Researching gerontological nursing.
  9. Explain how proper legislation can prevent and address challenges facing the aging population.
  10. How does aging expose patients to cardiovascular diseases?
  11. The field of gerontology: overview.
  12. Discuss the complications resulting from prolonged hospital stays among elderly patients.
  13. Diet: How to harness it in dementia management.
  14. Ageing and gerontological nursing.
  15. Explore the consequences of social isolation in the aging population.
  16. What are the effects of aging on the immune system?
  17. Frailty in gerontology and geriatrics.
  18. Does aging affect one’s ability to manage money?
  19. Analyze the signs of undernourishment in older adults.
  20. Geriatric pain management.
  21. Examine a nurse’s responsibilities in advanced-care planning.
  22. Strategies for managing pain in elderly patients.
  23. Geriatric palliative care in emergency departments.
  24. How does Parkinson’s disease affect older women?
  25. What are the ethical implications of using physical restraints on elderly patients?
  26. Innovative ways in care for the aging.
  27. Medical emergencies associated with cancer treatment among elderly patients.
  28. Injury prevention among aging patients.
  29. Managing chronic diseases in people of advanced age.
  30. How does dehydration affect senior adults?
  31. Preventive measures to curb joint disorders among senior citizens.
  32. Population aging and public health support.
  33. Nursing and gerontology advancement in Africa.
  34. Gerontology and negative societal mindsets hindering its progress.
  35. Suicidal ideation among the elderly.
  36. Acute care nursing and gerontology.
  37. The quality of life among elderly citizens in rural Europe.
  38. Negative drug outcomes among elderly people.

🧘 43 Mental Health Research Topics for Nursing Students

Mental health is a medical discipline covering people’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It addresses matters related to human behavior, perception, and cognition. This discipline also deals with how individuals handle stress, manage their interpersonal relationships, and make decisions. Finally, it encompasses autonomy, intergenerational dependence, self-actualization, and competence.

Here are the top mental health research topics:

  1. Nursing and mental health competencies. Examine how sufficient nursing knowledge and efficient involvement in patient care helps promote mental health among patients.
  2. The mental health of adolescents. Investigate the factors contributing to an increased suicide rate among teenagers in the developed world.
  3. Crisis interventions used by mental health nurses. Discuss how mental health nurses identify patients in crisis and help them return to their prior level of functioning.
  4. The vital safety protocols mental health nurses follow in the US. Analyze their efficiency in promoting high-quality mental health treatment.
  5. Poverty and mental health. Explain the link between low income and mental health issues. Propose community policies for improving the mental health of underserved poor populations.

Find more mental health topics below:

  1. How have social attitudes toward mental illness changed over time?
  2. Sun exposure benefits for physical and mental health.
  3. How does healthy self-esteem help promote mental health?
  4. Personality disorder patients in mental health hospitals.
  5. Mental health disorders most commonly found in teenagers.
  6. Strategies for training nurses to deal with mentally ill patients.
  7. Identify mental health nurses’ core competencies in Africa.
  8. Mental health impact of COVID-19 on Australian adolescents.
  9. Mental health nurses’ challenges when identifying patients with psychiatric disorders.
  10. Nursing strategies for ADHD management.
  11. Mental health of refugees in America.
  12. How does mirror therapy affect brain rehabilitation?
  13. Examine the connection between dopamine levels and autism.
  14. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student mental health.
  15. How is depression connected to cancer?
  16. What are the risk factors of bipolar disorder?
  17. Mental health in late adulthood.
  18. How does social media affect mental health?
  19. How do nurses care for PTSD patients?
  20. Traumatic experiences in the mental health field.
  21. How can nurses help patients overcome a mental health crisis after an amputation?
  22. Explore the advantages of mental health support groups.
  23. Injury prevention, mental health, and healthcare technology.
  24. Ways of recovering from mental traumas associated with physical injuries.
  25. Should depression pills be regulated?
  26. Employee turnover in mental healthcare for veterans.
  27. How does Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affect refugees?
  28. How do mental illness rates affect a country’s economic development?
  29. Diagnostic interviewing in the mental health field.
  30. How does postpartum depression affect family members?
  31. How do mental health disorders interfere with patients’ socializing abilities?
  32. Mental health treatment for veterans.
  33. TV and mental disorders among teenagers.
  34. The incidence of perinatal depression in developing countries.
  35. Improving mental health problems management.
  36. How does a mental illness affect mother-infant bonding?
  37. Does poor mental health delay children’s emotional development?
  38. A gap in equity related to mental health access for veterans.

🍼 42 Interesting Infant Health and Safety Topics

Newborn care involves the activities that new parents or caregivers should provide to infants to ensure their safety. Healthcare facilities and maternity homes hold classes for parents-to-be to prepare them to care for a baby.

Below are exciting infant health and safety topics:

  1. Sleep safety. What key lessons should new parents learn about sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), and how can they create safe sleep environments for their babies?
  2. Water safety. Analyze common water safety challenges related to infants and how parents can prevent potential accidents.
  3. Fire and burn safety in homes. Identify potential traps and how parents can fireproof their homes to make them safe for a child.
  4. Car safety. Review standard rules for using a car seat for infants and explain the rationale for these rules.
  5. Winter weather hazards. Thoroughly analyze all the potential dangers winter exposes children to and how parents can protect their children during this season.

Below are other exciting child safety topics:

  1. Explore the relationships between fertility and infant mortality in the developing world.
  2. Infant nasal congestion.
  3. Explain vaccine interactions with the infant microbiome.
  4. How can dietary supplements affect infant brain development?
  5. How to protect an infant born to a diabetic mother?
  6. How do medications affect a child’s cognitive abilities?
  7. Child poisoning prevention at home.
  8. Indoor air pollution and the health of infants.
  9. Analyze laws regulating baby product safety.
  10. The most common choking and strangulation causes among infants in the US.
  11. Newborn with cephalohematoma and jaundice.
  12. How can parents prevent child choking at home?
  13. Infants and gun safety.
  14. Newborn with a birth injury: nursing assessment.
  15. Strategies to enhance food safety among newborns.
  16. How does maternal depression impact an infant’s health?
  17. Supporting parental contact with newborns with disabilities.
  18. Infant mortality and prevention measures in Africa.
  19. How do harsh economic conditions affect infant health?
  20. Child birth and development in infancy.
  21. PTSD: How can it be prevented in infants?
  22. Why are infant mortality rates high among African Americans?
  23. Executive function skills in 18-36 months children.
  24. Should parents start caring about a child’s oral health since birth?
  25. Taking medications while breastfeeding: Potential risks.
  26. Maternal, infant, and early childhood home visits.
  27. How can parents protect their children’s mental health?
  28. Effects of screen time on infants.
  29. Neonatal sepsis prevention: literature review.
  30. What causes poor child mental health?
  31. Safe ways to deal with colic in infants.
  32. Neonatal pressure ulcer prevention.
  33. Strategies for mitigating the risk of psychological underdevelopment among infants.
  34. The importance of monitoring a child’s psychological development and wellness.
  35. Nutritional recommendations for pediatric diabetes.
  36. Safe physical activity for babies.
  37. How do positive social relations affect an infant?

🏥 43 Important Topics on Ethics in Healthcare

Medical ethics is the applied branch of ethics analyzing healthcare practice and scientific research from an ethical perspective. It hinges on professional values and moral standards medical practitioners should observe. Ethics also applies during a conflict of interest or confusion. Ethical medical practice is based on the principles of justice, beneficence, non-maleficence, and autonomy.

Find interesting topics on ethics in healthcare below:

  1. Risky pregnancies. Should doctors focus on terminating pregnancies to save mothers’ lives, or should they also protect the unborn child’s life?
  2. International human organ trafficking. Investigate how rogue elements in the healthcare industry become accomplices and promoters of illegal trade across international borders.
  3. The moral questions surrounding surrogate motherhood. Should it only be reserved for barren women, or can any woman opt for it?
  4. Organ donation. Discuss whether people should be allowed to donate their organs to nonrelatives.
  5. Medical technology and patient care. Does technology use for monitoring a patient’s health violate doctors’ commitment to patient care?

Below are additional topics to inspire you:

  1. Is assisted suicide ethical?
  2. Electronic health records and ethical dilemmas.
  3. What are the ethical implications of performing selective reproduction?
  4. Discuss the ethical questions surrounding human organ acquisition.
  5. Nursing ethics and healthcare reform conflict.
  6. What are the modern ethical challenges facing family-making?
  7. What are the top ethical issues surrounding HIV/AIDS counseling and testing?
  8. Ethical decisions in Ms. Robaczynski’s nursing.
  9. What are the ethical implications of doctors withholding information from patients’ families?
  10. Is it ethical to test fetuses for congenital disabilities to decide on abortions?
  11. Principles of healthcare finances and ethics.
  12. Doctors are obligated to treat prisoners serving life sentences.
  13. Should patients from low-income families enjoy equal healthcare services?
  14. Abortion ethics: child’s vs. woman’s rights.
  15. Is living organ donation ethical?
  16. What are the ethical challenges of forcing a rushed vaccine on the general public?
  17. Bioethics and nurse leaders’ policy participation.
  18. Should medical practitioners responsible for fatal errors be charged with murder?
  19. What are the ethics of treating patients without insurance coverage?
  20. Ethics of Obamacare and Trumpcare reforms.
  21. Discuss the moral implications of treating patients without their consent.
  22. Should doctors receive overtime pay?
  23. Prenatal testing controversy in medical ethics.
  24. The ethics of obtaining informed consent from children.
  25. Minors don’t deserve birth control services.
  26. Legal and ethical problems of access to information for nurses.
  27. Is it moral to terminate a pregnancy because of a congenital disability?
  28. Should doctors who got fired be allowed to open their clinics?
  29. Ethics versus the law in nursing.
  30. Should researchers stop using guinea pigs to test human vaccines?
  31. Is it ethical for robots to replace doctors and nurses in hospitals?
  32. Ethical issues surrounding care for Alzheimer’s patients.
  33. How to address the ethical challenges surrounding surrogate pregnancy?
  34. What are the moral implications of experimenting with human cloning?
  35. EHealth application: research critique and ethical considerations.
  36. What are the dangers of new vaccines?
  37. Should doctors vaccinate children against their parents’ will?
  38. Ethical decisions in nursing practice.

🌿 Final Word

Thank you for taking your precious time to read our catchy research topics for nursing students. We hope the list will inspire you to create an excellent paper for your nursing class. Don’t hesitate to share the article with friends and ask your questions in the comments.

❓ Nursing Research Topics FAQ

What are good nursing research topics?

Excellent nursing research topics allow you to research them easily. They also address current healthcare issues and promote your knowledge of nursing practice. Good nursing topics are narrow enough to allow you to produce a detailed discussion within a limited word count. Lastly, they must be interesting enough to write about.

What are some hot topics in nursing?

The hottest nursing topics must be fresh and address issues from angles other people haven’t covered before. They can also be controversial: such topics provoke critical thinking in your readers, even though they will not necessarily support your point of view. To find a hot title, you should search for the latest trends in nursing.

What are some examples of nursing research?

Excellent examples of nursing topics are those affecting the most vulnerable patients, for example, older adults or children. Other examples include studies on sensitive issues like professional and moral ethics within nursing practice. Lastly, psychology research topics can help you examine the psychological dimension of nursing, such as the role of compassion and emotional support in patient recovery.

How do I choose a research topic?

You should choose your nursing topic based on its relevance to your readers. Your chosen topic must be broad enough to let you discuss it thoroughly. It should also be narrow enough to allow you to articulate your arguments before reaching your word count. A good topic shouldn’t be too complex.

🔗 References

  1. Nursing: Evidence-Based Nursing | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  2. Anatomy-Histology Tutorials | The University of Utah
  3. Ethical Issues in Nursing: Explanations & Solutions | Duquesne University
  4. Ethical Challenges of Nurses in COVID-19 Pandemic: Integrative Review | PubMed
  5. Essential Notes on Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nurses | East Tennessee State University
  6. 10 Emerging Public Health Issues of 2023 | Keck School of Medicine of USC
  7. Overview of General Problems in Newborns | Merck Manual
  8. Geriatric Care Special Needs Assessment | National Library of Medicine
  9. Challenges in mental health nursing: Current opinion | ResearchGate
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