439 History Argumentative Essay Topics to Get an A [Writing Tips Included]

Who hasn’t been puzzled when it comes to choosing historical argument topics?

It is hard to memorize all the information given in a class. Undoubtedly, all historical issues can be developed into excellent history essay topics. The question to resolve is how to discover your case.

You can find 300+ unique world history argumentative essay topics in our article, as well as some essay writing tips. If our topics are not enough for you, use our instant and completely free research title generator.

🚧 History Essay Topics Main Challenges

History shapes our present. To study the rules of our modern world and society, we need to research historical argument topics. They can show us which conflicts led to a better future and which destroyed our civilization.

History assignments for high school students contain many pitfalls. The five most critical of them are listed below.

  1. Avoid thinking that any event was inevitable. First, we rarely dispose of a complete picture of a historical period. Second, some events are Force-Majeure and unpredictable. However, human choices matter. Focus on what could have been changed and which lessons we could learn from the alternative result.
  2. Listing events is pointless. It can be read in any chronicle. Instead, your purpose is to analyze them. An untrivial perspective is what makes your essay a good one.
  3. People often change their opinions. Historical figures also did. Try not to perceive their beliefs as a consistent and invariable set of ideas. Explore how they reached their wisdom or why they made errors.
  4. Not all events are relevant to your history essay question. Make a list of the significant events and personalities that refer to your topic. Cross out all that can be omitted. Then add minor events related to those that left. It is what you should write about.
  5. Avoid vague words. Great, prominent, positive, or negative are obscure words that make your writing limited and unilateral. Most personalities and events were multifaceted. Work in this direction.
List of do's and don'ts of history essay.

📜 Top 15 History Argumentative Essay Topics

History is full of mystery, riddles, and conflicting points. Writing a history paper will undoubtedly be fun if you choose an exciting history essay topic. Meet our list of the most provocative history questions.

  1. How could The 1896 Anglo-Zanzibar last only 38 minutes?
  2. Did Arab people invent the Arab numerals or Hindus?
  3. Hitler as the man of the year in 1938, according to Time magazine.
  4. The average life expectancy of peasants In the Middle Ages was about 25 years.
  5. Why were Roman soldiers using baths as rehabilitation centers?
  6. What was the importance of the Battle of Stalingrad?
  7. The wars with the most considerable losses took place in China.
  8. In 400 BC, Sparta had only 25,000 inhabitants but over 500,000 slaves.
  9. Out of the last 3500 years, how many years were peaceful?
  10. How important is tea time for British people?
  11. In the middle of the 20th century, the whole British royal court got sick because of improperly cooked potatoes.
  12. Compare the number of Soviet soldiers who died in World War II and the number of American ones.
  13. Has any part of the Roman Empire existed 1000 years after the Fall of Rome?
  14. Were the Egyptian pyramids actually constructed using slaves’ labor?
  15. Did Leonardo Da Vinci have dyslexia?

⚔️ History Essay Topics on War

“There never was a good war or a bad peace,” — wrote Benjamin Franklin in one of his letters. Did we learn what peace is, after all?
Discussion and analysis of armed conflicts that humanity has faced throughout its existence are still massive jobs researchers do. Below, you can find excellent topics on war and peace.

Detailed categorization to help you write a good essay about war!

World Wars

  1. How did the Second World War change family traditions? It lasted for six years, and families learned how to survive without a father. What were the psychological implications for mothers, children, and returning soldiers?
  2. Food packages for long-term storage quickly developed during both World Wars. Explore which products changed the most. How did their modified form affect the cuisine and rations?
  3. WWII spurred the creation of new professions. Find out which jobs appeared during this period. How were they linked to warfare? Did they change after the termination of the war?
  4. Many scientific advances came to our understanding through dubious ways. The research and experiments of Nazi Germany on humans led to a breakthrough in medicine, anthropology, genetics, psychology, etc. Is it moral to use their findings for peaceful purposes?
  5. Soldiers spread the Spanish Flu during WWI. It killed more people than died in military actions. Did it influence the outcome of the war? Analyze how the pandemic might have unfolded if it had happened in a time of peace.
1918 influenza pandemic killed 3% to 6% of the global population.
  1. Explain how trench warfare slowed the military actions in WWI. What were the common diseases in trenches, and how did they affect the conflict? The Germans dug trenches not to lose any more ground.
  2. American Women in History of World War II.
  3. To which extent was Hitler not responsible for the Second World War? He was obviously the one to blame for the many atrocities of the Nazis. Still, which circumstances were out of his control and led to the war?
  4. Japanese American Life During and after the World War II.
  5. Compare the economic conditions in which Britain entered WWI and WWII.
  6. The Treaty of Versailles in World War II History.
  7. What was the military potential of Russia in WWI?
  8. World War II People in “Hitler’s Army.”
  9. Is it correct to say that the results of WWI caused WWII?
  10. Minority Civil Rights in the US after the WWII.
  11. Was Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria so influential that his death caused the outbreak of WWI?
  12. What Was the Second World War Impact on the USSR?

Civil Wars

  1. The Russian population scarcely supported the Bolsheviks. What helped them to seize power during the October Revolution? The provisional government was occupied by the war. The Red Army followed the same interests, and Vladimir Lenin led the entire group.
  2. Francisco Franco was the dictator of Spain from 1939 till 1975, when he died. How did the Spanish Civil War bring him to power? Why did Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy help him?
  3. The monarchy in Uganda was abolished in 1967. Several years later, from 1971 to 1986, the country was torn apart by the Civil War. What were the causes of this dark period, and how did it end? Is Uganda peaceful now?
  4. Describe the role of climate in the collision between the North and South in the US. Did long agricultural seasons make the South depend on fieldwork? Was the traditional use of slavery a way to get rich?
  5. The polarized opinions of the left and right political forces caused the Greek Civil War. Based on the history of this conflict and the thematic in-country clashes of other countries, analyze the eternal and unending struggle between the left and right ideologies.
  6. The American Civil War Outbreak and the Role of the Federal Government.
  7. The English Civil War (1642 – 1651) was about ruling England, Scotland, and Ireland. What were the variants, and which one do you support?
  8. Short- and Long-term Causes of the Civil War.
  9. Describe the differences between the free Northern States and the slave Southern states during the American Civil War.
  10. The Economics of the Civil War.
  11. How did the Second Civil War in Sudan entail the creation of South Sudan through the referendum of 2011?
  12. The Motives of Individual Soldiers Who Fought in the Civil War.
  13. Why was Pugachev’s Rebellion (1773 – 1775) in Russia defeated?
  14. Post-Civil War Political, Economic, Social Changes.
  15. Austrian Civil War: The shortest possible conflict (12-16 February 1934).
  16. Petersburg in the Civil War: History Issues.

Intercountry Wars

The image depicts the main reasons of international conflicts.
  1. Analyze the possible reasons for an international conflict and how they can be regulated through warfare. List the ideas that motivated people to get into a war. This essay will illustrate the debatable history of wars.
  2. Describe the relationship between the emergence of nuclear weapons and the Cold War. Why was America afraid of the Soviet Union and communism?
  3. Why was the Spanish-American War one of the cheapest conflicts in history? It lasted for only several months and did not take many lives, as other military actions did. What secured its swift completion?
  4. What Were the Major Diplomacy Steps of J.F. Kennedy in Cuba During the Cold War?
  5. Why did Canada play a peacekeeper role at the beginning of the Cold War?
  6. The Seven Years War and its Impact on the First British Empire.
  7. How did the history of the Palestinians impact the Arab-Israeli conflict?
  8. Outline the reasons for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.
  9. The Vietnam War’s Impact on the United States.
  10. Describe the collaboration between the American and Australian troops in the Vietnam War.
  11. United States Role in the Korean War: History Analysis.
  12. How did the Soviet Union and US intervention cause Afghanistan’s War on Terror?

Religious Wars

  1. Why did the Huguenots fail in the French Religious Wars (1562 – 1598)? They could not rely on settlements that supported them. Thus, they were less autonomous than the Catholics.
  2. How did the Thirty Years’ War change the geopolitical image of Europe? Why was it transformed into a group of independent states with equal rights? The most important consequence of the war was the creation of the modern notion of national borders.
  3. Describe the relationship between the Second Great Awakening and the abolishment of slavery in the US. It also entailed several philanthropic reforms and women’s emancipation. Why did the movement inspire a new vision on slavery and encourage questioning the British monarchy control?
  4. Quackers: The religion of pacifism and non-violence. Did their peaceful worldview prevent their faith from popularization? Which controversy with other confessions did they face?
  5. How did the English Civil War (1642 – 1651) lay the modern parliamentary monarchy’s foundation in the UK?
  6. Islam and War: True Meaning of Jihad.
  7. How did the Second Great Awakening participants expect to bring America to a Golden Age through religion?
  8. Comparison of Jewish and Muslim Experiences.
  9. Which role did religion play in the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783)?
  10. Christian Europeans vs. Islamic Arabs: Why did the fight for Jerusalem affect the Jews who lived in Europe?
  11. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  12. Why did the Catholics fight with Protestants during the Thirty Years’ War?
  13. Religious Beliefs and Political Decisions.
  14. How did the Protestant Reformation lead to the European Wars of Religion?

✊ History Essay Topics on Revolution

Pick a revolution, any famous and well-documented one, and be sure to find a bunch of yet unresolved questions. Numerous mysteries held by revolutionary events give us a lot of topics to debate. Now, here are themes to study about the world and local revolutions.

Political Revolutions

  1. The European Revolutions (1848) affected almost 50 countries. Battles and executions took tens of thousands of lives. How did nationalism incentivize the political and economic struggle?
  2. How did the French invasion of Spain (1807) entail the Spanish-American Wars? The Spanish side aimed for political independence from America. What was their motivation?
  3. Fulgencio Batista, the Cuban President, was an elected president. He gradually seized power and became a dictator. Why did the US politically support him before Fidel Castro ousted and replaced him?
  4. The Shah’s regime brought economic shortages and inflation. Some people thought he was the puppet of the non-Muslim West (i.e., the US). How did Shah’s oil policy lead to the Iranian Revolution?
  5. During the Storming of the Bastille, there were only seven political prisoners. Why did the revolutionaries attack this building and not the Versailles or some other royal building? Why was Bastille the symbol of monarchy and its abuse of power?
  6. Various Propaganda Tools Shaped People’s Vision of the State and Themselves during the Cultural Revolution in China.
"When dictatorship is a fact, revolutions becomes a right" - Victor Hugo
  1. The Events That Led to the American Revolution.
  2. Describe and analyze the conflict between the Three Estates that led to the French Revolution.
  3. Who won in the Spanish American War of Independence and why?
  4. The Proclamation and the Stamp Act: Discriminatory laws that led to the American Revolution.
  5. Economic Factors Contributing to the Cause of the American Revolution.
  6. A political revolution does not change the property relations inside the country. Give examples of such events.
  7. Cold War Role in the Iranian Revolution.
  8. Haitian Revolution (1791–1804): The only successful revolt of self-liberated slaves.
  9. The Effects of Social Media on Egyptian Revolution of 2011.

Social Revolutions

  1. Boston Tea Party (1773) was a protest of merchants against the British tax on tea. Why is it considered as the precursor of the American Revolution? How does it symbolize the birth of American patriotism?
  2. The French nobility was not concerned with the problems of ordinary people. They dedicated themselves to leisure and intrigues. Do you agree with this statement? How does it fit with the idea that France had authoritarianism?
  3. What is the difference between a political and a socio-economic revolution? Which event takes more time and has more dramatic consequences? Give several examples of the experience in different countries.
  4. The Neolithic Revolution was the first social revolution in the history of humanity. Describe the shift from nomadic life to permanent settlements. How did the transformation change people’s lives and their sources of food?
  5. Could we consider the Enlightenment as a social revolution? Was this transformation a peaceful one? What were its causes, and what did people strive for?
  6. Syrian Arab Spring: Why Was it Late? Conflict Evolution and Solutions.
  7. How did the burning of Cinema Rex theatre trigger the Iranian Revolution?
  8. The American Revolution as a Social Revolution.
  9. How did hope and idealism fuel the French Revolution?
  10. The Revolution of Women in Society.
  11. What was achieved by the Civil War in the USA (1861-1865)?
  12. Child Labor During Industrial Revolution.
  13. Analyze the existing theories of what does and does not constitute a revolution.
  14. Karl Marx’s Ideas on Society Alienation and Conflict Theory.
  15. What were the precursors of the Age of Revolution in Europe and America?
  16. The Revolution of Transportation Systems.

🗺️ World History Argumentative Essay Topics

Time to examine history from a local perspective! Below you can find multiple excellent topics on regional history. The US history, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and more. Make sure to look at all of them precisely – this will require some effort.

US History Essay Topics

  1. American history before 1877: The New World before Christopher Columbus. Which sources of knowledge about the first settlements do historians draw from? Which civilizations existed there before the invasion of the Europeans?
  2. Explore the role of women in Colonial America. What rights did they have? What was their standard daily routine? Why was their work sometimes more complicated than that of their male relatives?
  3. How did slavery appear in British America? What were the circumstances that led to forced labor? Why was the trans-Atlantic slave trade so prosperous?
  4. How did the Founding Fathers treat Indian history and tribes? Were their actions legitimate? Did these deeds favor the establishment of the New World? Can such or any other “ethnic cleansing” ever be justified?
8 Founding Fathers of the United States.
  1. Were Jim Craw Laws necessary for a smooth transition from slavery to democracy? Or were they a big mistake that provided freedom to African-Americans without giving them any rights?
  2. The Roles Played by Different Presidents on American Civil Rights Movement.
  3. Comment on the inflow of immigrants pursuing the American Dream after the Civil war.
  4. The Enslaved Blacks and Free Blacks During the American Civil War.
  5. How did Prohibition in the US cause the proliferation of the Italian-American Mafia?
  6. American Revolution: The “History” and “Memory”.
  7. Franklin Roosevelt led the US into the Second World War as the biggest debtor but exited it as the most significant creditor.
  8. In Search of the American Dream throughout the History.
  9. Describe the main problems the first British settlements faced in America.
  10. The Right to Vote in the USA Throughout the History.
  11. What were the psychological consequences of the Great Depression on ordinary American citizens?

Latin America History Essay Topics

  1. How did smallpox influence the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire? How did the disease contribute to other advantages of the Spanish forces? Why did Cortez wish to defeat the Aztecs?
  2. The Panama Canal made Panama the second-fastest growing economy in Latin America after Chile. It brings about $2 billion in yearly revenue. However, more than five thousand people died during its construction. Was it possible to avoid the deaths by postponing the construction?
  3. How the history of Peru would be different if Francisco Pizarro did not initiate the homicide of the Aztecs. Would modern Peru benefit from its pre-colonial natives? Which historical monuments would have been preserved?
  4. Gold or silver was never found in Uruguay. How did this fact influence the present-day prosperity and stability in the country? Why did it present almost no interest for the colonial conquest?
  5. In 1848, General Santa Anna sold a big part of Mexico to the United States. Why did he do so? What would Latin America look like now had he not sold the land to feed the army?
  6. Nationalism and Development in the Countries of Latin America.
  7. Why did Latin America wish to declare independence from Spain (1810)?
  8. Haitian Migration History, and the Role of Jamaica in This Process.
  9. Explore the benefits of the Chilean victory in the War of the Pacific (1879 – 1883).
  10. Brazil and the European Union: The Relations.
  11. Why did America win the Mexican-American War?
  12. Criminal Justice Systems of the US and Colombia.
  13. Describe how the borders of modern Brazil were decided back in 1494.
  14. Which consequences of Gen Alfredo Stroessner’s dictatorship in Paraguay can you name?
  15. Mexico’s Globalization and Democratization.

European History Essay Topics

  1. Why did ordinary people believe in Fascist propaganda? Analyze the psychological factors and the cultural precursors that made people susceptible to Nazism. Did the fear of being killed influence their willingness to obey the ruling party?
  2. Find out the difference between the perception of gods in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Did both nations truly believe in gods? Was the Pantheon a cultural phenomenon? Why did they use the same gods with different names?
  3. Would Roman Empire have become so influential if it had never used slavery? Why was slavery an essential part of the economy of many countries? What changed then? Was the abolishment of slavery dictated only by humanism?
  4. How did the relationships between lords and their vassals transform into modern government standards? Which positive and negative features were preserved throughout the ages? Compare the ancient tradition and the present-day government using historical and contemporary figures.
  5. What is the difference between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment?
  6. Why Capitalism Started in Europe and Dominated the World?
  7. Analyze the evolution of peace-maintaining methods inside the country and around its borders throughout European history.
  8. Building a Communist Society in East Germany.
  9. What does the classical and vulgar language distinction in Ancient Rome tell us about the structure of its society?
  10. Austria and France: Impacts and Causes of World War I and World War II.
  11. Compare and contrast the role of Russia in WWI and the Napoleonic Wars.
  12. Trace the development of European liberalism.
  13. Germany at the End of the World War I.
  14. List the six ancient civilizations and compare the causes that led to their fall.

Asian History Essay topics

  1. What made the Mongol Empire the second-largest kingdom in human history? How did the empire use technology and production to ensure its prosperity? What helped Genghis Khan unite the nomadic tribes?
  2. The Black Death is traditionally associated with Europe since it killed one-third of its population. Still, the bubonic plague started in Asia. Explore its outburst in 1330 – 1340 and its origins (presumably, in China).
  3. Explore the consequences of numerous conflicts between nomads and settled people in Asia. How did this rivalry shape the history of the continent? Analyze the contribution of trading between nomads and towns.
  4. A crossbow was invented in Asia. It revolutionized warfare. How did the weapon make archery a more democratic art? Which benefits did crossbow offer the army? Describe the history of the arm.
A crossbow was invented in Asia.
  1. The word Aryan comes from Iran and India. It meant “a noble person.” How did it turn into the most abused words of anti-Semitism?
  2. The Causes and Effects of Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976).
  3. What are the social effects of female infanticide in China, India, South Korea, and Nepal?
  4. China’s New Silk Road for Trade and IGo to demoessays.commplications.
  5. Compare and contrast the Indian castes and Feudal Japanese classes.
  6. The Development of Tension Between South and North Korea.
  7. How did the Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC) open Asia to be invaded by Alexander the Great?
  8. Japan’s Withdrawing From the International Whaling Commission.
  9. Describe the weapons of Ancient Asian civilizations as the mirror of their culture.
  10. How did some Asian countries (Japan, China, and Siam) escape European colonization?
  11. Nationalism in East Asia, Japan and China.

Russian History Essay Topics

  1. Which tribes created modern Russia? Were they Slavic or Finno-Ugric? Why does this history argumentative essay topic cause debates among historians? What are the implications of either variant for the Russian national identity?
  2. How did the Tsardom of Moscow transform into the Russian Empire in 1721? What did Peter I do for this reformation? How did it change Russian society’s standard of living?
  3. Why did Boris Godunov come to power breaking the Rurik family dynasty? Before his ascension to the throne, he was a Tatar nobleman and served as an advisor to Tsar Fyodor I. Why did his rule start at the Time of Troubles (1598 – 1613)?
  4. Is it appropriate to call Moscow the “Third Rome”? Sophia Palaiologina, the daughter of the last emperor of Constantinople, married Ivan III. Analyze the reasons for the statement that Moscow is the successor of the Roman Empire
  5. What were the causes and consequences of the existence of the four “False Dmitrys”? Explore the under-the-carpet battle that led to the killing of the dynasty’s successors. How did the four imposters entail the decay of the institution of Tsardom?
  6. Long-Term Strategies to Address Threats to the US’ Interest From Russia.
  7. Which personal traits helped Ivan the Terrible establish the Tsardom of Russia and make it a powerful state?
  8. Why Is There a Strong Russian Influence in Syrian Crisis?
  9. Debate the phenomenon of Peter the Great: Was he the result of the epoch or the random person who changed Russian history?
  10. Crisis on European Borders and Russia’s Threats.
  11. What were the merits and drawbacks of Catherine the Great?
  12. Communist Nations Divisions During the Cold War.
  13. How did other countries react to the Russian version of communism?
  14. The Cold War Between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
  15. Did the communist regime make Russia stronger, or did it throw it back in time?
  16. The Collapse of the Soviet Union.

African History Essay Topics

  1. Why did the imperial historiography propagate that Africa had no history? They wanted to create the image of Africa as the “dark continent.” How did the historians justify these statements and relate them to the absence of writing?
  2. The Kingdom of Kush: The most powerful African kingdom. Describe the period of its existence and outline the possible reasons for its decay. Which historical monuments have been found of that era?
  3. Do you support the idea that humanity originated in Africa? Why does this statement insult the Western World? Is there enough evidence that proves the idea?
  4. We know about African history from the perspective of Western scholars. Even the locally educated people who study history have adopted the Western way of looking at the past. What can be done about that?
  5. Before European colonization, there were about 10,000 states in Africa. Describe their ethnic similarities and shared customs that we know nowadays.
  6. What do we know about prehistoric Africa, i.e., the one that existed before the Ancient Egypt civilization?
  7. China in Africa: Aspects of Sino-African Relations.
  8. Why is slavery often mentioned as the initial reference point in African history?
  9. African Americans Fight for the Rights.
  10. Which problems arose in some African societies as a result of decolonization?
  11. The History of African American Women’s Fights for Suffrage.
  12. Describe how decolonized Africa tried to decolonize its history.
  13. Colonialism, Ideology, Ethnicity, Religion, Social Class, and Legitimacy in Africa’s Politics.

Australian History Essay Topics

  1. James Cook was not the first one to discover Australia. Who were his predecessors? Why didn’t they gain as much fame as Cook did?
Who came to Australia before Captain James Cook?
  1. King O’Malley: The founder of the Australian capital. How did he favor the creation of the Commonwealth Bank? How did Prime Minister Fisher ensure trust in the bank among the population?
  2. Why did the Ballarat Rebellion finish just in 30 minutes? What did the rebels struggle for? How did the event lead to the signing of the Electoral Act of 1856?
  3. The first colonizers of Australia were prisoners. How does this fact impact the contemporary image of the country? What were the historical implications of such a demographical situation?
  4. Why do Australians consider the battle of 25 April 1915 (during WWI) as “the birth of the nation?” Describe the reasons that made Australian Imperial Forces participate in the war and attack the Turkish coast?
  5. Why were Afghan cameleers important in Australia, and what caused their disappearance?
  6. Aboriginal and Chinese Australians: Cultural Diversity.
  7. What were the causes of the Rum rebellion of 1808, and which role did William Bligh play in it?
  8. How Have Australian Attitudes Towards ‘Asia’ Changed Since the 1890?
  9. Describe the role of Merino sheep in the Australian economy since they were first brought there by Captain John Macarthur in 1797.
  10. Is Australian Foreign Policy Now Independent?
  11. Ned Kelly: A ruthless killer or a symbol of resistance to the colonial power?
  12. Multiculturalism in Australian Society.
  13. Describe the Brisbane Line and its role in the Japanese invasion.
  14. China’s and Australia’s Management of International Disputes.

🤴 History Essay Topics on Key Figures

The significance of historical figures is something challenging to measure and compare. And there is indeed no need to do that; everyone has their place, time, and role. With these topics below, we offer you to dive into biographies of some fascinating people.
Take a deep breath; we are almost there!

Central Figures of Ancient History

  1. Plato vs. Aristotle: The abstract vs. the empirical. Both of them are the most influential figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle was Plato’s disciple. What made their ideas so different?
  2. Why was Diogenes a controversial personality? How did he manage to criticize social conventions through his simple lifestyle? Is poverty a virtue, as Diogenes claimed?
  3. Aeschylus: The father of Tragedy. What were his contributions to the image of Ancient Greek theater? Explore his influence beyond his own time.
  4. Homer created the ancient Greek identity. Did he formulate the qualities already present in his compatriots? Alternatively, did he idealize the past to make the Greeks aspire for more?
  5. Cleisthenes: The father of the Athenian democracy. Explore his contribution to the governance of Athens. How different was it from the modern idea of democracy?
  6. The Ancient City of Tikal: Mayan Cultural, Social, Astronomy and Political Influence.
  7. Why did Mark Antony and Cleopatra trust one another so much?
  8. Plutarch: Our window to the ancient times.
  9. Cleopatra’s Life and Political Impact.
  10. How did Alexander the Great and his conquest change the ancient world?
  11. Ethical Life Issues in Works by Cicero and C.S. Lewis.
  12. Why do we consider Hippocrates as the father of medicine?
  13. Aristotle and Relationships at Work.
  14. Describe the difference between the historical and fictional accounts of the assassination of Julius Caesar.
  15. Alaric I the Visigoth: The person responsible for the Sack of Rome in 410.
  16. Jesus & Mohammed: Comparison and Contrast.
  17. Why was Leonidas I encircled by a hero cult?
  18. Moses in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Central Figures of Medieval Ages

  1. TomĂĄs de Torquemada was the first Grand Inquisitor of Spain. Why did his name become the synonym of religious fanaticism and cruelty? What made him the most notorious Inquisitor?
  2. Charlemagne was the creator of modern Europe. He divided the Carolingian Empire between his sons. He also added more parts to Europe that had never been under Roman or Frankish control before. Explore his activity.
  3. Avicenna (980 – 1037) was the most important polymath of the Islamic Golden Age. Analyze his contributions to modern science.
  4. Constantine was the last Byzantine emperor. He was killed when protecting Constantinople from the Ottoman Turks. What makes him a legendary figure in Greek culture?
  5. Thomas Aquinas was the first theologian that linked religion and science. He connected Christian principles with Aristotelian ideas. How did he influence our perception of God and faith?
  6. Did Marco Polo travel to China, or was he a big liar?
  7. Joan of Arc as a Military Heroine.
  8. Why was Sir William Marshal called “the greatest knight” in human history?
  9. St. Thomas Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument Analysis.
  10. Describe the leadership qualities of Richard the Lionheart in his battle for Jerusalem with sultan Saladin.
  11. Was Genghis Khan a great ruler? Analyze his leadership style.
  12. British Culture – Tudors, Henry VIII and Anglican Church.
  13. William the Conqueror and his Domesday Book: The most critical statistical document in European history.
  14. Why was Peter the Hermit the critical figure in the First Crusade?
  15. Elizabeth I’s Leadership. English History.
  16. What was the role of Joan of Arc in the Hundred Years’ War?
  17. Pope Innocent III: The person who invented the Crusades.

Central Figures of Modern Period

  1. How did Otto von Bismarck change the European map and reinforce Germany? He was the first chancellor of Germany for 20 years. This fact made him the mastermind of European affairs for two decades.
  2. Alexander II and Nicolas II: The grandfather and the grandson. Fifty years separated prosperity from decay. The first abolished slavery, and the latter caused the collapse of the Russian Empire.
  3. Stalin: From a collective leadership to dictatorship. He was the man that defined the epoch. Why was he the longest ruler of the USSR? How did his activity shape the international image of the Soviet Union?
  4. Mahatma Gandhi liberated India from Britain. Yet, he invariably insisted on non-violent methods. Could the liberation have happened in more favorable conditions for India if he had used more aggressive measures?
Gandhi wrote a letter to Hitler, addressing him as "Dear Friend," and beseeched him to stop the war. Hitler never wrote back.
Source: https://www.biography.com/news/gandhi-interesting-facts-biography
  1. Churchill: The ideologist of the anti-Hitler coalition and the creator of the Entente. Why do we consider him the inspirer of the British movement against Nazi Germany? What were the main postulates of his ideology?
  2. The Civil Rights Movement by Martin Luther King.
  3. From the modern point of view, did Lenin fulfill his intentions by introducing communism?
  4. Einstein and his Contribution to Science.
  5. If we abstract from the issues of morality, was Hitler a positive figure for his country?
  6. Hitler’s Interests: Nazi Germany and the Jews.
  7. What was the role of Margaret Thatcher’s activity in the process of entailing deep divisions in British society?
  8. Leadership Management: The Case of Mahatma Gandhi.
  9. Analyze the life story of Sigmund Freud that brought him to become the father of psychoanalysis.
  10. How did Anne Boleyn help to create the Church of England?
  11. US Foreign Policies from Eisenhower to Kennedy.
  12. How did Jane Austen’s stories about unremarkable situations turn into social satire?
  13. George Washington: Life, Presidency, Challenges as a Commander.
  14. How did El Greco transform icon painting by using ordinary people as models?

Central Figures of Contemporary History

  1. Mao Zedong drew inspiration from the Soviet Communistic ideology. How did his principles differ from the USSR scenario? Analyze the policy of Mao Zedong from the modern Chinese point of view.
  2. Albert Einstein changed our perception of reality through his theory of relativity. It explained how objects behave in space and time. The approach gave us a chance to predict the future.
  3. Analyze the personality of Usama bin Ladin as the founder of Al-Qaeda and the most famous terroristic leader. Explore his ideology and motivation for killing civil citizens. Can we change this ideology through education?
  4. Stanley N. Cohen was the first person who managed to cut DNA into pieces. But Paul Berg is considered the father of genetic engineering. Which personality did more for genetics?
  5. Harry Truman was a Vice President only for several weeks. Truman, the 33rd US President, ordered the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why did he do so?
  6. Queen Elizabeth’s II contributions to the UK we know now.
  7. Truman Doctrine in the United States History.
  8. Anne Frank: The girl whose diary united millions of human tragedies.
  9. Barack Obama’s Political Doctrine and Its Elements.
  10. Describe the role of Douglas MacArthur in Japan’s restoration after WWII.
  11. Maria Curie: The woman who taught us to use X-rays.
  12. Merkel’s Germany and Trump’s Us Stances on Migration Policies.
Both Pierre and Marie Curie had no idea of the dangers of radioactivity.
Source: https://www.biography.com/news/marie-curie-biography-facts
  1. How did Grace Kelly contribute to the image of Monaco as a touristic paradise?
  2. Why did Gorbachev win the Nobel Peace Prize?

🏳️‍🌈 Argumentative History Topics on Significant Movements

Each epoch has had some movements that perform the leading ideas and soul of the corresponding time. Political, social, religious, and other movements have left multiple traces in different spheres of life. The necessity to explore these traces is pretty obvious, right? Let’s do it together.

Political Movements

  1. Why does extreme libertarianism reject the authority of the state?
  2. Anarchy and Sovereignty in International Relations.
  3. Is it correct to regard feminism as a political movement?
  4. Analyze the incorrect interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy by the German Nazi.
  5. “Manifesto of the Communist Party” by Karl Marx.
  6. How do eugenic policies entail the loss of genetic diversity?
  7. Discussion of Capitalism and Socialism.
  8. Why are there two major parties in US politics?
  9. Explore the development of the Women’s Suffrage movement in your local area.
  10. Why does any political movement require access to state power to be successful?
  11. Islamism: Political Movement & Range of Ideologies.
  12. Does lobbying influence the development of various political movements in power?
  13. Democratic Regime and Liberation Movements.
  14. Describe communism as a secular religion.
  15. Is anti-capitalism a viable ideology?

Social Movements

  1. What are the achievements of the animal rights movement?
  2. White Society’s Reaction to Civil Rights Movement.
  3. Which women’s rights movements do you know, and what are their goals?
  4. Civil Rights and #BlackLivesMatter Social Movements.
  5. Do you believe that some psychological problems make people participate in social movements?
Picture showing examples of different social movements.
  1. What did the Black Power Movement (1960 – 1980s) achieve?
  2. Women’s Rights Movement Impact on Education.
  3. What are the psychological effects of volunteering in hospices?
  4. The Strategy of the National Popular Vote Movement.
  5. Analyze the success of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  6. Greta Thunberg: The inspirer of the international movement against climate change.
  7. Free Movement of Workers in the EU Single Market.
  8. Why does the majority of the population negatively look at all sorts of social movements?
  9. #MeToo movement and its results: The cancellation culture.

Art Movements

  1. How did the return of the African culture to the natives after WWII give birth to a new art movement?
  2. Why are modern art movements so numerous, and what does this fact characterize?
  3. Futurism. Artistic and Social Movement.
  4. Which art movement do you consider the most recognizable?
  5. Do you think Cubism is an art or a protest against artistic tradition?
  6. An artistic movement: Copying geniuses or drawing inspiration from them?
  7. Andy Warhol’s Paintings.
  8. How did the Hudson River School of Art shape American painting?
  9. Why did art in late Medieval Europe face decay?
  10. Art Movements in History: Baroque.
  11. What is the difference between the Baroque and Rococo styles?
  12. Which artistic movement initiated the use of perspective in painting, and why did it happen?

Religious and Spiritual Movements

  1. Explore the influence of fundamentalism on evangelicalism in America.
  2. Look for similar features between new religious movements and radical Islamic groups.
  3. Describe the distinctive traits of new religious movements that differentiate them from older religions.
  4. Which methods does the Religious Right movement use against the LGBT community?
  5. Do religious movements favor or impede globalization?
  6. Which psychological reasons drive young people to Satanism?
  7. Why do people create new cults, and are they detrimental to society?
  8. Explore the difference between a spiritual and religious movement.
  9. Relation Between God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.
  10. Is it correct to consider atheism as a religious movement?
  11. Modern spiritual movements: business or altruism?

📿 Interesting History Essay Topics on Traditions

No matter the military history of a state or region, cultural heritage and traditions are something every society has. Now, the most exciting part is to explore these traditions and rituals. It can be a long journey!


  1. Trace the difference between Vlad the Impaler as a historical and mythical figure.
Prince Charles of Wales, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, is the descendant of Vlad Dracula in the sixteenth generation.
  1. Which events and traditions shaped the way we imagine a witch?
  2. False and Folk Etymologies of Words.
  3. Analyze Baba Yaga as the symbol of mother nature in Russian folklore.
  4. How does German folklore reflect in the tales of the Brothers Grimm?
  5. The Thousand & One Nights: Folk Collection Overview.
  6. Is there any scientific explanation for weather prediction by natural signs is present in many cultures’ folklore?
  7. Witch-Hunt in Europe During the Middle Ages.
  8. Half-human creatures of ancient times: Who were they, and which archetype did they represent?
  9. Explore the folklore origins of the Swastika, which became the Nazi symbol.
  10. The mythology of Achilles’ heel: What does it symbolize?
  11. The Epic of Gilgamesh – A Classic Tale.
  12. Describe the meaning of fireflies in Japanese culture.
  13. “The Tale of Kieu” by Nguyen Du.
  14. What is the link between zombies and voodoo?


  1. Discover the origins of putting a pickle ornament on Christmas trees in Germany.
  2. Why Saturnalia, Mithras, and Hanukkah were the precursors of modern-day Christmas?
  3. What is the link between the Festival of Lanterns and Chinese New Year?
  4. What are the origins of Imbolc in Celtic tradition?
  5. Chinese Spring Festival.
  6. Which African-American harvest celebrations were unified under the name of Kwanzaa?
  7. What does Jewish Hannukah commemorate, and why does it last eight days?
  8. Why does the US celebrate Veterans Day at the 11th hour on the 11th day and 11th month?
  9. Why did the US presidents start racing Easter Eggs?
  10. What is the relation between Daylight Savings time and WWI?
  11. Analyze the geography and calendar of Christmas in different parts of the world.


  1. Why are most rituals practiced in modern world religions?
  2. Buddhism: History, Origins, and Rituals.
  3. Describe human sacrifice rituals in Ancient Rome.
  4. Why do civilized countries use rituals in politics, for example, during the presidential inauguration?
  5. Crusades from a Christian Viewpoint.
  6. Compare male and female initiation rituals in African countries.
  7. How do funeral rituals help humans overcome the pain of loss?
  8. Marriage rituals in Japan: History that is preserved to nowadays.
  9. Explore pagan rituals that remained in the Christian culture.
  10. Is Baptism a ritual of initiation?
  11. What do the burial rituals of native Americans tell us about their culture?

👁️‍ Essay Topics on Historical Mysteries

Have you ever thought about how many things around us are still covered with layers of questions? Humanity has still not resolved some events, places, and people that took place throughout history. Let’s have a look at some breathtaking historical mysteries.


  1. Think of the reasons for the Great Leap Forward. Why did people start painting caves and making jewelry?
  2. During the Middle Ages, English speakers changed the way they pronounced vowels. What are the theories of the Great Vowel Shift?
  3. The Green Children of Woolpit: A scary folk tale or a historical event?
  4. The Inca civilization: Highway and postal system, skull surgeries, and other signs of culture.
  5. The Sea Peoples caused the Bronze Age Collapse. Who were they? Where did they come from?
  6. What are the available explanations of the Phoenix Lights?
  7. The Salem Witch Trials and Their Impact on Massachusetts.
  8. Analyze the theories explaining the Baghdad batteries and select the most true-to-life version.
  9. What do we know about the “Nazi Bell.” Why is there so little information about the secret weapon?
  10. What do we know about the Philadelphia Experiment? Discuss the major theories and opinions on that case.
  11. The Tunguska event: Military experiments or a meteoroid impact?


  1. The mystery of Yonaguni Island and its underwater structures: Who were their creators?
  2. The Bermuda Triangle: Human error camouflaged as a mystery.
  3. Was the uncanny nature of The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park created by Stephen King?
  4. Delano Roosevelt’s bomb shelter: Why did the President order to construct the chamber in 1941?
  5. What is known about the secret passageways and hiding rooms of the British Queen?
  6. The chief designer of the “hall of records” in Mount Rushmore died before completing his work. Was it a conspiracy?
  7. Why do the scientists believe that the secret of Stonehenge will be revealed in some decades?
  8. Find out the facts that point to the existence of Atlantis.
  9. The Lock Ness Lake and the monster: A non-extinct dinosaur?
  10. Money Pit on the Oak Island: A geologic formation or a place to hide treasures?


  1. What traits make Jack the Ripper so attractive to historians and fiction writers?
  2. Italian Americans Portrayed as Mafia Members in Films.
  3. Keth Arnold saw some “flying saucers” that traveled faster than jet airplanes. Was it a UFO or a flock of birds?
  4. David Blair: The person who was guilty in the Titanic catastrophe.
  5. Was Joan of Arc executed for heresy or for dressing in male clothes?
  6. The mystery of Amelia Earhart: Dead or alive?
  7. Was Grigori Rasputin really capable of predicting the future?
  8. Did the lost Grand Duchess Anastasia die when the rest of the Romanov family was killed?
  9. Explore the mystery of the Babushka Lady, who recorded the assassination of John F. Kennedy. What is known about her and the purposes of her filming?
  10. The Man in the Iron Mask and his sentence in the Bastille: Who could he be?
  11. Perseus in the Manhattan Project: How did he manage to hide from the US for so long?

📝 Historical Topics to Write About – 2024

  1. Geopolitical consequences of the USSR collapse for the world.
  2. The influence of Confucianism on modern society in China.
  3. How did the formation of NATO impact the Cold War?
  4. The significance of Napoleon Bonaparte in European history.
  5. The development of democracy in ancient Athens.
  6. Reagan’s tax reform and its impact on the modern economy.
  7. What were the key consequences of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings?
  8. The September 11th events and their impact on global security.
  9. The Manhattan Project and the development of nuclear weapons.
  10. The influence of slavery on African American families.
  11. Mahatma Gandhi and his influence on the ideology of modern India.
  12. What was the role of the first moon landing in astronomy?
  13. The ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its value.

📢 History Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. The true history of the Confederate flag.
  2. How much regulation is necessary for capitalism to function?
  3. The main causes of the Vietnam War.
  4. Historical events should be reexamined through a contemporary ethical lens.
  5. The debate over the role of the United States in the Middle East.
  6. The controversy behind the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  7. Operation “Barbarossa”: aggression or attack prevention?
  8. The reasons for Martin Luther King’s assassination.
  9. The efficiency of the United Nations.
  10. Christopher Columbus: heroic explorer or the harbinger of genocide?
  11. The disputes about the origins of Shakespeare.
  12. Was Donald Trump an effective president?
  13. The benefits of communism in Eastern Europe.
  14. Is the world doing enough to prevent the destruction of historical sites?
  15. The real motive behind the Watergate scandal.
  16. South Korean provocations of the Korean War.
  17. Should the United States have entered World War I?
  18. Princess Diana’s death as the subject of a conspiracy theory.
  19. The effect of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War.
  20. Is the international community doing enough to commemorate the Holocaust?
  21. The debate over the use of internment camps during WWII.
  22. The factors contributing to the Nazi Party’s rise in Germany
  23. Did the attack on Pearl Harbor push the USA into WWII?
  24. The leading causes of the Roman Empire’s fall.
  25. Mysteries of the disappearance of the Mayan civilization.
  26. Disputes about the role of women in medieval society.
  27. The corruption of the Catholic Church: myth or truth?
  28. Capitalism is the best economic system.
  29. The injustices experienced by Muslims after 9/11.
  30. What would have happened without Hitler?

👉 History Essay Topics: How to Choose

Selecting the proper essay topic can sometimes be rather tricky. Especially after reading all these fascinating questions above😏

Jokes aside, perfect topic choice is crucial if you want to write a good essay or a research paper and get a high grade. Here are some useful tips that will help you make the right choice and write a great history essay.

✔️ Select something you are interested inWriting a good history paper on something you find boring and do not care about is impossible. If you like your history essay topic, you will enjoy researching it, and your reader will enjoy reading your piece.
✔️Narrow your topic down to a realistic sizeAsk yourself if you will be able to explore the topic for your history essay on several pages. Your first idea is almost always likely to be too big. Refine it to a manageable size.
✔️Find an interesting approachFiguring out the best angle for your college history essay topic will help you control your writing, give it structure and define your thesis.
✔️Start researching your history essay topicIf you have some vague thought of what you want to write about but do not know how to start, use online and offline sources to look them through for ideas.
✔️Brainstorm your ideasWrite a list of things you are interested in. Make it as long as possible and take a short break. Look through the list and find the idea you like most. Then brainstorm the idea you have chosen separately. This way, you’ll narrow down your topics to the one that is best for you.
✔️Read more and find your inspirationMaybe you just do not know the subject well enough, which is why you cannot find the idea for your history essay. What sources are available? Make sure your topic has enough references to do thorough research.

♟️ Strategies for Historical Argument Topics

When it comes right to writing a historical essay, you should consider several scenarios of how to build your text. Depending on your topic and the point of view, you might need different strategies.

Now, let’s see the differences between descriptive and research argumentative essays on historical topics.

  1. Argument strategies for descriptive and argumentative essays
    • Historians debate my topic. I agree with some of them, and I’m going to prove that. I will use their arguments to show their correctness.
    • Historians disagree on my topic. I think they shall start their debate all over again, as they have reached a dead end.
    • Historians relatively agree on my topic. I have developed a better interpretation of the events in question.
  2. Argument strategies for research and argumentative essays
    • Historians disregarded my topic. I will explain its topicality and list what should be researched.
    • Several historians have examined my topic, but their findings are inconsistent. I will present more constructive evidence to clarify things.
    • Many historians have studied my topic. However, I will take a fresh look at the subject matter from the perspective of new research or methodologies.

And we are done here.

Now, have a break if you’ve read all 396 topics. Though, wait, did you find something fitting you? In that case, you are free for a break 👼

In case if you are still not sure what to write about, we recommend you to read these topic compilations:

We are pretty sure there’s no hopeless situation. It’s just a matter of time and effort. And everyone needs a different amount of each. So, keep calm, and let’s rock this history essay!

Good luck, friends 🍀

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