What to Do When Bored in Class – 115+ Ways to Stay Awake in a Boring Class

Checking your phone every other minute to see how much time is left before the end of class? No judgment! We all sometimes find ourselves at the point when a lesson feels unbearable.

Of course, the best way to use the lesson time is to get new knowledge. However, you can do other things as well, for example, complete your homework for other classes.

Our team has come up with different ways of biding class time with benefits. Check them below!

🥱 How to Stay Awake in a Boring Class

First, let’s figure out how to not fall asleep during an extremely boring class.

  1. Fulfill some of the assignments on your list.
  2. Practice a new language.
  3. Text someone – a friend or relative.
  4. Check out what’s new on Instagram.
  5. Play a fun game on your phone.
  6. Read a book – it never gets old!
  7. Write down your current thoughts and ideas.
  8. Talk to a classmate next to you.
  9. Draw something nice.
  10. Post on your social media.
  11. Leave the class for fresh air.
  12. Do a little clean-up.
  13. Make some DIY.
  14. Observe your classmates and create their psychological portraits.
  15. Write a poem.

🔥 The Best Things to Do When Bored in Class

Revise a poem for the next class or finish your literature essay.

  1. Check out some new entertaining apps.
  2. Check on your mom via a text message.
  3. Relax your brain a bit and just scroll through the Instagram feed. But don’t abuse!
  4. Get through the game level if you play any.
  5. Discuss the latest news with your classmate.
  6. Draw a couple of sketches.
  7. Check out your content plan if you run an Instagram or other blog.
  8. Read some new tweets on Elon Musk’s Twitter page.
  9. Take a walk to get some water or a snack.
  10. Make your stationary case tidy, and clean it up with a tissue.
  11. Write a fancy synopsis of a teacher’s lecture.
  12. Draw inspiring and colorful pictures or doodles.
  13. Come up with the activities for your next weekend.
  14. Create your wheel of life to check what you are lacking.

📙 What to Do When You’re Bored in Class

Here are the activities for you when you are alone, with your friends, or if you have your laptop with you.


  1. Use the class time to structure your to-do list for the next day, week, or month.
  2. Have a little meditation session: focus on your breath, slow it down, and count.
  3. Create your bucket list.
  4. Think of things you are grateful for in your life.
  5. Plan your next trip to a nice place.
  6. Make up a new culinary recipe.
  7. Remember the last book you read and do a review.
  8. Review a movie you’ve watched recently.
  9. Review the possible side hustle options.
  10. Write out your most tough fears and think about how you can overcome those.
  11. Imagine who you want to become in the future.
  12. Make a playlist of your favorite songs.
  13. Make a temporary tattoo.
  14. Decorate your laptop and belongings with fancy stickers.
  15. Create your secret language.
  16. Create a book recommendation list.
  17. Think up a better ending for the “Game of Thrones.”
  18. Water the plants in a classroom.
  19. Make up your list of the best movies you have ever seen.

With Friends

  1. Brainstorm the ideas for the school play.
  2. Think of some start-ups you could launch together.
  3. Play a board game.
  4. Play an online game together.
  5. Exchange your ideas about the projects that you have to run.
  6. Share your learning tips and experience.
  7. Plan your joint trip for the upcoming weekend.
  8. Brainstorm the ideas for improving the ecological situation in your city.
  9. Think together about the ways of engaging bored pupils in the classroom activity.
  10. Entertain yourself by sharing the best moments.
  11. Think about the names of your potential rock band.
  12. Play a word game.
  13. Share your plans for the future.
  14. Play “2 truths, one lie.”
  15. Write a funny story together.
  16. Exchange your phones and post stories from your friend’s phone.
  17. Rate each other’s outfits.
  18. Jot down ideas for a talent show at school.
  19. Recollect the funniest stories.
  20. Give each other compliments.

With Laptop

  1. Watch some fun or educational videos.
  2. Prepare a stylish presentation for your next class.
  3. Finish writing your essay.
  4. Write some notes – release your stream of consciousness.
  5. Make up a small story to share with someone later.
  6. Make up a compilation of the hilarious Reddit posts.
  7. Get yourself enrolled in an online course.
  8. Watch a movie.
  9. Explore the best resources for study and make a list.
  10. Delete unnecessary pictures, apps, and documents from your laptop.
  11. Upload a new app or software.
  12. Wipe the keyboard and the screen with a wet wipe.
  13. Try yourself as a writer and publish a short story.
  14. Add some new pins on Pinterest.
  15. Create a new character in Sims or Minecraft.
  16. Try to create your NFT collection.
  17. Sort out your email box.
  18. Update the software.
  19. Learn some photoshop basics.
  20. Create a mood board with fancy pictures and inspirational quotes.

💻 What to Do When You Are Bored in Online Class

Keeping yourself focused in online classes is even more challenging than in regular ones. You always have this urge to start doing something else.

However, online classes can be exhausting and tedious. Let’s see how you can fix it:

  1. Feed your lovely pet.
  2. Make yourself a delicious cup of coffee.
  3. Or cook a healthy snack!
  4. You can also clean up your room.
  5. Probably, your laptop and phone need a little digital cleaning, too.
  6. Try to listen to your classmates and write down some good thoughts.
  7. Create a cute painting.
  8. Help your mom with the housework.
  9. Make a list of your best memories.
  10. Play with your cat or dog – they probably lack your attention.
  11. Create a vision board.
  12. Do a little stretching session.
  13. Sort out the books on your bookshelf.
  14. Change the user picture in Zoom.
  15. Try a new yoga position.
  16. Explore the universities you would like to enter when you finish school.
  17. Rearrange the furniture in your room.
  18. Do some online shopping.
  19. Put on a refreshing face mask.
  20. Write a letter to yourself from the future.
  21. Do your skincare routine.
  22. Do a workout to cheer yourself up.
  23. Try a new background in Zoom.
  24. Sort out your closet and make new outfits.
  25. Change the wallpaper on your iPad.
  26. Clean up your sneakers.
  27. Write a list of goals for the next month.
  28. Paint your nails.

🖌️ Things to Draw When Bored in Class

A great way to stop being bored in a class is to direct your energy into creativity. Even if you have never been into art before, it might be your chance to try.

Here are the things you can draw when bored during the lesson:

  • Create a vision board of the most desirable things.
  • Make a mood board in your sketchbook or a laptop.
  • Create funny and cute comics sketches.
  • Try to work on your handwriting and master calligraphy.
  • Doodles can also be an option.
  • Draw your teacher’s portrait.

🧑‍🎓 How to Not Be Bored in Class

In the end, we would highly recommend not getting distracted during a class and following your teacher’s words. Here’re suggestions on how not to be bored in a class:

  • Let’s say you are in the math class. Think about the things you cannot embrace and ask your teacher to explain them to you.
  • Motivate yourself: the knowledge that can seem useless can save your life one day.
  • Even in a massive load of information, you can find something useful for you.
  • Try to switch to a more conscious perception level and practice deep and value listening.
  • Before entering the class, create the inner intention: what new you should and can learn today.

Of course, each subject and class can’t be exciting. However, try to appreciate the time you spend learning. And if you master the skill of excerpting use out of the information you receive, you’ll be a great success in life.

Our expert team is ready to help you with any school challenge 24/7!

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