Essay Writing Blog

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Boost Your Academic Writing Skills with IvyPanda’s Free Online Course

Every student is familiar with the challenges of handling a tough writing task – doing extensive research, structuring, formatting, and, of course, crafting the text itself. Add the fear of the blank page and other pitfalls into the mix, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But what if there was...

414 Proposal Essay Topics for Projects, Research, & Proposal Arguments

Writing a proposal essay is an essential skill for students navigating academia and beyond. Whether you are advocating for change, proposing a solution to a problem, or presenting a new idea, your writing should be clear, convincing, and creative. In this article, our expert team has listed proposal essay topics...

Research Paper Analysis: How to Analyze a Research Article + Example

Why might you need to analyze research? First of all, when you analyze a research article, you begin to understand your assigned reading better. It is also the first step toward learning how to write your own research articles and literature reviews. However, if you have never written a research...

Film Analysis: Example, Format, and Outline + Topics & Prompts

Films are never just films. Instead, they are influential works of art that can evoke a wide range of emotions, spark meaningful conversations, and provide insightful commentary on society and culture. As a student, you may be tasked with writing a film analysis essay, which requires you to delve deeper...

395 Democracy Essay Topics & Research Questions: Elections, American Democracy, and More

What is democracy? The word “democracy” has Greek roots. It combines two words: “demos,” which refers to people residing within a specific country, and “kratos,” which means power. Democracy ensures that all citizens have the same rights regardless of their background, race, religion, or sexual orientation. It also raises people’s...

434 Depression Essay Titles & Research Topics: Argumentative, Controversial, and More

Depression is undeniably one of the most prevalent mental health conditions globally, affecting approximately 5% of adults worldwide. It often manifests as intense feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. Many also experience physical symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, and appetite changes. Recognizing and...

222 Deforestation Topics for Essays, Research Papers, & Speeches

Nowadays, deforestation has affected landscapes all around the world. In the last 300 years, 35 percent of the world’s forests have been gone forever. Deforestation is a major problem contributing to the climate crisis and finding solutions is imperative to saving the Earth. In this article, our expert team provides...

351 Anxiety Research Topics & Essay Titles (Argumentative, Informative, and More)

According to statistics, approximately 40 million people in the United States struggle with anxiety disorders, constituting 19.1% of the population. Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition that is characterized by an excessive and constant feeling of worry about everyday things. Open conversations about anxiety help reduce the stigma associated with...

169 The Lottery Essay Topics & Questions for Analysis and Argumentative Papers

“The Lottery” is a chilling short story by Shirley Jackson. Each year, the townspeople gather to hold a lottery. After winning the local lottery, the winners don’t receive any money. Instead, they are stoned to death. Shirley Jackson portrays the brutal and senseless violence lurking beneath the surface of an...

333 Football Research Topics & Essay Titles

Football is a game that millions of people around the world enjoy watching and playing. With 3.57 billion views of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, this sport appears to be the most popular. Besides, each match is more than just a game — football is all about passion, skill, and...

301 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions on Laws, Ethical Issues & More

Each year, about 73 million induced abortions are performed worldwide. The higher the abortion rates, the greater the health risks women face due to the inability to obtain timely, respectful, cost-effective, and safe abortion care. For this reason, the topic of abortion is crucial nowadays, although it remains controversial. In...

187 Hope Essay Topics: Ideas for Definition Essays, Literature Papers & More

Hope is a topic that has been discussed throughout philosophy’s history and in all Western philosophical traditions. It plays a vital role in every aspect of human life, such as religion, politics, and relationships. Hope also enables people to handle events with a mindset encouraging them to look ahead enthusiastically...

309 Happiness Essay Topics & Research Questions

What is happiness? This is one of the fundamental questions discussed in philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, and other sciences. Many research papers and essays explore this phenomenon, and the topic of happiness is an infinite source of inspiration. If you decide to write a paper on happiness, this is a...

319 Dance Essay Topics & Research Questions on Hip Hop, Ballet, & More

Dancing is a universal form of expression and movement. It has been an integral part of human culture for centuries. From traditional cultural dances to contemporary urban dance styles, this art form transcends language barriers and brings people together. But dancing is not just about entertainment. It is significant in...

187 Olympic Games Essay Topics: Modern, Ancient, Special Olympics & More

Did you know that the Olympic Games have existed for over 2,700 years? The Olympic Games have a significant cultural influence and a rich history you can explore through research and writing. This article will give you the tools to write an informative and engaging essay about the Olympic Games....

526 Communication Essay Topics & Ideas for Presentation, Research, & More

Communication is integrated into every aspect of human life. Expressing thoughts and emotions is necessary for building and maintaining relationships. We need to engage in conversations to accomplish goals, resolve conflicts, and create connections with others. In this article, our expert team has collected a list of interesting communication topics...

228 Classification Essay Topics for College & School

All students need to learn how to break the studied concepts into smaller parts to understand the subject in its depth and simplify the learning process. This way, students can make sense of the newly learned material quicker and classify objects in complex disciplines. Thus, writing classification essays is common...

472 Nursing Research Topics for Students

Nursing is an important profession that has been around for many decades. Nurses form the healthcare backbone because they tirelessly care for admitted patients. Nurses are patients’ advocates since they spend more time with them than other medical experts. No wonder a recent study of patients in the intensive care...

383 Exciting Education Research Topics

Education is vital to every person’s career and life success. People enrolled in higher education programs are 48% less likely to be incarcerated. Moreover, individuals with at least a Bachelor’s degree have the highest employment rates (86%). Thus, investing time and effort in proper education is the best decision you...

Ford Pinto Case Study & Other Analysis Ideas

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ford Motor Company changed the way our world functions. Ford made automobiles an essential part of people’s everyday life and left its mark on the auto industry. Business students can learn a lot from doing Ford case studies and diving into the...

McDonald’s Supply Chain Issues – a Case Study on Supply and Demand Analysis

Is there a more iconic symbol of American culture than McDonald’s? The fast-food industry has shaped the modern lifestyle, not only in the USA. McDonald’s Corporation is present in over 100 countries and has more than 1.7 million employees. There are a lot of helpful business lessons a student can...

Walmart Case Study | Best Case Study Topics

Did you know that Walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue? Walmart Inc. makes nearly a trillion dollars annually and has 2.3 million employees. And what makes Walmart even more remarkable is that it is the world’s biggest family-owned business! Below are a lot of helpful business lessons a...

AstraZeneca Analysis – Competitors, Management, Sustainability & More

Health is the most valuable resource people have. That is why the pharmaceutical industry is such a lucrative billion-dollar sphere. Ever heard of AstraZeneca? This company was one of the pioneers in COVID-19 vaccine development while fighting the global pandemic. They were also the first to make a cheap vaccine...

Adidas Case Study – Best Ideas for the Real Fans

In 2023, the German sportswear maker Adidas AG celebrates its 74rd anniversary. After all these years into the game, the brand is as popular as ever. Adidas constantly improves its designs, collaborating with celebrities like Beyonce, Kylie Jenner, and Pharrell Williams. A student can learn many helpful business lessons from...

McDonald’s Case Study Freshest Ideas – Strategic Management, Global Marketing, etc.

Have you ever wondered how McDonald’s became world-famous for selling sandwiches and potatoes? McDonald’s Corporation is a leader in the fast-food industry, an extremely competitive market. This article will discuss various factors that brought the restaurant chain to success. We will answer all your questions for the McDonald’s case study:...

Coca-Cola Case Study: Internal Communication, Diversity, Marketing Strategy, & More

Is there any company associated with the American lifestyle more than Coca-Cola? Created in 1886, the Coca-Cola Company has endured numerous ups and downs but remains a legendary brand. To learn many valuable business lessons, consider doing a Coca-Cola case study with the help of our top questions and answers....

Netflix Case Study: Strategic Management, Organizational Change, & More

What is your favorite Netflix show?Netflix, Inc. is the most popular streaming service in the world. Even if you are not a huge fan, you have definitely seen at least one movie or series made by Netflix.Read this article to find a perfect topic for your Netflix case study and...

Dyson Marketing Strategy, Advertising, & Crisis Management Case Study

Have you noticed how popular Dyson Airwrap is on TikTok? The hair dryer was out of stock in less than two weeks during the Christmas season in 2021. If you search #dysonhairwrap on social media, you’ll find numerous users interested in the tool, its attachments, and low-heat technology. At the...

Etihad Airways Marketing Strategy – Awesome Case Study Ideas

What marketing strategy can sell a $38,000 plane ticket?Etihad Airlines knows how to deal with luxury services. 😎Read this article to prepare a case study on Etihad Airways’ marketing strategy, supply chain management, or sustainability. We have plenty of ideas and samples here; fasten your seatbelts! 🖼️ Etihad Airways Company...

Disney Organizational Structure | Best Disney Case Study Ideas

Did you know that Disney was the first to produce a feature-length animated film? In 1937, The Walt Disney World Company released Snow White and became one of the largest media and entertainment companies. The company took a twisted road to success, and there’s a lot a student can learn...

Harley Davidson Marketing & Strategic Management Case Study

Did you know that in less than 20 years, Harley-Davidson became the world’s biggest motorcycle maker? The company faced numerous challenges on its way to success, including the Great Depression. A student can take many business lessons from doing the Harley-Davidson case study. Get ready to learn more about this...

Apple Case Study: Supply Chain, Design Thinking, & More

Do you know that Apple earns nearly one hundred thousand dollars per minute? This information may not be surprising because Apple is the world’s most valuable company. However, there are numerous challenges the corporation has faced on its way to success. You can learn many business lessons by doing the...

Amazon Case Study: Supply Chain, Fire Phone Failure, and More

In 1994 Jeff Bezos quit his job and launched a new company in his garage. Nowadays, we know this company as Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer. Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos is the second-wealthiest person alive. There is a lot a student can learn from the Amazon case study, and we...

Sony Case Study: Marketing Strategy, Organization Structure, & More

Did you know that in 2021 Sony made 1.42 billion U.S. dollars from its music publishing segment? This unbelievable success made Sony one of the “Big Three” record companies, along with Universal Music Group, followed by Warner Music Group. There are numerous lessons a student can take from doing a...

Unilever Sustainability & Other Case Study Ideas

Recently multinational companies have become more prevalent in international trade. Unilever is an excellent example of one of the fastest-growing global businesses. Its history goes back to 1929, and the company is often described as one of the most transnational. To write a good Unilever case study analysis, we first...

Home Depot Management | Case Study Analysis Ideas

Home Depot is the world’s largest home improvement store chain, with over 2,200 shops worldwide. It is a leading company that helps customers build and improve their homes. This article will help you learn more about the company, give tips on writing a fantastic Home Depot case study, and share...

DemoEssays Review: Free Political Science Essay Samples

Political science is a social science that studies politics. Like in any other social science, many theories and paradigms contradict each other, and researchers have polar opinions. It is a highly cross-disciplinary subject. To be a successful political science student, you should understand history, sociology, psychology, law, and other fields...